Sony Bash!

Yep... a licensing issue and Sony in the same sentence... imagine that. Since when have they been a company that cares about the people who keep it going? Some of us are multi-console owners, and uhh... the PS3 doesn't have Netflix streaming, and Sony gets paid by Netflix regardless... they're just greedy and want more from MS.

Not really a huge fan of them at this juncture. They're sore losers, and it shows in a very obvious way... business decision or not.
Yep... a licensing issue and Sony in the same sentence... imagine that. Since when have they been a company that cares about the people who keep it going? Some of us are multi-console owners, and uhh... the PS3 doesn't have Netflix streaming, and Sony gets paid by Netflix regardless... they're just greedy and want more from MS.

Not really a huge fan of them at this juncture. They're sore losers, and it shows in a very obvious way... business decision or not.

History has shown that Sony is a corporation that always wants in on all pies, whatever flavor. Betamax. Memory Sticks. Blu-ray. All 'proprietary' technology which Sony is trying to push on the masses when other 'better' alternatives were available. Not terribly surprising news here.
it would be funny if something like netflix came out on ps3 and was a lot cheaper for sony movies. i wonder how long it will take to sort out lol
An industry using its clout to influence how events play out. I don't think Microsoft has ever done anything so terrible.
Well... I can't say I'm surprised, but oh well. If there's some Sony movie I actually want to watch I'll just get the disk. In the meantime I'll continue to stream other movies and television shows, that are available.
Fuck em'

I'll just Netflix all my Sony blu-rays from now on, let them divide the revenue stream between me and the millions of other netflix users on those titles.

And business decision? pfffft, it's a dick move, true and blue. If they were limiting streaming on Netflix to all users for sony titles it would be one thing, but the specific "not available on xbox 360" line item shows their hand.

It's just prick waving.
I have never used the word 'sony' in any of my PS3 bashes because I respect their other products. But...

Considering that they lost there dominance in the television market.
Have no place in the audio industry.
The PS3

My respect for sony is hanging by a thread. They are lucky they have some area's they are still good at. Very lucky.

Anyways, I feel bad for PS3 owners.
Aw poor PS3, love sony but they really need to step up on pumping out some better titles before making rash moves.. Defeating HD-DVD was a start but they shouldnt be cocky.. meh.
Definitely a dick move.

Yet another reason why I'll never buy a cross-platform game on that system.
Its just like buying the exclusive rights to a game so that it only plays on the 360/wii/ps3........Am I missing something here?
Its just like buying the exclusive rights to a game so that it only plays on the 360/wii/ps3........Am I missing something here?

Exactly what I was thinking. I own all 3 consoles and am so fed-up with companies paying huge amounts of money for early dlc/excusives etc
Its just like buying the exclusive rights to a game so that it only plays on the 360/wii/ps3........Am I missing something here?
Yeah, we're talking about movies.

If you want it so that 10 years from now you need to buy two systems or formats in order to watch a movie, then you shouldn't worry.

Sorry I'll never buy a blu-ray player due to the firmware issues and movie prices. The price of players don't bother me though. Netflix is a cheaper faster, and better way to watch HD.
Blu-ray is getting desperate and they are taking these measures to save the format. I personally don't want to have to update my firmware just so I can watch a movie in a decent quality or watch it at all.

So if blu-ray does go away, I think we will need to buy different systems, or consoles, just to watch or stream a movie we like :)

And it will be better for Sony for Blu-ray to go away. It's much to costly to develop a player and a disc. However digital media has no manufacturing cost and could turn out to be more profitable.
Yeah, we're talking about movies.

If you want it so that 10 years from now you need to buy two systems or formats in order to watch a movie, then you shouldn't worry.

They aren't saying you can't go to the store/blockbuster and get it and watch it on your Xbox...They just want to try and keep the HD level of movies on the Xbox360 down, because that is one of the major buying points for the PS3.

Again, this only has to do with Netflix! Not the actual hardcopy of the movies...

And one other thing, I am not glad this happened...I wish it was a free-for-all but its not. Both sides make business decisions, that don't make the other side happy. I am just trying to clarify, that until Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony aren't all about the money then you are going to keep getting this. If Microsoft could do this, I am certain they would.
They aren't saying you can't go to the store/blockbuster and get it and watch it on your Xbox...They just want to try and keep the HD level of movies on the Xbox360 down, because that is one of the major buying points for the PS3.

