So I need a WoW PvE server to play on (horde)


Mar 26, 2005
I have recently realized that every time I have gotten frustrated and quit WoW it has been because of PvP. I've always played on PvP servers because my friends always played on them, but tbh the ruleset just isn't for me...I'm more likely to help an alliance player if they're in trouble than I am to gank them. I almost never start fights, I hate the corpse runs, and I'm tired of the never-ending PvP class balance issues. OK so enough emo QQing. I no longer really play WoW with the people I used to - they've all either quit or they're spread out across different servers, etc. So it's time to transfer to a PvE server...any recommendations?

I'm looking for one that is still fairly balanced in terms of horde/alliance so that if I do decide to participate in stuff like world pvp it's not a one-sided affair, and one that's also in a decently balanced battlegroup. You know, just in case I get an itch to PvP - at least I'd be able to do it on my terms. I'm mainly looking for one that's going to be very active - if I'm going to switch to a PvE focus obviously I don't want to be on a server that's completely dead.
I leveled since release on a pvp server......(Sageras) Leveled 2 guys to 60 prebc, then 3 guys to 70 all on PVP server.

Recently switched to PVE and let me tell's heaven. I'm a rogue and trust me when I say this.......I don't miss PVP whatsoever. I enjoy leveling 10000% percent now and can logon for 30-45 min to pump out 2-3 quests without being camped 95% of that time.

Don't let people get on you for being on a PVE server, I was a hardcore PVP server nut until I leveled on a's doesn't make things easier, it just makes things more tolerant.
theres a lot of good moments you'll miss out on if your on a PVE server, I'm sure you could say the same either way. If you plan to just play one or two characters and play them to the fullest, then go PVP. if your going to be leveling several and are not really sure which toon you want to stick with, then go PVE.
I'm not really looking for a discussion on whether or not to make the switch, I'm just looking for a server to play on. I have made the decision...I really don't take part in world pvp unless I'm forced to.

I guess I might just end up figuring out which battlegroup I want to play on and picking a high population PvE server on that battlegroup.
I'm not really looking for a discussion on whether or not to make the switch, I'm just looking for a server to play on. I have made the decision...I really don't take part in world pvp unless I'm forced to.

I guess I might just end up figuring out which battlegroup I want to play on and picking a high population PvE server on that battlegroup.

The server I play on (as Horde) is decent - Medivh. It's a highly populated server. The ratio of Alliance to Horde isn't so great however, Alliance do outnumber us Horde on Medivh. The battle group (Ruin) isn't the greatest, but it works if your primarily focused on PvE content.
On pve servers, the ratio of horde to alliance is usually heavily tilted to the alliance side. Its usually the opposite on pvp servers.

Good luck though trying to find a new place to transfer to. Im alliance on Zangarmarsh and its pretty balanced, but it doesn't seem like horde to much in terms of world pvp objectives so it feels tilted to the alliance side.
For those who have played on both pvp and pve servers. Is it any easier to get a group on pve servers? I'm leveling my main in northrend and can quest all day and hardly ever see anyone ask for a group for the dungeons. The first few days I saw plenty of people asking to go to nexus and other places but lately it seems to have dropped to almost nothing, and its not like the zone is empty. I gave up on going to nexus once those quest became green.
Could be different timezones perhaps :confused:
For those who have played on both pvp and pve servers. Is it any easier to get a group on pve servers? I'm leveling my main in northrend and can quest all day and hardly ever see anyone ask for a group for the dungeons. The first few days I saw plenty of people asking to go to nexus and other places but lately it seems to have dropped to almost nothing, and its not like the zone is empty. I gave up on going to nexus once those quest became green.

What server do you play on and what class are you?

I've been thinking about transferring myself, and actually applied to a few guild. I play on a West Coast server time but live on the East Coast, so I'm looking for a guild to play with.
For those who have played on both pvp and pve servers. Is it any easier to get a group on pve servers? I'm leveling my main in northrend and can quest all day and hardly ever see anyone ask for a group for the dungeons. The first few days I saw plenty of people asking to go to nexus and other places but lately it seems to have dropped to almost nothing, and its not like the zone is empty. I gave up on going to nexus once those quest became green.

I have an Alliance toon on a PvE server, and a Horde on a PvP one. If you ask me, its more or less the same experience. The populations on both also stay at medium pretty consistently. I think sheer population levels matter more than the type of server they are.

I have recently realized that every time I have gotten frustrated and quit WoW it has been because of PvP. I've always played on PvP servers because my friends always played on them, but tbh the ruleset just isn't for me...I'm more likely to help an alliance player if they're in trouble than I am to gank them. I almost never start fights, I hate the corpse runs, and I'm tired of the never-ending PvP class balance issues. OK so enough emo QQing. I no longer really play WoW with the people I used to - they've all either quit or they're spread out across different servers, etc. So it's time to transfer to a PvE server...any recommendations?

I'm looking for one that is still fairly balanced in terms of horde/alliance so that if I do decide to participate in stuff like world pvp it's not a one-sided affair, and one that's also in a decently balanced battlegroup. You know, just in case I get an itch to PvP - at least I'd be able to do it on my terms. I'm mainly looking for one that's going to be very active - if I'm going to switch to a PvE focus obviously I don't want to be on a server that's completely dead.

I feel ya man. I'm pretty damned carebear on a PvP server when doing routine stuff. I can't give any recommendations in that particular matter. Unless there's someone out there that has experienced multiple PvE servers with the same faction, it would be pretty hard to give a fair assessment.

Anyhow, my battlegroup (Reckoning) does fairly well in BGs. Or at least it used to. We had a high win ratio on everything but AV. I don't know how it will fare these days. Gotta wait on the rest of the population to hit 80 and gear up with the proper gear.
Area52 - very high population pve server with about 2 horde to 1 alliance.

I have several 70s and 1 soon to be 80.
Another vote for Medivh.... used to be there with my buddies and was part of the original Innotek guild, however the disbanded and then came back together some months later. However by that time I had moved on to a pvp server. As Vile said, ratio isnt all that great but is a great server and has had its WoW firsts.
What server do you play on and what class are you?

I've been thinking about transferring myself, and actually applied to a few guild. I play on a West Coast server time but live on the East Coast, so I'm looking for a guild to play with.

on stormscale horde lock, there are other hard people there as well and we have our own chat channel but are in different guild. I just dont have the time to keep up with them so might have to look into one of those more casual guilds.