SMP FAH on VMware


That means not yet :p Either there's a firewall problem on my end or Ben's. I haven't talked to him yet, too busy working on other stuff. :(
how do I update the VM to the newer beta?

here's how I did it:

log in as root
cd /home/fold
rm FAH_SMP_Linux.tgz
gunzip FAH_SMP_Linux.tgx|tar -xvf -

ps: how much RAM is everyone using for a VM? I am running with 512MB, do I need to give it more?
That's the correct procedure for updating to the latest client. I'll eventually finish up making it do that automatically. Eventually.

512 should be fine.
Has anyone had any proper luck running this on Vista?

I'm running RC1 - 64bit, and I can get VMWare Server to install when I disable driver signature enforcement, and it will run until I reboot the machine. Upon reboot, I loose the "local server" option and I have to reinstall VMWare to get it running....

Anyone have any better luck than I?

I think the key issue is getting the driver to stick on the reboot for the virtual drive.
Is 12% in 2 hours an acceptable speed for a 2.8GHz E6300?

Sounds a little slow. My AM2 @ 2.73 takes 16 hours to finish. I think there are problems with the 1.0.1 version of the VM server, the 1.0.0 one fixed every problem I had, including the time discrepancy with the system clock of my windows.

hmm, I am running 1.0.1 on Win2K3 x64. Maybe I should downgrade? Is anyone else running 1.0.1? maybe we can do a config database?
Of course when I'm ready to actually switch some of my boxes over to this I find out that machine I downloaded the torrent to is dead. Come someone seed it? I'm sitting at 22% complete right now.

I've got it "Force Seed"ing now. But I don't see any peers right now...
i am kinda confused here, so are you working on a new version or something ?

i did finally get the original version to work well for me, seems like running the older version of VMware fixed whatever was wrong, or maybe new F@H cores did, either way i am happily running this now for a big boost in PPW for me.

I am working on a new version. Slowly. When it's done it'll be uploaded to http and TPB, just as the old version is.

New FAH cores were probably the issue. That's what this update will fix - it'll automatically get the latest version of FAH when it starts up.
Ok so I got VM ware installed, Its running on an Opty 165 that is rev E6 and I get this error when I try to start the VM:

This virtual machine has failed to switch to 64 bit mode, this may be due to a lack of available memory on the host. I have a stick of 512 installed on this box right now.
To do some cross-forum quoting:
KillerBeagle said:
Did you try changing the memory setting back to allow some paging? Forcing the memory to be reserved in advance seems to cause problems.
Host->Settings->Memory tab->"Allow some virtual machine memory to be swapped".
Hah Hah ! This shows what college can do for you (or to you) ! Mage used to be a coding MACHINE ... now he has "priorities" !! :D

That's OK U_M, I'm laughing at the process , not at you ......keep up the good works...

Thanks mage that worked, I dialed back the memory and it started the VM. Now just waiting for it finish booting.
Hah Hah ! This shows what college can do for you (or to you) ! Mage used to be a coding MACHINE ... now he has "priorities" !! :D
Nah, it's just "Mage has no 64-bit machine" :p So I have to log into someone's 64-bit machine and do the dev work over VNC.

Also - the priorities are other coding projects. Isn't that scary?

Last, here's drizzt81's solution for updating FAH:
cd /home/fold
rm FAH_SMP_Linux.tgz
gunzip FAH_SMP_Linux.tgx|tar -xvf -
You'll probably need to run this at startup, brycejones.
So Mage, What you are really saying is we need to take up a donation and get you a C2D machine :D (to benifit the [H]ord of course)
Mage, I'll hook you up with a 64-bit machine, does it need to be dual core as well?
I know I'm really slow when it comes to linux......with that being said after unzipping the .tgz file when I do ./startfah I get the same error message about the beta being expired.
I know I'm really slow when it comes to linux......with that being said after unzipping the .tgz file when I do ./startfah I get the same error message about the beta being expired.

Last, here's drizzt81's solution for updating FAH:
cd /home/fold
rm FAH_SMP_Linux.tgz
gunzip FAH_SMP_Linux.tgx|tar -xvf -

That should fix it for you, or are you already trying that?
[BRO]Alaskan: Thanks for the offer, but no thanks - I need another box like I need a hole in the head :p I have a socket M machine that's gonna get upgraded from a T2300 to a T5600 one of these days, but that's $250 that I don't want to spend and I'm not really comfortable accepting donations for that much hardware.

ND40oz: I have been working with Oldbenwa, and got some things working (for example, a SMP client get script), and I'd have to redo that if I switched host machines.

brycejones: Was there an error message in the "gunzip/tar" stage? If so, try this: "tar zxvf FAH_SMP_Linux.tgz". I think the typo may have been your undoing.
Ok, finally it's up and running. I ended up putting a gig in that box because it puked when I had just 512 in it.
Thanks for the help in getting it up and running. Right now its doing 6:10 a frame. This is on an Opty 165 running at 2.61 ghz.
dumb the SMP client only for dual core? or ill it work with dual CPU's...
Thanks for the help in getting it up and running. Right now its doing 6:10 a frame. This is on an Opty 165 running at 2.61 ghz.

No way, 6:10 a frame, my C2D at 3.03 only does 7min/frame. You should check your time sync with vmware, sometimes it's way off. My 4200+ @ 2.66 does it in about 10 mins.
Dual CPU works.

The SMP client itself works with dual-core dual CPU. However, the VM only works with two cores - it's a limitation on VMware to keep their free users from getting ESX-like functionality. But you can run two instances of the VM to get four cores used.
Yes - 'yum'. I haven't any particular suggestions on how to go about getting a new kernel, but try "yum search kernel" or something like that. Then once you find a suitable package, "yum install the-kernel-package".
Speaking of the VM, Mage, I took a snapshot of it where you left it, so load that whenever you get around to finishing it.
Well I just built my QX6700 machine and tested her out with 2 virtual machines (Kubuntu because its all I know of the linux world) allocating 512mb each I'm getting 6:38-6:41 per frame on each VM.... they're both crunching 3025's and my rough estimate is 2500ppd using the EMIII calc. Havent OC'ed it at all yet, running stock speeds/volts on this "ES" chip :)
Well it took me over 2 hours to get this thing setup on the new T7200 C2Duo laptop I have, but I finally succeeded!
Update: I averaged 11 min/frame

Thanks to everyone for getting me on Linux for the first time. I have touched anything but Windows since Unix in Engineering I for college 5 years ago.