Again, this only has to do with Netflix! Not the actual hardcopy of the movies...

And one other thing, I am not glad this happened...I wish it was a free-for-all but its not. Both sides make business decisions, that don't make the other side happy. I am just trying to clarify, that until Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony aren't all about the money then you are going to keep getting this. If Microsoft could do this, I am certain they would.
Read my old post, this is about HD movies and where they are headed.
They aren't saying you can't go to the store/blockbuster and get it and watch it on your Xbox...They just want to try and keep the HD level of movies on the Xbox360 down, because that is one of the major buying points for the PS3.

Again, this only has to do with Netflix! Not the actual hardcopy of the movies...

And one other thing, I am not glad this happened...I wish it was a free-for-all but its not. Both sides make business decisions, that don't make the other side happy. I am just trying to clarify, that until Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony aren't all about the money then you are going to keep getting this. If Microsoft could do this, I am certain they would.

Well techically they have been. Microsoft has been charging and collecting royalties for VC-1 since day one (even after the fall of HD-DVD for BRD's encoded in VC-1)
Gotta love the knee jerk hate in this thread, hardly surprising around here :D

Did any of you even read that it's just Columbia films that are blocked, no other Sony brand is....

Don't let that stop with the fanboy hate tho :D
Anyways, I feel bad for PS3 owners.

Why? I love my PS3. There's plenty of good games and it's reliable. In general I prefer PS3 exclusives to 360 exclusives. My 360 is packed up in it's box sitting in my closet.

I think this move by Sony is funny.
Wow...what a coincidence....a Sony owned studio pulls the plug on hundreds of Netflix movies on the night before Netflix launches on the Xbox 360....and are only banned from the 360...and still work on all other devices.

I suspect the Sony Defense Force will be in here soon.
An industry using its clout to influence how events play out. I don't think Microsoft has ever done anything so terrible.

Got Xbox Live? ;)

Also..Cliffy Bitch said the ONLY reason GOW2 wouldnt appear on the PS3 is because M$ said so.PERIOD...So now they got a taste of their own medicine..Kudos to Sony!!
Got Xbox Live? ;)

Also..Cliffy Bitch said the ONLY reason GOW2 wouldnt appear on the PS3 is because M$ said so.PERIOD...So now they got a taste of their own medicine..Kudos to Sony!!

The reason Cliffy said that is because Microsoft is publishing the first 2 titles. Just like Microsoft is publishing the first two titles of Mass Effect. They have a history of not actually owning the IP and simply publishing the first title at least.
Doesn't Sony own the right for those movies? Is it wrong to do anything you want with the properties you own?
Also..Cliffy Bitch said the ONLY reason GOW2 wouldnt appear on the PS3 is because M$ said so.PERIOD...So now they got a taste of their own medicine..Kudos to Sony!!
Awesome! So that means no more PS3 publishing exclusives from Sony? :rolleyes:

I'm glad the PS3 is going to do horribly this season. Have a fun time in 3rd place and all the benefits that will bring!
Awesome! So that means no more PS3 publishing exclusives from Sony? :rolleyes:

I'm glad the PS3 is going to do horribly this season. Have a fun time in 3rd place and all the benefits that will bring!

will do mate. having more fun on my ps3 then on my 360 mate. loving the ps3 exclusives more than my 360 exclusives. gow2 = meh, LBP = fun :) btoh games i have atm ;)
I've got the PS3 and there are a lot of great things about it, but Sony has really done a lot of stupid things over the last few years. With the right support, the PS3 wouldn't be in 3rd place right now.Too bad Sony is so disjointed that they're just using a shotgun approach to everything.
Doesn't Sony own the right for those movies? Is it wrong to do anything you want with the properties you own?

So you're saying that Sony should have the right to tell you that you can only play your BD movie in the PS3 and not in a stand alone BD player. They own the rights and should be able to do that, right?

Flawed logic. Netflix is licensed by Sony to distribute these movies to paying customers. Why then is Sony being allowed to dictate to Netflix who is and who is not allowed to use their service? Dangerous waters, that.
Why then is Sony being allowed to dictate to Netflix who is and who is not allowed to use their service? Dangerous waters, that.

Again,the same reason MS can dictate to Epic as to which platform they can put their game out on.PS3 owners are paying customers right?..Good for the goose/Good for the gander.