so i got this new macbook for work...


Jun 18, 2004
For some odd reason we're a development firm which maintains a large website, and they issue us macbooks along with VM fusion and a copy of xp. Whatever, it wasn't my choice. So the question, can I run SMP natively on this new macbook? I didn't see a mac guide for SMP or classic client :( I'm completely mac ignorant, and while i'm learning quick, it's a struggle that I'm not always winning as I'm trying to get work done at the same time. What are my options here?
Excellent, installed and running! Good thing I found a temp monitor to see how toasty this thing will get.

update: temps at about 85C and holding, even tho the fan is spinning at 4k rpm I can't hear it over the desktop right next to me :) It pulled a 4433 protein on the a2 core, we'll see here in a bit what kind of frame times i'm getting.
you get a MB or MBPro?

my lil macbook folded one WU for me... but the damn thing was runnign to hot for my liking.... plus it's the wife's little toy...

what are you using for temp monitor? iStat? try that one if you haven't, it is a great widget!
its a new aluminum macbook, 2ghz version. And yeah, i'm using istat to monitor temps and such. I really think the alum body will help it dissipate the heat, its doing well so far, the entire casing is slightly warm to the touch, but far from hot at this point, i'll let you know if that changes in an hour or so of folding.

Update: looks like temps have settled down into the 80-82C range on the cpu, and i'm pulling about 14mins a frame while i'm working on the macbook, i'm sure it will drop some when I go idle and it runs all night.
If your going to use windows most of the time, I would just install XP via bootcamp first, then tie that partition into VMWare fusion for when/if you are in OS X. I have a similar arrangement since I work for a college Art dept.

If your going to use windows most of the time, I would just install XP via bootcamp first, then tie that partition into VMWare fusion for when/if you are in OS X. I have a similar arrangement since I work for a college Art dept.

LOL I already talked to IT about doing that as I cannot stand a couple things about osx, mostly the fact that my logitech G7 isnt' suppported so loses all its extra features and I HATE the mouse acceleration curve. Not to mention that office for the mac BLOWS, not apple's fault on that one though either. Gotta do some research to see if running xp on the mac will limit me in any way. If not, i'm probably leaning that way as their freaking gave me a full copy of vm fusion and xp already.
its a new aluminum macbook, 2ghz version. And yeah, i'm using istat to monitor temps and such. I really think the alum body will help it dissipate the heat, its doing well so far, the entire casing is slightly warm to the touch, but far from hot at this point, i'll let you know if that changes in an hour or so of folding.

Update: looks like temps have settled down into the 80-82C range on the cpu, and i'm pulling about 14mins a frame while i'm working on the macbook, i'm sure it will drop some when I go idle and it runs all night.

does it have an SSD drive or standard sata drive? if so watch the hdd temps.. i have the same effect with my x2 turion tl-60 full load on the cpu causes my hdd temp to go from 35C to 49C.. but luckly i have my turion undervolted so it doesnt hit 85C anymore.. not sure if the program i have works on osx though.. if it did you probably could drop the full load temps a good 10C..

well if you decide to go to windows xp.. take a look at this program..
RightMark CPU Clock Utility (RMClock)

it will allow you to undervolt the processor to drop temps.. i havent done a lot of testing on the c2d's to see how low the voltage can be dropped only used it on the x2 turion, athlon 2400+ xp-m and pentium m 1.7ghz.. but i will try it on my c2d 1.5ghz sometime soon..
does it have an SSD drive or standard sata drive? if so watch the hdd temps.. i have the same effect with my x2 turion tl-60 full load on the cpu causes my hdd temp to go from 35C to 49C.. but luckly i have my turion undervolted so it doesnt hit 85C anymore.. not sure if the program i have works on osx though.. if it did you probably could drop the full load temps a good 10C..

well if you decide to go to windows xp.. take a look at this program..
RightMark CPU Clock Utility (RMClock)

it will allow you to undervolt the processor to drop temps.. i havent done a lot of testing on the c2d's to see how low the voltage can be dropped only used it on the x2 turion, athlon 2400+ xp-m and pentium m 1.7ghz.. but i will try it on my c2d 1.5ghz sometime soon..

Sweet, i'll take a look at that if i do go winxp. This mac has a standard HD, its sitting at 35C according to istat, so I don't think it's running too hot.
you can also GPU fold with that 9400 for an extra 500-1000 ppd
the 9600 should do 1000-2000.