something is wrong with these numbers


Limp Gawd
Jul 9, 2007

it says ive used 50gig.

i then check the folders inside harddrive and it only says i got 18gig worth of stuff on there.

so where is the other 32gig of stuff?

(i have no movies or music on my os harddrive)

i editied the pic
I can't make out anything in the screenshot, but it could be hidden files, such as SystemRestore caches, etc.
but really ... 32gig of cache?

i used CCleaner and got rid of everything.

is it normal for vista, when reformating, to not delete your old files and just install over it?

and my system restore is off
I'm not sure if it could use that much, because I always disable it as well. You could download WinDirStat and find out what's using the space.
is it normal for vista, when reformating, to not delete your old files and just install over it?

well did you just reinstall over the existing c:\ partition or did you delete it and then recreate one? it needs to be deleted
i used windirstat.

ive used 18 gig of data.

but when i ticked 'show unknown'

it came up with 32gig of it

what does that mean?

and i already deleted the old window files

ere's a pic
On all of my vista installs I also noticed hard drive space inexplicably disappearing over the first week or so after installing, no idea what its about.
but really ... 32gig of cache?

i used CCleaner and got rid of everything.

is it normal for vista, when reformating, to not delete your old files and just install over it?

and my system restore is off

Run Disk Cleanup.
I know I got 16GB worth of space back. I believe it is largely due to System Restore and old cached crap you don't need.

I'd also place money on the fact that most of the protected/hidden system files won't show up with a simple right-click "Properties".

I'd be curious to see what isn't showing as well. In Computer, it shows used space of 60GB for me. However WinDirStat only reports my disk having 38GB used...
It is odd, that is for sure.

One thing I can tell you for sure is running Disk Cleanup to clean your old stuff out (and deleting all your crap you don't need) recovers tons of space.

However I'd like to see an explanation as to where the space goes...
thanks guys i fixed it. only got 1.3gigs of unknown and thats alright.

i thought i deleted the restore points but it seems like i didn't.

but really does it really take 32 gigs?