Space dogfighing games?


Aug 28, 2006
Anything out there?

its like they went out of style fast, with hardly anything coming out. :(
the last one i remember being any good at all was freespace 2:confused:

i havent seen anything in years actually, am i missing out on some good ones that i dont know about? is still chugging along. Upgrading the graphics for X-Wing Alliance. Also a project, the TIE Fighter Total Conversion, that brought the TIE Fighter missions and everything into XWA. (But if you wanna stay with the TIE Fighter engine, it IS possible to convert XWAUP models into TIE Fighter... :p)

Also maybe check out Starshatter? Haven't played it myself but it looks interesting.
I don't know if it’s exactly what you’re looking for but one that has been on the radar recently, especially for its DX10 support, is EVE Online
EVE isnt so much dogfighting as it is clicking a few times on the enemy.

Basically everquest in space.
If all you were doing is clicking a few times on your enemy in EVE, you were completely missing out on the fun side of PVP.

I suggest you download some good PVP videos from the EVE forums to see how intense real PVP is and how much control it takes to win some fights (drones out or in, certain modules activated then deactivated to save capacitor, switching targets, cycling the repper or leaving it on, etc).
I was playing ST: Bridge Commander a few months ago. Geeky space dog fighting at its tactical best!
there is also another game that reminded me a lot to Freelancer, the name is Space Force - Rogue Universe. nice graphics :)
X2 The Threat.
and X3 Reunion should be coming out soon if it isn't out already.

Always loved the X games.
yep i almost forget about Darkstar One, the game is kinda old but it´s aight
X2 The Threat.
and X3 Reunion should be coming out soon if it isn't out already.

Always loved the X games.

I've been meaning to try these and it seems steam has them so I'll probably grab them tonite. Odd it doesn't have X1 but I guess X2 and 3 will do.
Freelancer, Starlancer is old now but great fun, Star Trek Bridge Commander, Tachyon the Fringe (again old). X3 is more of an empire building game than a dogfightsr , its awesome nevertheless. I would only play x3 if I were you as the single player plot is a really minor part of what the game is all about.
Freespace, Freelancer both fun games

If you have a playstation you might be able to find Colony wars , and Colony wars 2 , those were a blast to play and at the time had some of the best graphics in a space sim.
try Space Force: Rogue Universe ...came out recenty... tiny bit arcadey but thats the style I like :)
Freelancer was one of the most fun games to play with friends ever for me. It's a little on the old side now, still worth checking out though.
I havnt seen any that really interested me. I loved the old Descent serries and its space versions, the X-Wing / Tie Fighter ones, and the Wing Commander serries, especially the 4th one.
I have never seen a game like Descent since Descent 3... an indoors flight sim.. I loved Descent... it packed a lot of action, put FPS elements into a space sim, and gave me perpetual vertigo... online it was intense as you'd fly from one chamber to another, not knowing which tunnel your opponents would come out of you'd assume evasive maneuvers as you flew out of your tunnel assuming someone was waiting to kill you as you opened the hatch and you were right almost all the time, swerving past a trail of those glowing green double plasma cannons was intense..
Best dogfighting game I have played is X3: Reunion. You can just explore a huge universe and cause all kinds of trouble. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. The AI is great. It has really nice physics for space combat. Also, they removed starforce protection in one of their patches. It is now requires no CD.