so my hard drive decided to go into the butt mode


Mar 26, 2002
The other day I was chillin' in my backyard playing MP3s over the wireless network when all of a sudden my winamp crashed. I thought WTF. I went to see if the networking was working but all of my Desktop's shared folders were not shown. Weird. I went to my room and found my computer frozen. I did not give it much tought, turned it off, and went back outside tuning to Today, I booted the computer to find it frozen on the Windows loading screen. I tried safe mode, safe mode with networking, but nothing worked. So should I try to:
1. use the windows xp cd and try to repair the windows instalation
2. get another hard drive, install windows and see if I could rescue the stuff off this hard drive for it might be fuxtored
3. use western digital's diagnostic tool and see if there is something indeed wrong with it

What sucks here is that my waranty for the hard drive expired like in july .... of last year. Damn you western digital for your one year waranty!

The hard drive is a WD 60gb 7.2krpm. I did not mess with my computer's guts in a while so I havent touched the drive in ages. Argh. I need to switch to a better brand of hard drives. :confused:
Try 3 first and go from there. There are a lot of potential problems and you're best working up the tree, making sure the drive works properly before checking the partitions, filesystem et al. Heaven forbid what we'd do without DI.
Snugglebear said:
Try 3 first and go from there. There are a lot of potential problems and you're best working up the tree, making sure the drive works properly before checking the partitions, filesystem et al. Heaven forbid what we'd do without DI.

good thing its my windows hard drive
not my backup music or backup photography drive
if so I would have gone :mad: with the WD ppl
This is like the 20th WD drive that went fuxtored on me
20th? It might be time to start investigating other avenues like bad power, be it in the form of a screwy PSU, old wiring in your home/building, or consistent low voltage on your service. Don't forget ESD and others, too.
Snugglebear said:
20th? It might be time to start investigating other avenues like bad power, be it in the form of a screwy PSU, old wiring in your home/building, or consistent low voltage on your service. Don't forget ESD and others, too.

i was just thinking about that the other day
how my psu might be crapping out
but ever since I got it no hard drive went crazy
before with my 400w antec i did not know what I was doing so the hard drives got screwy each time I would open the case and f around with them

i really dont want to invest any money into my computer for a while
Leave computers be. Opening them up and fiddling is just asking for trouble. About 1/3 times I run into problems after playing with their guts, be it a loosened wire, a PCI card being nudged slightly, or whatever else.
yeah .... i just need to invest in like better hard drives
no more western digital
thats for sure
All the manufacturers have issues, Western Disaster, Quaxtor, IBM/Hitachi, Fujitsu, Seagate, etc. Moving up into enterprise product tiers will improve quality but your out of pocket cost also goes through the roof. However, I still think the hidden costs associated with consumer units such as increased likelihood of failure, lost time and productivity due to downtime, poor customer service, etc., balance things out.
Snugglebear said:
All the manufacturers have issues, Western Disaster, Quaxtor, IBM/Hitachi, Fujitsu, Seagate, etc. Moving up into enterprise product tiers will improve quality but your out of pocket cost also goes through the roof. However, I still think the hidden costs associated with consumer units such as increased likelihood of failure, lost time and productivity due to downtime, poor customer service, etc., balance things out.

whenever my maxtors died
maxtor was cool enough to upgrade the refurbished drives for me
4 gig became a 20
and a 20 became a 40
western digital always replaced the drives but with a huge refurbished sticker ....