So.....who's buying a 3070?

Lots of people getting 3070s on Best Buy.

I dont think it was plentiful. while I was trying to get on on bestbuy I was also refreshing newegg and never saw them in stock.

I saw them in stock on NE but the same song and dance of not being able to add it to cart happened. They were sold out within a minute.

No luck on Best buy for me either. In my cart but won't ship to my location.
I don't envision the need to sell it to members, to be honest.

The stock for the 3070 is plentiful. I hear reports (as of 9:23AM CST) that Microcenter still has stock physical and online orders.

I do love the FE though. I'll PROBABLY keep it. But maybe you are right, I'll reach out here if anyone wants it if I plan to return.
Aww, Micro Center...closest one to me is about 4 hours unfortunately.
hey all...old time poster here that somehow lost access to my old account.

Anyhow...checked Best buy on cell at work starting at 8 central, refreshed for about 3 minutes before "add to cart" popped up, then I had the gray please wait box. I refreshed the page, waited for add to cart again. I was planning on checking out with PayPal and didn't anticipate having to log in to, forgot my password, had to reset it, log in, pay through PayPal and still managed to get it. I don't know if it reserved it in cart but it seriously took several minutes.

I was really wanting an RTX 3080 but with stock issues, scalper and the fact I only play at 1440p the 3070 should be fine and a very nice upgrade to my 1070. Good luck all who are searching, hope you get your cards before the pos scalpers.
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Looks like EVGA has the auto-notify option on the 3070 product pages. That would be a good backup option for those that don't get cards assuming they use the same system that they have for the 3080s.
Looks like EVGA has the auto-notify option on the 3070 product pages. That would be a good backup option for those that don't get cards assuming they use the same system that they have for the 3080s.
did you see the auto notify option for the $499 one?
OMG! Having been shut out of BestBuy this morning, I figured I would wait for AMD.

Saw a post about Microcenter having stock still CST, I decided after my 10:00am meeting to head down to Microcenter in Paterson,NJ.

Got there at 11:02, and they asked what I was there for. I said a 3070 and I was handed a VOUCHER for one! HOLY COW!

They still had about 50+ in stock, had opened at 9am, and was told they had about 300-400 on hand that morning!

I walked out with the LAST FE, someone decide they wanted a Ventus 3X instead, so I switched from my Ventus to the FE

If anyone else is heading there, GOOD LUCK!
OMG! Having been shut out of BestBuy this morning, I figured I would wait for AMD.

Saw a post about Microcenter having stock still CST, I decided after my 10:00am meeting to head down to Microcenter in Paterson,NJ.

Got there at 11:02, and they asked what I was there for. I said a 3070 and I was handed a VOUCHER for one! HOLY COW!

They still had about 50+ in stock, had opened at 9am, and was told they had about 300-400 on hand that morning!

I walked out with the LAST FE, someone decide they wanted a Ventus 3X instead, so I switched from my Ventus to the FE

If anyone else is heading there, GOOD LUCK!
Lucky dog. I don't have a microcenter within 300 miles.
OMG! Having been shut out of BestBuy this morning, I figured I would wait for AMD.

Saw a post about Microcenter having stock still CST, I decided after my 10:00am meeting to head down to Microcenter in Paterson,NJ.

Got there at 11:02, and they asked what I was there for. I said a 3070 and I was handed a VOUCHER for one! HOLY COW!

They still had about 50+ in stock, had opened at 9am, and was told they had about 300-400 on hand that morning!

I walked out with the LAST FE, someone decide they wanted a Ventus 3X instead, so I switched from my Ventus to the FE

If anyone else is heading there, GOOD LUCK!
This is what I like seeing, a christmas miracle.
Sold out quickly in Canada and can't find any stock at the moment, been checking off and on throughout the day.
OMG! Having been shut out of BestBuy this morning, I figured I would wait for AMD.

Saw a post about Microcenter having stock still CST, I decided after my 10:00am meeting to head down to Microcenter in Paterson,NJ.

Got there at 11:02, and they asked what I was there for. I said a 3070 and I was handed a VOUCHER for one! HOLY COW!

They still had about 50+ in stock, had opened at 9am, and was told they had about 300-400 on hand that morning!

I walked out with the LAST FE, someone decide they wanted a Ventus 3X instead, so I switched from my Ventus to the FE

If anyone else is heading there, GOOD LUCK!
Oh wow. I had no idea FEs were at MC. Do they have 3080 FEs as well?
I had a 3070 FE in my cart at Best Buy website this morning, and it wouldn't let me continue at all. Kept saying unable to ship to this address. Then about 3 minutes later the card disappeared from my cart.

I'm gonna get one. I'm not rushing though. See if I get another 10% (think $50 max) off coupon from Newegg like I did for my 2070/during the 2070 launch window-ish in Nov 2018. Usually around Black Friday. If so I'll snag a EVGA 3070 FTW (the one with 1800+ boost). Also will get 5% off additionally through my credit card. Would be around $532 vs $610 if all pans out. If not, I might go down a notch to Founder's Edition from Best Buy when they give me a 10% off birthday coupon in Jan. Would only get 2% off with my other credit card then. That would make that option only $441 vs $500.
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Considering going 3070 route I run 1080p anyway benchmarks are on par with the 2080ti I stayed away from the 2080ti mainly because of QC not the price.
the 3070 sounds like an excellent 1440p card but I'd rather wait for the rumored 3070 Ti with 10GB VRAM- especially if it uses GDDR6X plus the same GA102 core as the 3080/3090
How people aren't livid at Nvidia for botching this, this is literally insane.

