SilverStone Temjin SST-TJ06(S) question


Jan 19, 2007
Currently there is a clearance sale for this case and it's going for $100. Is this case worth it for that price? Any reviews? I checked newegg but it doesnt exsist anymore.. I read other reviews and it seems to be great but can't determine by one review :p
Currently there is a clearance sale for this case and it's going for $100. Is this case worth it for that price? Any reviews? I checked newegg but it doesnt exsist anymore.. I read other reviews and it seems to be great but can't determine by one review :p

Yes it's a good case. Is it worth $100? Probably but it depends on your taste. I think this was Silverstones cheapest case besides that other midtower onw.

Personally, I'd rather go for something like a P182. I had two TJ-06's in the past, while they were nice cases, they did have their downs.

would zalaman CNPS- 9700NT HSF work with their wind tunnel??

Link to the HSF that I currently have

which case would you pick? SST-TJ04 or SST-TJ06??

Yes, the 9700 will fit that wind tunnel. This was the setup that I ran.
It's a good looking case for sure and I considered getting it before getting the TJ09. I particularly like the TJ06 in silver and had a chance to pick one up for $50 but didn't. I just wish the interior was also aluminum and not steel and that there were a couple more fans. Otherwise looks like a pretty nice case.
Yeah after reading those comments that jeusuwept posted. I made up my mind on this case. Yes it is good as its a silverstone but there are the downs... like you mention how its made with a steel body instead of aluminum... it will basically have no diiference from my antec900 beside the front aluminum. I guess i'll just wait a bit more or save a bit more for a better one..such as the TJ09 but thats going to cost me 285...

well thanks for all the help and links guys. It help me made my decision :)
The TJ06 is a fantastic case! Out of all the Silverstones I've owned it's still my favorite (TJ06, TJ08, TJ09). Firstly, the construction is absolutely solid, I mean this thing feels like a tank. Secondly, everything, and I mean everything is tool-less, great design. Oh, and in person the case looks stunning! For 100, you can go wrong with it, and I highly recommend it!