Socket 939 in Socket 754 ??


Aug 31, 2003
Sorry for the lame question but I'm arguing with someone that you can't put an AMD Socket 939 CPU in a Socket 754 motherboard and he says you can.

You obviously can't, right?
the person is a complete cannot put a 939 CPU into a 754 motherboard.....there are over a hundred more pins in the 939.....just say:

"You sir, are an idiot" .....and be done with it :)
Wont work. Different socket configuration, differnt pin count and deifferent memory controllers on the CPU's themselves. (dual vs single channel)
Maybe he is confusing AM3 cpus that can go in an AM2+ board. Either way, he doesn't have a clue.
+1 to the above replies.

It won't work.

EDIT: maybe he was thinking of s940 cpu's working in s939 sockets?
Some people are [H] enough to make it fit. Functioning after it goes in is a different matter.
that still doesnt put a socket 939 chip into a socket 754...
Sure it'll fit. Just use one of these handy CPU installing tools and it'll fit perfect. If you still don't think you are computer savvy enough to do it be sure to give this guy a call:

ask this friend if 939 dots can fit inside 754 dots, all dots are the same size.
A pre school child will be able to tell you a square peg doesnt fit in a circular hole. You can MAKE it fit, but it usually doesnt.... work.