Sony LCD fixable?

Dec 4, 2004
I have a sony sdm hs73 and it appears to be dying. I will turn it on and it's black for a few seconds and then it goes to all white. I've been messing with it for a while and now it doesn't even stop at white and goes to red and then back to black. Nothing ever really shows up on the screen, just solid colors in that order. I'm guessing it has something to do with the lighting or something that displays the actual image. I'm wondering if it's fixable or even worth it.
Lets see...a 17 inch LCD, from three+ years ago, with no DVI, from a maker who is now leaving the marketplace

Ummm... my vote would be a no*

I agree with that :rolleyes:
The problem may be the power supply unit or the inverter. The circuit board may have almost had it. The monitors can only take just so much work. That solid color thing though reminds me of a in built test pattern.
It would most likely cost more then it is worth to fix. Even if you do, something else will let go & so on. Don't waste money on it unless it is just an inverter. Even then, monitors of that size & bigger are quite cheap. Just don't fall for the chimei/cmv paneled ones unless you are broke.
Ok, well here is the whole story so I don't seem silly for wanting to fix it. My girlfriends parents got it with their sony computer a few years back. It started to mess up so they stopped using it. I'm a computer engineer so they said I could have it since they automatically think I can fix anything that goes wrong with computers. :/ I was just trying to see if there was an easy fix for it since I have a monitor sitting next to me with all the parts but something faulty. It just seems like a waste to throw away all this stuff if something simple went wrong. I wasn't looking to spend more than 50 dollars on parts and stuff. If there is no real easy way to test it then I guess I'll have to trash it because it will probably cost me the 50 dollars just to have someone else tell me what the problem was. I opened it up and everthing seemed to be fine, nothing looked fried or severed or shorted. Anyway, I don't want to go out and buy another 200-300 dollar LCD when I don't actually need one, but if I could fix this one for 50 it would nice to have a dual setup for some of my CAD work.