Launch the best product and then immediately launch another product. They got everyone by the balls.
How people aren't livid at Nvidia for botching this, this is literally insane.

Launch the best product and then immediately launch another product. They got everyone by the balls.

very poor launch...doesn't seem like Nvidia was prepared for AMD's Big Navi being as good as it apparently is so now they are running around trying to release new variations on existing cards that were released just 2 months ago
Managed to get a +100/880mhz overclock so far on my evga xc3 black using msi afterburner beta. Haven't reached the ceiling on the mem yet, but the core is unstable at 110mhz at stock voltage (may mess with voltage sometime though I'm not sure I want to yet). I'm satisfied with the card...for the gaming I do it's perfect.

Best of luck finding one to those still hunting.
How people aren't livid at Nvidia for botching this, this is literally insane.

Launch the best product and then immediately launch another product. They got everyone by the balls.

I mean there's no reason to be livid for me when the situation is 'I was going to buy one but now there's an even better one coming out immediately I can get instead'.
I mean there's no reason to be livid for me when the situation is 'I was going to buy one but now there's an even better one coming out immediately I can get instead'.
A better, more expensive card coming out immediately I can get instead.
Who are any of you kidding? You're not going to be able to buy anything until next year anyway. Maybe you'll have choices around the time Nvidia and/or AMD has stock of video cards to buy.
Breaking News: Better thing costs more, people are shocked, more at 11
LOL. This one got me.

I'm not saying it as in "nice things shouldn't cost more money", I'm saying it as in "let's only provide to the high end market".

I spent $299 on my 7950 and at the time I thought it was a pretty solid card. Now we are looking at $699 for 3080 or $999 for 3080TI. Maybe I need to catch up with the times.
LOL. This one got me.

I'm not saying it as in "nice things shouldn't cost more money", I'm saying it as in "let's only provide to the high end market".

I spent $299 on my 7950 and at the time I thought it was a pretty solid card. Now we are looking at $699 for 3080 or $999 for 3080TI. Maybe I need to catch up with the times.
yeah, you need to catch up. jensen huang making 15 million a year just isn't enough these days.
Now we are looking at $699 for 3080 or $999 for 3080TI. Maybe I need to catch up with the times.
it’s not you, it’s the market. a combination of amd being unable to compete properly for years (consequence of their misguided cpu choices last decade) and nvidia trying to see what it could get away with charging customers. Many think this is normal. It is not. SKU model numbers don’t lie - we’re paying 1 tier above what we historically have. I hope Intel can deliver next year, it’ll be the only way we will get back more competitive pricing (but never back to what it used to be, now that companies have seen how much they can charge with most consumers not complaining).
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it’s not you, it’s the market. a combination of amd being unable to compete properly for years (consequence of their misguided cpu choices last decade) and nvidia trying to see what it could get away with charging customers. Many think this is normal. It is not. SKU model numbers don’t lie - we’re paying 1 tier above what we historically have. I hope Intel can deliver next year, it’ll be the only way we will get back more competitive pricing (but never back to what it used to be, now that companies have seen how much they can charge with most consumers not complaining).

Are you insinuating it is only Nvidia who would charge this much knowing they could and people will buy it, and AMD wouldn't if they knew they could and people would buy it? Aren't people complaining AMD is starting to do that now with their new CPU lineup?

These aren't charities, they're corporations. They're literally in the business of making money. Seeing how much they can get from you is the name of the game. Don't like paying so much for x product/tier? Move a tier down and save some money then. Or hold onto your product longer thus getting more stretch out of your dollar. Or stagger yourself a series and buy used high end at a discount when successor lineup arrives. Or combine all those methods and buy a lower end used product and hold onto it for longer. But a lot of people just want the best new shiny now and immediately, and just want to complain what they have to pay themselves for it.

No one is forcing you to buy these at these prices except yourself.

This also wasn't all meant directly at you, moreso just in general.
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Are you insinuating it is only Nvidia who would charge this much knowing they could and people will buy it, and AMD wouldn't if they knew they could and people would buy it? Aren't people complaining AMD is starting to do that now with their new CPU lineup?
I hope Intel can deliver next year, it’ll be the only way we will get back more competitive pricing (but never back to what it used to be, now that companies have seen how much they can charge with most consumers not complaining).
Read properly before you start making incorrect assumptions. I just said they all do the same price gouging.

I also never said I didn’t like paying X or Y price, I said we are paying more than we used to for each specific SKU. That is a fact. I don’t see what disagreement there is to have about the fact that you used to pay $300 for a 104 level SKU and now that money gets you no more than 106 level, with 104 having moved to $500 which used to be the 102 price territory.

For the record, I'd be happy to pay $500 for a 3070, but it'd require changing more pieces in my system to have a balanced build. So I'd rather wait for the 3060... we'll see how the 3060 Ti does VS the 3070, and what its power requirements are.
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Asus 2070 Dual or KO
Thinking of going Asus because I think the fans might be better.
Like the shorter card as well one less fan to go bad.
I'm thinking of getting it for my 8700k, but still hard to find. I play my fps games on 6700k and RTX 2080, but my 8700k is still on the the GTX 1070. It seems to run the games I play on it (racing titles). Maybe I should wait until next release because the 1070 runs everything fine on 3840x1200 for widescreen racing.