So what are you guys playing right now?

Just finished a run through of Mass Effect to be ready for Mass Effect 2. About ready to finish my fourth run through of Dragon Age with my Arcane Warrior.
The usual WoW raids, with Mass Effect when I find the time. NFS:Shift seems fun, but I concluded that I should buy a steering wheel or drop it - and went for the latter.
Nothing :/ Finally got rid of Windows on everything I own(well technically it's still installed on a HDD I salvaged from another computer, but I kept it for the data, not the OS) so now I'm pulling my hair out getting games to work in Wine. Having a fair bit of success actually, since luckily the games I play(HL2 mods mostly) work well with Wine.

Probably going to try Crysis soon. Apparently you can play without DRM now(and without pirating it). Still up in the air on that one though, since they obviously didn't provide the DRM removal tool because they gave up on DRM, but simply because they want to stop paying for the DRM servers and don't really care too much about pirates "eating into" their remaining sales.
Nothing :/ Finally got rid of Windows on everything I own(well technically it's still installed on a HDD I salvaged from another computer, but I kept it for the data, not the OS) so now I'm pulling my hair out getting games to work in Wine. Having a fair bit of success actually, since luckily the games I play(HL2 mods mostly) work well with Wine.

Probably going to try Crysis soon. Apparently you can play without DRM now(and without pirating it). Still up in the air on that one though, since they obviously didn't provide the DRM removal tool because they gave up on DRM, but simply because they want to stop paying for the DRM servers and don't really care too much about pirates "eating into" their remaining sales.

It amazes me that someone who plays games doesn't use Windows -- even if you're really and truly against using Windows, why not maintain a dual-boot for games?
Call of Duty 4, counter-strike 1.6 at the moment

really looking forward to Battlefield: Bad Company 2, gameplay looks awesome!
I'm thinking about doing that now. But yeah, buying Windows 7 just to run games seems kinda silly.

Apparently I was using an outdated version of Wine, and now I know how to get UT based games working fine(which'll fix Killing Floor). Honestly though, the support was much better than I expected. And since I don't play a lot of newer games(DRM eliminates a most of them for me) I guess that makes it easier to abandon Windows as well.
The usual WoW raids, with Mass Effect when I find the time. NFS:Shift seems fun, but I concluded that I should buy a steering wheel or drop it - and went for the latter.

Xbox 360 controller ftw :). Works great with Shift and a lot of other games.
It amazes me that someone who plays games doesn't use Windows -- even if you're really and truly against using Windows, why not maintain a dual-boot for games?

But... locks on doors are bad!!!! People should leave all doors unlocked!! Passwords shouldn't exist, they're access-restrictions that are evil!!!! They report to the mothership when I log in to my email!!!! People shouldn't be compensated for their work!!!! They should just give me it all for free!!!

Only reason I can think of is that you are claiming a copy of Windows is too expensive for your computer, but even then you'll spend more effort and time + hassle trying to finangle Linux emulation into working well, instead of just buying a copy and enjoying the real deal in under 30 minutes.
If it was all frustration then I'd agree. But I really enjoy it because I usually learn a lot as I go. This is less true of Linux than of BSD, but I still learn a decent amount of practical computer knowledge figuring out how to make things work.

There's actually a lot of convenience too, since just like Steam, I can download and install various other operating systems wherever I am, without having to worry about finding a copy in the store. I think that and living off a netbook for awhile have made me a bigger fan of free operating systems. It's nice to have an "oh shit" thumb drive that you can use to reinstall your OS with, or to be able to quickly and easily make one.

Anyway, up until about a month ago when I had to say goodbye to my gaming computer I'd always gamed on Windows. I just decided to give Wine a shot recently and it works well enough for me.
Only reason I can think of is that you are claiming a copy of Windows is too expensive for your computer, but even then you'll spend more effort and time + hassle trying to finangle Linux emulation into working well, instead of just buying a copy and enjoying the real deal in under 30 minutes.

And lets be serious, anyone who is making a transition from Windows must *at least* have a copy of XP hanging around.
And lets be serious, anyone who is making a transition from Windows must *at least* have a copy of XP hanging around.
What for? I haven't missed it on my laptop so far.

Xbox 360 controller ftw :). Works great with Shift and a lot of other games.
Heh, I've been thinking about getting one - or one of the PS2-lookalike USB controllers (e.g. a Saitek P380). Would be useful for the odd bit of emulation, too. :)
(I haven't got a console of either sort ATM, so I haven't got any of the controllers at hand)
What for? I haven't missed it on my laptop so far.

I'm not sure if you read the thread, but we're referring to a poster who left Windows for Linux and is complaining about the fairly obvious difficulties gaming on Linux. Our suggestion being to maintain Windows as a dual-boot.
If it was all frustration then I'd agree. But I really enjoy it because I usually learn a lot as I go. This is less true of Linux than of BSD, but I still learn a decent amount of practical computer knowledge figuring out how to make things work.

