So how good does the original Tuniq 120 hold up these days?


Aug 29, 2008
So how does it? The CM 212 is looking very good for the price or upgrading to the new 120. Right now it's lapped and gives me temps of 31~ idle with cores @ 44-46. Load is right under 70 for each core and cpu is around 65C.

How would a cooler upgrade do?
I would say that with your current temperatures, a heatsink upgrade would be pointless.
If your getting that good of temps I would not worry to much about upgrading,but.You can upgrade the fan inside of it if you want it to cool a little better.I know my 120 did not cool as good as yours with the fan upgrade.
][F][U][2][;1035228918 said:
If your getting that good of temps I would not worry to much about upgrading,but.You can upgrade the fan inside of it if you want it to cool a little better.I know my 120 did not cool as good as yours with the fan upgrade.

Well I dont know what did it, but 2 factors are deciding a major difference in temps. Before I had the 120 sideways due to the H bracket hitting the UD3R heatsinks and some modding with the dremel fixed it and now sits like it is supposed to. The other thing is I used a different method with applying Thermal paste instead of my usual spread it with a finger in a ziplock bag, I just put 2 thin lines and made sure it spread evenly which it did.

So what ever did it, temps have gone from like I said 65 Cpu with cores @ 69-72C to Cpu 47C with cores hovering at 54-57C. Room temp is warmer than before as well :eek: