So it's my holiday, and I'm itching for a game...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 13, 2002
It's my holiday, and I just also happen to be on vacation. I'm looking for a game to play. FPS. Can't be 3rd person. Anything new of interest that I should check out? I was looking at CoD Ghosts, but I've heard really bad reviews on it.

Hook a brother up! :D
IMO, the last good COD game was black ops 1...
I have started playing Deus Ex HR lately, and the game is a lot of fun I must is not quite a pure FPS as there are stealth elements etc, but it's good!

Give it a try...
If you don't mind single player only games Wolfenstien the New Order is great.
Wolf: New Order if you want a shooter, or if you're into cRPG, get Divinity: Original Sin.
IMO, the last good COD game was black ops 1...
I have started playing Deus Ex HR lately, and the game is a lot of fun I must is not quite a pure FPS as there are stealth elements etc, but it's good!

Give it a try...

I am a hardcore fan of Deus Ex and no way I could let that one yeah, I played it already...about 10 times over now. :D

I guess Wolfenstein it is.
Don't buy Ghosts I wouldn't unless it was 9.99 or something I paid full price last year hard to find games at night now.

Try WARFACE FTP game has better graphics then Ghosts and the maps are really fun game uses Crytek engine. I got first place on a full team on Deathmatch made me happy =)
Check the thread I just posted in the hot deals section then dude ASAP!

Nice! Finally got it for the price I wanted to pay. (missed the GMG sale, and the QuakeCon Steam sale) There's one left right now.
Also, if you never played it, Dishonored is great. A lot like Deus Ex: HR in many ways, though a completely different setting.