Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!



FYI, I don't really have two 30" LCDs. When I took this photo, the one on the left was about to be shipped out (RMA because it made a buzzing noise). I just couldn't help but set them both up and take a photo.

Multi-monitor is overrated. The 30" Dell monitors have better panels than the 24" monitors, and 1 30" monitor is almost as much desktop space as two 24" monitors. They also cost about the same amount.
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I curse you! After months of research and internal debate, I finally decided to buy a 32" LCDTV for my new monitor... then I had to stumble upon your 30" Dells. That LCD on the right is intoxicating. Now, I'm reconsidering... AGAIN!!!!!!!

Nice LCDs by the way!
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I curse you! After months of research and internal debate, I finally decided to buy a 32" LCDTV for my new monitor... then I had to stumble upon your 30" Dells. That LCD on the right is intoxicating. Now, I'm reconsidering... AGAIN!!!!!!!

Nice LCDs by the way!

I'd skip the lcd tv route. I gave it a try, it was nice to have such a huge screen... but at the same time, its so friggin big I just couldn't take it. 30 is ginormous; but at least it has the resolution to back it up.
Here's my computer room:

And my TV Room:

Yea...I'm missing some vital equipment such as but not limited to, a console!
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I curse you! After months of research and internal debate, I finally decided to buy a 32" LCDTV for my new monitor... then I had to stumble upon your 30" Dells. That LCD on the right is intoxicating. Now, I'm reconsidering... AGAIN!!!!!!!

Nice LCDs by the way!

Do NOT get a 32" LCD-TV for a PC, the rez will look so bad on a high screen, those 32" TV's are like 1920x1080 or something, but a 30" LCD for a PC has 2560x1600rez, it is a little smaller screen size but has like 50% more rez, and trust me I own a Apple 30"Display and I can jizz on that baby when gaming looks so freaking cool.

Go for a higher rez 30" PC LCD, 2560x1600 is just godly for gaming, makes all game look so sharp and clear looking. You just need a decent VideoCard, I am running just a single 8800GTX and I play all games at native rez, but they are a little choppy sometimes. Get a new GTX-280 or ATI 4870 and that 30" Display will rock your socks
I must agree :)



Had 2 3007wfp-hc; now down to one and getting 2x2007fp for both sides (now is 2005fpw for secondary and my imac on the left :)
you would think so, but I use it for my beer holder and it works perfectly for me :) the secondary pc in there is my server.. and the antec gets hot in the space.. so I just leave it beside me for ventilation purposes
I like how most people have the Logitech Z-5500 speakers. Is it because they are just the best speakers around! :)
Do NOT get a 32" LCD-TV for a PC, the rez will look so bad on a high screen, those 32" TV's are like 1920x1080 or something, but a 30" LCD for a PC has 2560x1600rez, it is a little smaller screen size but has like 50% more rez, and trust me I own a Apple 30"Display and I can jizz on that baby when gaming looks so freaking cool.

Go for a higher rez 30" PC LCD, 2560x1600 is just godly for gaming, makes all game look so sharp and clear looking. You just need a decent VideoCard, I am running just a single 8800GTX and I play all games at native rez, but they are a little choppy sometimes. Get a new GTX-280 or ATI 4870 and that 30" Display will rock your socks
Yeah, the insane resolution of a 30" really has my attention. The only reason I've considered a 32" LCDTV, like Samsung's A650 or Sony's KBR6, is the ability for it to double as a PC monitor. I've not found anything that'll allow a 30" to act as an HDTV since these monitors only have DVI. I've got my Dell 2407 hooked up to my digital cable box (via component video) and really like it.
I was very reluctant to get a 32" hdtv over a 30" monitor. But the thing that made the deal for me was the cost. A nice 30" monitor runs about $2000 and I got a 32xbr6 sony which is about one of the best 32" hdtvs out there right now for $1,100. The extra resolution would be awesome, but i wanted to go with deeper blacks and more connectability. It all really comes down to preference in the end. I'll try and see if i can get my camera to work so i can post some pics :p
Those ca
bles could be the answer. If I hook them to the monitor and cable box, wouldn't that make it impossible to connect the monitor to PC?

Yeah you're probably right. The 3007 really does come built for use as only a computer monitor. Another option is to get an internal HDTV tuner card for your PC.