There's actually a lot of convenience too, since just like Steam, I can download and install various other operating systems wherever I am, without having to worry about finding a copy in the store. I think that and living off a netbook for awhile have made me a bigger fan of free operating systems. It's nice to have an "oh shit" thumb drive that you can use to reinstall your OS with, or to be able to quickly and easily make one.

Anyway, up until about a month ago when I had to say goodbye to my gaming computer I'd always gamed on Windows. I just decided to give Wine a shot recently and it works well enough for me.

Understandable in that way... sorry, I just assumed that like most people who post what you had that you were an idealistic castles-in-the-air anti-corporation activist :p.
I'm not sure if you read the thread, but we're referring to a poster who left Windows for Linux and is complaining about the fairly obvious difficulties gaming on Linux. Our suggestion being to maintain Windows as a dual-boot.

I noticed. He seems to be doing fine, so the "stop being silly, everyone needs a copy of XP" looked a bit random. Thus the question.
Dirt2, GTA IV, Star Trek Online Beta
Dirt 2 is one of the best racing titles for the PC in years.
GTA IV is awesome in its own right, although I hate the fact that they've excluded support for SLI.
STO, now this is a fun mMo, this thing is going to take off..
I pre-ordered BF2 BC for the PC after I played the PS3 Beta, this is another game that should kick IW arse.
Left 4 Dead2 scavenge and versus mode
Mass Effect for the 6th time since I lost my saves when I upgraded to win7
Ooh, I just remembered that I got Dirt 2 with my 5850. Ought to try that soon. :)
The witcher EE for me. First time around.

I purchased the witcher as soon as it came out (2007?) but was never able to play it at all. It was too buggy for my taste at the start. Then I had heard about the "EE" patch so I waited.... then they wanted a CD Key for me to install the EE patch... there was NO cdkey anywhere in my box/manual... so I didn't play it out of frustration.

Then steam came along with a sale so I purchased it... I had just upgraded to my 5870.. big graphical bug basically unplayable. So I waited till end of december, tried new drivers and now everything runs great. About 25hours in so far and it's really good.
I've been playing MW2. I bought it since it was $30 and didn't think I would like it all that much, but have been very pleased with it.
Almost ashamed to admit this, but I am hooked on FarCry2 again at the moment. :p After playing over 100 hours of Borderlands, I was in the mood for something slightly more realistic looking, and FC2 fits the bill nicely. Another one of my friends just started playing FC2, and that reminded me how much fun I had grinding away at that game last time. So I've been playing through it again w/ a "treasure map" I printed out, and having a lot of fun finding all hidden diamonds etc.

I also just started Serious Sam HD, and that game is a complete blast! So much old-school goodness to be had.

Other than that, been hopping around to a bunch of other games: Just finished Machinarium, still playing World of Goo, Osmos, Overlord 2, Ghostbusters, and a few others on occasion.

I still have so many unfinished games I need to complete before I go buying any more. Really want to start DragonAge, but I really can't justify that purchase atm. No idea what I'm going to do when all the big releases come up soon.
Age of Empires 3 -as always, about every other day I play a big compstomp with the wife.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC -spent a few hours each night for the past few nights.
Started Mass Effect for the first time the other night. Though, I imagine it'll get put on hold when I get my 5850 tomorrow since I read that it does not support eyefinity.

I really hope STALKER works with Eyefinity. I'll probably install CoD 2 for fun and will definitely get back to Dragon Age. Too many games to try with eyefinity!

I also ordered Medieval 2 gold finally since I've never played any Total war games.
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I am playing:

Batman AA
Crysis Warhead
Counterstrike: Source
Finished The Saboteur. Excellent. If only Mercenaries 2 had been as good. A very nice farewell send off for Pandemic. Highly recommended.

Docket is basically clear now of any serious playing until Mass Effect 2 next week. That's easily going to dominate all of my gaming time the second it's here. Can't wait! :)
Just got done finishing Mass Effect with my godly Nemesis Biotic on hardcore. I am thinking about playing Insanity for shits and giggles for the remaining 6 days until ME 2 release
Almost ashamed to admit this, but I am hooked on FarCry2 again at the moment. :p After playing over 100 hours of Borderlands, I was in the mood for something slightly more realistic looking, and FC2 fits the bill nicely. Another one of my friends just started playing FC2, and that reminded me how much fun I had grinding away at that game last time. So I've been playing through it again w/ a "treasure map" I printed out, and having a lot of fun finding all hidden diamonds etc.

I also just started Serious Sam HD, and that game is a complete blast! So much old-school goodness to be had.

Other than that, been hopping around to a bunch of other games: Just finished Machinarium, still playing World of Goo, Osmos, Overlord 2, Ghostbusters, and a few others on occasion.

I still have so many unfinished games I need to complete before I go buying any more. Really want to start DragonAge, but I really can't justify that purchase atm. No idea what I'm going to do when all the big releases come up soon.

