Sims 3 ambitions - buggiest expansion ever


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 5, 2006
When this game crashs, it crashes hard. Not only does the system freeze, but when it returns to the bios boot screen, it will freeze too until I hit the CMOS reset button! I mean wow, what did EA do to make this game that screwed up? I run it sandboxed now to minimize the damage. But wow, that is the first time I've had a game crashing screw things up that bad for me.
I have all the expansions with zero issues. Only thing I can think is either you have something messed up with your rig or you have an old corrupt savegame file or are running mods for the game.

Even though mods are out there the game does not like them in any way shape or form. Save games getting corrupt will also cause crashes. The kind of crashes you're talking about are uinlikely to be caused by the game. I'd be checking your rig.
First remove any mods if you're running them. If that does nothing uninstall and reinstall and update the game.
I'll have to ask my WIFE if SHE is having any issues with the sims 3 and expansions.
I have never ever seen a game freeze the bios. Sounds like you have other problems
I finally found a fix for the issues. And this will very likely help anyone else who has problems with the Sims 3 crashing. I noticed issues only cropped up when I installed the later expansions - ambitions and fast lane. Random freezing and/or crash to desktop. That kind of stuff happened a lot less frequently for me with the first 3 expansions.

But the following workaround seems to have fixed things.

Just follow the instructions on that page precisely, and you should finally be able to play Sims 3. EA needs to clean up their act in regards to this game and the expansion packs which obviously contain errors that cause conflicts that make the game so buggy as to be unplayable. They should seriously make this fix a part of the next patch! It's pretty sad when you need to run a 3rd party program just to render something playable.
it will freeze too until I hit the CMOS reset button!

I haven't had to touch my CMOS reset button on any system after initial build of the system in well over a decade, if ever. (OCing attempts aside...)

Hope the game's worth it. It'd be off my system in a flash if it was doing junk like that to me... (Although, as others said, I'd be looking at my system...)
I have never ever seen a game freeze the bios. Sounds like you have other problems

Yeah, whatever problem the Op is having is not due to the Sims thats for sure. No game should ever crash your computer. I would be looking at your overclock not the sims.

I finally found a fix for the issues. And this will very likely help anyone else who has problems with the Sims 3 crashing. I noticed issues only cropped up when I installed the later expansions - ambitions and fast lane. Random freezing and/or crash to desktop. That kind of stuff happened a lot less frequently for me with the first 3 expansions.

But the following workaround seems to have fixed things.

Just follow the instructions on that page precisely, and you should finally be able to play Sims 3. EA needs to clean up their act in regards to this game and the expansion packs which obviously contain errors that cause conflicts that make the game so buggy as to be unplayable. They should seriously make this fix a part of the next patch! It's pretty sad when you need to run a 3rd party program just to render something playable.

All that does is make the game large address aware. There is a memory leak somewhere and all this is doing is making it take longer for the game to crash due to running out of memory. Once again if this crash is crashing your computer I wouldn't look at the Sims as the cause of the memory leak.
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