Anyhow, I love my combo of Dell 3007, Crossfired GPUs, and Z5500... since I got the Z5500s in March 2007 has been the best gaming period of my life.
Dell 30" beside a Viewsonic 20.1" And yes the viewsonic is a little bit off the desk, but its not even close to tipping over I can push it all I want it stays where it is. :)

I was very reluctant to get a 32" hdtv over a 30" monitor. But the thing that made the deal for me was the cost. A nice 30" monitor runs about $2000 and I got a 32xbr6 sony which is about one of the best 32" hdtvs out there right now for $1,100. The extra resolution would be awesome, but i wanted to go with deeper blacks and more connectability. It all really comes down to preference in the end. I'll try and see if i can get my camera to work so i can post some pics :p

Mind posting some pics of your XBR. I've been thinking about getting this hdtv. Do think it has any major flaws? Did you find anything that made it stand out against other hdtv of similar size and price?
Mind posting some pics of your XBR. I've been thinking about getting this hdtv. Do think it has any major flaws? Did you find anything that made it stand out against other hdtv of similar size and price?

Well i haven't noticed any Major flaws. When i went to and ran my mouse over the links the screen would... flicker? I don't really know what to call it. But i later discovered that by changing the Video/Photo Optimizer to "Photo" for the input my pc was on it fixed it. I must say everything looks pretty nice on it. That was the only problem i had, and the resolution. But after playing some WoW and Bioshock I was happy with my purchase. Let me fiddle with the camera a little more (i hate this thing :p) and i will try and get some pics up in a few.
Oh and as far as the tv and price. It was supposed to be the only tv of its size with the closest thing to 120hz refresh, and i liked the black bezel a lot more than the Samsung LN32A650. CC had it for $1299 and i checked one day and they had reduced the price to $1199. I was just about sold at that point and then guess what happened!!!! They were having a sale for a couple days that got me another $150 so i just couldn't pass it up. So i figured that $1100 (after tax) for the best 32" lcd hdtv out there, i could live without the extra resolution a 30" monitor would give me.

Now i just have one question for those of you with the dell 3007 and i probably shouldn't ask it. I watch a lot of anime and movies, play some computer games (mostly WoW and just started Bioshock), and surf the web. Do you guys think that the movie playback on the 3007 can even compare to an hdtv? And how would you compare overal pq and contrast?

Thanks in advance and i hope i answered your questions Crazjayz
Ok so i don't think any of these do the tv any justice. But i figured they would work for a general idea. For some reason i can't take a level shot with a camera and I really wish they could look as good as some of the pics that some of you have taken. Oh and sorry about the plastic still being on the XBR6 i am leaving for college in about 3 months and i don't want it to get scratched when i move into the dorms. I trust the covering they put on much more than if i put something on it :p. O and the screen looked so much better with flash and i decided that it was better to deal with the glare on the screen than the crap i got without it.

Whole Set Up


Bioshock Menu


WoW Loading

WoW Game Play
awesome setup solarx :)
show pics of other desk ;)

Here's the other desk, I just had a couple monitors lieing around and an older PC which is on the other side of the desk, you can't see it. (It's Nothing special):

Hey SolarX, that entertainment center for you living room, is it modular or is it all one unit made together?

It's all one unit, got it from Ikea, here's a link with a better view of what it looks like:

Here's a few updated pics of the computer room:

This is how I lift the cable clutter from the floor, I took my cues from this website:

Apologies for the screwed up colour, I'm not sure what's wrong with my camera or PC, all these pictures just look off colour to me.
Ok so i don't think any of these do the tv any justice. But i figured they would work for a general idea. For some reason i can't take a level shot with a camera and I really wish they could look as good as some of the pics that some of you have taken. Oh and sorry about the plastic still being on the XBR6 i am leaving for college in about 3 months and i don't want it to get scratched when i move into the dorms. I trust the covering they put on much more than if i put something on it :p. O and the screen looked so much better with flash and i decided that it was better to deal with the glare on the screen than the crap i got without it.

Beautiful!!! I have the same background for my MacBook Pro. Let's just say your Sony makes it look like a museum piece. I'm all but certain that I'll end up buying a Samsung 305T but if I choose an LCD TV, it'll most definitely be the KBR6. Congrats, Timm!!
stevedave i need that wallpaper NOW :D

just hte first one, not sure about those bubble ones lol