Sporatic work? Why do I still get this?


Fully [H]
Apr 15, 2006
[06:19:07] - Attempt #21 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:07:17] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:07:17] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:07:18] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:07:18] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:07:18] - Attempt #22 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:55:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:55:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:55:23] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:55:23] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:55:23] - Attempt #23 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:43:34] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:43:34] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:43:34] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[08:43:34] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[08:43:34] - Attempt #24 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

processed 1 W/U

04:31:21] - Attempt #6 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:34:09] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:34:09] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:34:11] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[04:34:11] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[04:34:11] - Attempt #7 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:39:41] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:39:41] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:39:43] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[04:39:43] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[04:39:43] - Attempt #8 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:50:34] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:50:34] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:50:35] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[04:50:35] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[04:50:35] - Attempt #9 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

Running WinXP, 3gb ram, VmWare - usually a 8k ppd machine, now at 2k ppd :(
Can't say why you are not connecting but the RAM amount is too small for a machine with a VM if you're running -bigadv WUs. If you are processing regular SMP WUs, you're better off doing it in native Windows.
What client are you running inside the VM? If it is the SMP client, it is going to be much better to run it natively in Windows as Apollo sugggests. Running it natively will mean that the resource overhead is much lower as well and you should get more points per day.

The other thing you can try is to uninstall the folding client and reinstall it making sure it is the latest version.
I run regular SMP W/U's in a notfred VM. I don't want to run the MPICH client.
I run regular SMP W/U's in a notfred VM. I don't want to run the MPICH client.

they are phasing out the old WU's and moving to A3 WU's.. your better off with the mpich smp2 client.. should gain about 2-3k PPD and get beck at least 2 gigs of ram as well.. my phenom II gains about 1300 PPD compared to running the old WU's but only uses 150 megs of ram at the most.. but the smp2 clients about as stable as boinc now..
Agreed about the Windows SMP2 client. SMP2 MPICH isn't like the old school MPICH. It's almost as stable as the uni-processor client and performance is good. Up until recently, the only reason to run a VM (or native Linux) was -bigadv, but that's a totally different matter now.
notfred's does not support A3 and the A2 units are being phased out. Therefore, as time goes on you will see less and less work, and possibly none at all. You should really switch to the Windows client.
I am having a hard time getting WUs on one of my boxen. WinXP SMP2 setup.