stability testing with stacked kuhlers, crashing and temp Qs


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 23, 2009
so i just set up my cooling how it's gonna be in my new rig. right now i have it set up:

HD5870 rad>scythe AP15>i7 860 rad>scythe AP15

whatever i end up with, i want to get it right since the case im building with this cooling system will hopefully last me for many builds to come. i decided to arrange them that way because i figured the 5870 has a TDP of 188W and the i7 has a TDP of 95W so the 5870 should be first with the cooler air. then i figured if i put the fans on either side of the 5870 rad (fan>rad>fan>rad) then that would be too much cooling for the 5870 and not enough for the i7 so i decided to sandwich the i7 rad between fans and leave the 5870 with all the fresh outside air but just the pull fan (although both will be helping pull air through it really).

so i just now fired it up and temps are stabilized at 66-68C for the cpu cores and 49C for the gpu. i am running prime95 with large FFTs or whatever and furmark. all speeds are stock right now and the voltage on the cpu is at 1.17-1.18V. first question is, should i swap the radiators and put the cpu rad first? it seems like its getting much hotter, but if i swapped maybe instead of getting ~50 on both i might get ~70 on the gpu and ~50 on the cpu. what orders do you guys suggest? also, if i overclock one it would probably make more sense to OC the 5870 right? so maybe it's good that it's the lower temp and since the cpu is safe at 80 i can just raise the gpu clock a little? many more questions floating in my head but anyway, any insight into this situation would be appreciated.

second question is, why did my computer crash twice? the first time i ran prime95 and furmark, i left the room for like 5 mins and it restarted. i assume either the cpu or gpu overheated since the speeds are all stock so it shouldnt be a problem with stability. but now i've been running both for about 35 mins and every worker has passed the first round and some are passing the second now. no errors that i can tell from furmark but its just a burn in test so i dont know if it would show any errors. the only thing i can think of is that the first time i left the computer and it probably fell asleep, causing some kind of error with one of the tests. this time ive been sitting here moving the mouse every few minutes so it doesnt go to sleep. is that a possibility? thanks for the help guys, havent done any stability/stress testing in about 2 years. :)