Shuttle Barebone Question


Limp Gawd
Oct 2, 2002
Hey i was jus wondering in the shuttle barebones if they come with a cpu?

WHat does it actually come with besides the case and motherboarD?????
A "barebones" setup referes to (usually):

- a case
- a motherboard
- a powersupply
- brackets to mount drives

I bought a Shuttle SN41G maybe 1.5 or 2 years ago, and it came with those things. Just make sure to read up on the description of the kit so you know what you are getting!
I've got 2, just recieved the second one a few days ago.

1. Case
2. PSU
3. ICE cooler
/edit cause i'm a tard
4. Motherboard

You will need to get these additional things:

1. CPU
2. HDD
3. Floppy (maybe)
4. RAM
5. Some sort of optical drive
Originally posted by spugnor
I've got 2, just recieved the second one a few days ago.

1. Case
2. PSU
3. ICE cooler

You will need to get these additional things:

1. CPU
2. HDD
3. Floppy (maybe)
4. RAM
5. Some sort of optical drive

It also includes a motherboard.

But his list for what is needed is dead on.
