Socket 939 Timetable Finally Revealed...


Jul 4, 2001
Well, it seems that the mainstream (read non FX or alternatively the under $700 crowd) A64 939 processors won't hit until May; when in May and possible further slippage is at this point unclear. Either way you're looking at 2 1/2 months min realistically. Pricing not announced.

In Socket 754 news we're gonna get a 3700+ (3800+ really under the revised standards being issued for 939 PR ratings) as well as a 2800+. Up until sometime in Q1 05 the 754 socket will have the highest performing sub $700 A64 processor - take that ye 939 heathens. Looks like the 754 is gonna have plenty of life well into next year as a performance socket before the Ath XPs muck up the works in mid to late 1H of 05. At that point it should be the 90nm 939 A64s that rule the roost.

In Sept-Oct-Nov of this year, most likely 4th quarter, the 939 socket will get a boost in the form of the 90nm A64s with architectural improvements and SSE3 support.

As I had hoped, my A64 3200+ will be plenty into mid 05 when I next plan to upgrade. Gotta love not waiting, bitches :D
Awesome link! I think I'm going to be ready to upgrade by the end of this year to one of these babies. Very nice to see AMD bumping up their mhz at the same time too.
mid '05 i'm gonna get a dual opteron, dual vid card rig.

it's gonna kick the shit out of any other computer here... it's gonna be great.

2 gigs of ram... at least...
Originally posted by Walleye

it's gonna kick the shit out of any other computer here... it's gonna be great.

hehehe this line just reads funny, maybe im just drunk.......

I'll get 8xOpterons and 16G of Mem, then RAID0 U320 and PCIxpress Video too... :D
Originally posted by Burn23
hehehe this line just reads funny, maybe im just drunk.......

I'll get 8xOpterons and 16G of Mem, then RAID0 U320 and PCIxpress Video too... :D

And what bank do you plan on robbing for this?! Lemme know, I may help, I need a similar system :p
Originally posted by Bar81
As I had hoped, my A64 3200+ will be plenty into mid 05 when I next plan to upgrade. Gotta love not waiting, bitches :D
Whatever makes you feel better :rolleyes:
damn 2-3 more month.
i'm waiting since december 2003 to upgrade (sold my main rig heeh)
i'm on a 600mhz celeron for fuck sake har har
at least 'ill have the money once it's released

PS: Does anyone knows for sure if socket 939 will use DDR-II ,PCI-Xpress VidCard and I guess Nvidia's Nefroce3 250 chipset will be used right?

Edit: oh i just realized:

AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 2.4GHz 1MB Mar '04
So the FX-53 is supposed to be released this month???
Ohhhh yea baby :eek:
Ohh I am tired of waiting. When I get paid on the 15th I am going to buy whatever is on the market then. I was looking to get a 3400+ but I think I will just grab a 3000+ and a $100.00 mobo and run with that for the next 8 months until 393 is out and has had a revision or two under it's belt.

Gonna take advantage of them price cuts and pick up a 3200+ for cheap-- with any luck I'll be able to snag one for near $200 within a month or so, put some Mushkin Lv1 PC3200 in there (a 512MB DIMM), and upgrade in a few months to a full gig or more :)
DigiTimes reported that AMD is making 1.8GHz and 2.0GHz Socket 939 Athlon 64 Newcastles. If that is the case, I will just buy one of those. They'll probably hit the same oc speeds as higher model Athlon 64s if the nForce3 250 and K8T800 Pro really do lock the PCI/AGP buses. Hopefully like how the 2500+ easily oc's to 3200+ speeds. Then if the mobos support 90nm SOI Athlon 64s, then I'm set. :)

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) should launch its new 939-pin Athlon 64 processors in the second quarter of this year as expected, said sources at Taiwan’s motherboard makers.

The new Athlon 64 processor, codenamed Newcastle, supports dual channel DDR memory and will boast 512KB of L2 cache. The new processor will be available at speeds ranging from 1.8GHz to 2.4Ghz.
Digitimes has ZERO credibility. Given that 754 is the planned "value" socket, I wouldn't count on it. Second, VIA has NEVER had a working PCI lock. There has been no indication other than unsubstantiated rumors that N250 will have AGP/PCI lock- in a supposed preview I just read there was no mention of it. Even if they did, unless they solved the sensitivity of the SATA controller to higher speeds you'll be stuck with IDE drives.
I swear one of Via's chipsets for P4 Northwood-C's had a PCI/AGP lock...

The nForce3 250's supposed PCI/AGP lock may be unsubstantiated but I have faith in nVidia ;)...that and the fact that The Inquirer is usually right.
Either way, you're holding onto nothing but hope. I'm just making sure everyone realizes they *hope* certain things happen but there is no guarantee, or even a likelihood of PCI locks - at this point it's nothing more than hype. You could end up waiting months for nothing. Personally, I've had enough of rumors and claims, especially when it comes to AMD and its platforms. If you can wait great, but I haven't and don't think I'm gonna regret it one bit.
Originally posted by Bar81
If you can wait great, but I haven't and don't think I'm gonna regret it one bit.

Correct me if I'm mistaken but aren't you assuming and *hoping* that you won't regret your decision one bit? Seems like you're in the same boat as us but with a different paint job.
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Correct if I'm mistaken but aren't you assuming and *hoping* that you won't regret your decision one bit? Seems like you're in the same boat as us but with a different paint job.

Except my expectation has a 3200+ already under the hood while yours is on a pretty webpage :p
Originally posted by Bar81
Except my expectation has a 3200+ already under the hood while yours is on a pretty webpage :p

Bah, why would I want a 3200- when I have my WILLIAMETE. :p
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Bah, why would I want a 3200- when I have my WILLIAMETE. :p

*Looks at sig*, I couldn't agree more. :cool: