SN26P - finally time to upgrade?


Aug 11, 2004

nice specs and what not but I'm interested to know how many high end SFF owners are upgrading to this and their reasons? with only GT's allowed (pre-mod?) is the increase really worth the time, effort, "possible headaches from a new SFF product (rib rib)" and $$$$? will we see heat war flame threads and bios problems coming?
I think you gotta wait for some reviews. I have a shuttle G5 and have nothing but good to say. It looks to me like there is a heat pipe deal coming out of the video cards, maybe the one thats the outer one. If the shuttle guys have a heat pipe for the GPU thats as good as the ICE then you should not have to worry about heat. It looks like the new G70 ron nvidia is going to be a single slot card. If I was gonna upgrade I think I would wait for about a month to see what this is all about before dropping big bucks into SLI.But the shuttle looks like the ticket. :D
The P chassis is in general cooler and quieter than the G series, so without SLI the SN25P's have been reported to be a dream. SLI changes everything of course- here's hoping the G70 is a good improvement (ie fixed version) over the NV4X.
Well I would consider the SN26P from a different POV:

Considering the number of dual GPU cards that are currently being released one is not forced to have 2 PCIe16x slots in order to reap the benefits of SLI. So the 2x PCIe16x is only the solution for those who want to constantly upgrade their system to keep up.

Everybody else can simply wait some time, buy the SN25P for a lower price, and than change to a X2 cpu and a dual G70 GPU card.

So another question: Is there a CrossFire dual gpu card in development? And does anyone know when the first CrossFirce enabled SFFs and mATX boards will be available ?
In normal P series You can build in Silencer. Question is can SN26P be installed with two GT cards with two silencers? If so then it will be just as cool as any full tower with SLi. If not then it will be hot. Still not too hot cause I can't belive that same people who made P series cooler then G5 series would just forget about added heat with second card.

BTW if 240 watt Silent X can power FX53, 2 GB RAM, two HD'D and DVD RW and G card why shouldn't 350 watt SilentX could power 1 card more? I think it's going to rock. I've seen friend of mine having to much problems with ASUS and with cheeper DFI SLi mobo. Knowing Shuttle quality it's going to be super gaming rig with high stability to.

Did you expect to have an SFF with dual 6800U's in the first place? ;)
Dillusion said:
Did you expect to have an SFF with dual 6800U's in the first place? ;)
yes? :D ....I'm sure we can all assume the why's and how's of shuttle's rebuttle is to that topic but sure why not. I generally tinker and OC but not with my SN95 setup. the 6800GT gives such output I've yet to do it. 2 GT's is hardly enough for me to spend that cash let alone go pci-e. the real gaming output is hardly enough to warrant the purchase, but ultra's?
Im debating on whether or not to go INTEL SLI ATX or keep my SB95P and get a 6800GT
wow. why do I cringe looking at this badboy will double as a range top? eggs anyone? and why the "as the small dimensions require a rather sophisticated cooling solution that the manufacturer doesn't want to hand over to the customer." ??? are we all that incompetent? maybe just a "tom's blurb"?



From Tom's link above:

"The SN26P is based on the nForce4 SLI, and supports all AMD socket 939 processors, including the X2 dual cores. A 350 W supply ensures that you will be able to use two GeForce 6800 GT cards, though Ultras can't be used, due to their higher power consumption. Shuttle is going to pre-install the graphics cards, as the small dimensions require a rather sophisticated cooling solution that the manufacturer doesn't want to hand over to the customer."

"Pre-install the graphics cards" ??
That takes all the fun out of tinkering which we like to do....what's the big secret anyways ?
Read the techzone article (link on hard front page) from computek. It has a really nice review about the shuttle sli set up. The scoop from shuttle is they have not decided yet whether to install the 6800Gts. The reason is there is a heat pipe attached to the outermost GPU that then runs up to the rear fans to vent the heat. Shuttle is not sure,I guess, if they want us people to install that deal or let them do it. The ultra is too wide to put in tandem in the rig,thats why its not offered. I would like to see how this runs in games before I got one but if anybody can make a good system its shuttle. :D
msny said:
From Tom's link above:

"The SN26P is based on the nForce4 SLI, and supports all AMD socket 939 processors, including the X2 dual cores. A 350 W supply ensures that you will be able to use two GeForce 6800 GT cards, though Ultras can't be used, due to their higher power consumption. Shuttle is going to pre-install the graphics cards, as the small dimensions require a rather sophisticated cooling solution that the manufacturer doesn't want to hand over to the customer."

"Pre-install the graphics cards" ??
That takes all the fun out of tinkering which we like to do....what's the big secret anyways ?
d'oh!!! yeah I totally forgot to mention that aspect. how do those actions align with anything we've ever seen? the warranty aspects must not be working for them??? wonder what the $$$ will be then but would they address which GPU maker goes inside? .... this could give new whole new areas towards integrated graphics...