Splitting keyboard between consoles


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2005
I've got a wii and a wireless usb logitech keyboard connected to it. I recently got a ps3 and find typing with the controller long, so is there any way I can connect the keyboard to both at the same time?

I'm thinking of splicing the data wires of 2 usb extension cables so that it draws power from one console (the wii since it's always powered when wiiconnect24 is on) but data is sent down both data cables and therefore to both consoles, that should work right?
mine's wired and my 'solution' is to waddle over to my pc, pull out the usb cable and plug it into my ps3 when i want to type on it.

i'm thinking about a second, smaller keyboard, but i'll wait to hear some reviews about the new clip on attachment for ps3 controllers before i go that route.

could you accquire another usb receiver for your wii/ps3 and run them both at once? i'm not familiar with how wireless rf works, but it seems to me that both receivers would be picking up the signal from the keyboard... unless you can only pair with one receiver. :confused:
There are KMV's that are used with computers to share one monitor, keyboard and mouse with two computers. Unfortunately, some KMV's require a signal from all three to work properly. I guess you would be looking for a KMV that would function with just the keyboard.