Far Cry 2 is brilliant. I love this game. This is what I'll play if I've gotten home late from work and have an hour before bedtime. You can just pick up a gun and wander through Africa and shoot at people, and cause anarchy. It's great. I love walking along the road and wondering if a car will come along - sometimes I'll shoot at it with a missile, or sometimes I'll just let it pass by. There are so many ways to play this game.
Far Cry 2 is brilliant. I love this game. This is what I'll play if I've gotten home late from work and have an hour before bedtime. You can just pick up a gun and wander through Africa and shoot at people, and cause anarchy. It's great. I love walking along the road and wondering if a car will come along - sometimes I'll shoot at it with a missile, or sometimes I'll just let it pass by. There are so many ways to play this game.

I had quite a lot of fun with that game when most seemed to hate it. Once you get around the respawning guard posts the game is awesome. Nothing like clearing an outpost with the AS50 in the distance.

Been replaying Mass Effect trying to get my second Vanguard to 60 before the sequel comes out. So far I'm having a hard time making time to accomplish this. :(
Far Cry 2 is brilliant. I love this game. This is what I'll play if I've gotten home late from work and have an hour before bedtime. You can just pick up a gun and wander through Africa and shoot at people, and cause anarchy. It's great. I love walking along the road and wondering if a car will come along - sometimes I'll shoot at it with a missile, or sometimes I'll just let it pass by. There are so many ways to play this game.

I *WANTED* to enjoy Far Cry 2, but there was this ridiculously frustrating mouse-lag type issue that seemed to be tied to you framerate. This entirely killed the game to me (and I know quite a few others experienced the same issues), but I have reformatted since the last time I played, so perhaps a patch (or luck) will see that this isn't an issue. I'll give it another shot and see...
Dark Age of Camelot as I just discovered it still has a jam-packed server left that has steady population, and lots of Street Fighter 4 (IV) mixed in. I plan to go through Dragon Age shortly.

OK, I lied... I'm probably going back to Warhammer Online (WAR) instead :p.
Dead Space. As a Resident Evil Fan this is everything that Resident Evil 5 should have been and possibly one of the best games I've ever played. Honestly imagine Resident Evil in space with all the puzzles and gravity gun from HL2. It's just amazing. I don't even really need the monsters although they really keep you on edge and the game is better with them.

Also playing counter-strike, but..isn't everybody?
Saints Row 2.

I've put off playing it thinking it was a trashy emulation of GTA. Oh boy how I was wrong, GTA doesn't get even close to being as fun or funny as Saints Row 2, specially playing through the entire single player with someone else.

It runs like absolute shit, though.
People complained about Far Cry 2's re-spawning guards at the guard posts, but if the guards hadn't re-spawned people would've said that the world felt empty.

There's a reason the guards re-spawn fairly rapidly - it's to create tension. When I'm wandering down a road, I'm continuously worried that a car is going to come around the corner. Half the time, I find myself staying away from the road, and making my way instead through the jungle, or the grasses off to the side of the road - that's tension.

Likewise, people complained about the rivers being empty - yeah, and if the developer had put crocodiles in the rivers, then people would've whined about the re-spawning crocodiles. It amazes me though that anybody would complain about the rivers in Far Cry 2 being empty, and yet overlook the fact that the ocean in Crysis is devoid of sharks. Where are the sharks? If you're going to argue that Far Cry 2 should have crocodiles, then you should argue as well that Crysis ought to have sharks.
Seems like a lot of people are really excited for Mass Effect 2 - it astonishes me how many times some of you guys have played the original game.

People who were at PAX in Seattle at the end of the summer said that Mass Effect 2 looked way better than the original. I thought that the Unreal Engine looked insanely awesome in Mirror's Edge, and am hoping that that's the version that was used for ME 2. We'll see on Monday. Difficult to believe that the original game was released two and a half years ago.
Likewise, people complained about the rivers being empty - yeah, and if the developer had put crocodiles in the rivers, then people would've whined about the re-spawning crocodiles. It amazes me though that anybody would complain about the rivers in Far Cry 2 being empty, and yet overlook the fact that the ocean in Crysis is devoid of sharks. Where are the sharks? If you're going to argue that Far Cry 2 should have crocodiles, then you should argue as well that Crysis ought to have sharks.

Actually... there are sharks in Crysis.
People complained about Far Cry 2's re-spawning guards at the guard posts, but if the guards hadn't re-spawned people would've said that the world felt empty.

There's a reason the guards re-spawn fairly rapidly - it's to create tension. When I'm wandering down a road, I'm continuously worried that a car is going to come around the corner. Half the time, I find myself staying away from the road, and making my way instead through the jungle, or the grasses off to the side of the road - that's tension.

Likewise, people complained about the rivers being empty - yeah, and if the developer had put crocodiles in the rivers, then people would've whined about the re-spawning crocodiles. It amazes me though that anybody would complain about the rivers in Far Cry 2 being empty, and yet overlook the fact that the ocean in Crysis is devoid of sharks. Where are the sharks? If you're going to argue that Far Cry 2 should have crocodiles, then you should argue as well that Crysis ought to have sharks.

LOL, crack me up. Kind of like the Mako complains. "Off terrain driving on rocks is supposed to seem like driving on the roads" (paraphrasing here). Now they are taking it away..... but that won't be the end for the dev's ear.

I think some DLC is having some sort of hovercraft though. Silly compromise.