Smokin - Logitech G500 $25.89 AR FS at Newegg

I would buy it, but...I just don't like how it looks.

I'm shallow :(
Gahh I just bought one last month. Wonder if the MIR will still work? Anyone got a link?
i love mine, best mouse ever, if you have big hands, Logitech is the way to go
Ah hell its an incredibly good mouse for 25 bucks, in for one dammit. I'm using an MX518 but its starting to get old and crotchety. It's not near as good as the G500 (I've used them before) and it wasn't this cheap when I bought it.
To buy or not to buy for the guest LAN comp....

Decisions, decisions. argh. I've had an mx518 fail, and a G5 rev 2 fail. Currently have in use
2x G500 (1 at work)
1x G5
1x G5 rev 2 (work)
1x Intellimouse (guest comp)
1x cheap logitech (2nd guest comp)

I really want to buy a Death Adder to try it out.
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I've been using this mouse for a couple months now and absolutely love it. After putting the right weight combo for me it just felt perfect.
I priced this mouse out this morning too after seeing the %15 off coupon. Might have to bite at this price to replace my aging logitech wireless; though rebates are always a pain. Nice to see all the good reviews.
Crap, In my cart,and when I go to the payment screen and then it's out of stock WTF!

Good deal for those that got it. Hopefully stock will show up soon.

I'm getting sick of my g9x.
Best mouse I've used so far. I've had lachesis,Death adder, g5, and cheapo ms mouse. The death adder was the most uncomfortable mouse out of the bunch, due to its low profile.
wish it would come back in stock...need to replace my mouse, wheel doesn't work anymore :(
I need a new mouse my mx510 is falling apart, it's held up pretty good for 6 years. :(
if this goes back down in price, i may be interested.

how is it compared to a deathadder? i love my deathadder, but the damn right mouse button is going out. first, and last razer product ill own. excellent design, but god awful quality control.