Star Wars: The Last Jedi Behind the Scenes


Aug 20, 2006
Disney’s annual D23 Expo is currently underway, and the Star Wars team has greeted the occasion with a new behind-the-scenes look at The Last Jedi, which is coming to theaters December 15th. Actors suggest that this is a fresh take on the franchise, but I won’t be surprised if it turns out to be highly reminiscent of the Empire Strikes Back.
Disney’s annual D23 Expo is currently underway, and the Star Wars team has greeted the occasion with a new behind-the-scenes look at The Last Jedi, which is coming to theaters December 15th. Actors suggest that this is a fresh take on the franchise, but I won’t be surprised if it turns out to be highly reminiscent of the Empire Strikes Back.

"directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are leaving the Han Solo standalone film over “creative differences.” ... I wonder what the creative differences were and how it will effect the movie? What will they be putting in the movie that is so off that two of the best directors would be fired over it?
Nice, we are back to super OP jedi girl! I have to say, stormtoppers in chrome is > white.
I'm looking forward to this....hope Carrie's role kicks some butt, since it's her last and all :/
Retreading A New Hope for Episode VII was okay--it showed "We know how to make a Star Wars movie; we're not going to turn this into <insert other franchise>."

If they retread Empire though... Even if it's a legitimately good movie they're going to light all the goodwill they have on fire.

The fans will see what they did there--aka really expensive remakes.
I'm looking forward to this....hope Carrie's role kicks some butt, since it's her last and all :/

I'm sure it will be as stiff and awkward as her 2nd to last role in EP 7

Retreading A New Hope for Episode VII was okay--it showed "We know how to make a Star Wars movie; we're not going to turn this into <insert other franchise>."

If they retread Empire though... Even if it's a legitimately good movie they're going to light all the goodwill they have on fire.

The fans will see what they did there--aka really expensive remakes.

Agreed 7 was an homage at least how I saw it. I still have very little hope after Mark Hamil's comments about how Luke is being portrayed.

I see what you did there!

That was the best part!!!

"directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are leaving the Han Solo standalone film over “creative differences.” ... I wonder what the creative differences were and how it will effect the movie? What will they be putting in the movie that is so off that two of the best directors would be fired over it?

I read they left because they thought they were supposed to be making a comedy instead of a serious movie. I guess they thought it was to be something like the remake of Starsky and Hutch or Bay Watch or CHIPS, instead of a serious movie like most of the rest of the franchise. I really hope the Han Solo movie will be like the two book trilogies from the EU, those were really good. One of the last books I read and really loved was Millinium Falcon, which told the story of the Falcon from the time it was built until Han and Leia being grandparents traveling around with their granddaughter.
Nice, we are back to super OP jedi girl! I have to say, stormtoppers in chrome is > white.

I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).
I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).
Did you miss the part that these are fictional characters in a fictional universe with made up superpowers?
So a post I read that was supposed to be a plot synopsis from an insider that explained it pretty well, but I didn't save a screenshot and I only remember the stuff about Rey+Luke:

The original theory was that Rey was Reincarnated Anakin, but supposedly she's actually a reincarnated "first jedi", hence her crazy power. Luke is disenfranchised with the Jedi and wants them to die out, but Rey existing is the force *forcing* itself into balance. Luke and/or some other powerful jedi woman has Rey go into a vision where she sees the force in everything and can control it all ala the matrix. In the vision she fights a monster that is supposed to be the twisted mind of Anakin. (
I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).

Eh, I'm not sure if they made Rey to be as powerful as she was just to drive an agenda. I'm certain they just brainfarted and made a textbook Mary Sue because their writing skills just sucked.
I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).

Eh, I'm not sure if they made Rey to be as powerful as she was just to drive an agenda. I'm certain they just brainfarted and made a textbook Mary Sue because their writing skills just sucked.

I think it's bad writing coupled with bad direction at a time when strong female characters are selling. Character progression typically starts from the ground up, start from scratch or if its a powerful character to begin with they get cut down and rebuild from scratch. But in TFA, the character is just clueless to the fact that they are super OP. That's the dumbest freaking fundamental for a story line especially when there is hardly any progression from clueless girl to super OP future Jedi. TFA gets even more stupid when Han is killed. The writing is just shitastic here. Instead of having the original trio's 2/3rds unite with Han for his last moments which could have been one of the most emotional moments in SW history, instead we get Han dying with two characters he's known like 20 minutes. And then the most preposterous thing, OP girls hyper exaggerated reaction when she's known him 20 minutes. If you don't look deep, TFA is great but throw on them film theory glasses and its really shallow.
Nice, we are back to super OP jedi girl!
I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).

I'm so tired of this. Every single thread. It's clear that they deliberately made her origins and powers a mystery that will play a role in the story down the road. Not everything needs to be turned into a liberal SJW vs conservative SJW pissing match over who is more oppressed by today's culture. Shut up and enjoy the damn movie.

TFA borrows imagery and themes from the KOTOR series. Kylo Ren/Revan's armor, an incursion by a vengeful, darkside-aligned military dictatorship, the unknown world with the first Jedi temple... Rey might be bound to Kylo Ren through the force like Bastilla and Revan, the Exile and Kreia, and other various characters in the classic Star Wars EU. That would explain her talents, the short trances they entered when they connected (during the interrogation and the duel), and developing the ability to predict Kylo Ren's moves during their fight.

I'm excited to see what they've come up with.
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"directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are leaving the Han Solo standalone film over “creative differences.” ... I wonder what the creative differences were and how it will effect the movie? What will they be putting in the movie that is so off that two of the best directors would be fired over it?
Creative differences, the directors felt that the film needed to do something different from what the Disney approved script said. Higher ups at Disney who know more about marketing than either of them know about directing gave them the out to quit or be fired, and someone else will come in to direct the film the way it was written.
I think it's bad writing coupled with bad direction at a time when strong female characters are selling. Character progression typically starts from the ground up, start from scratch or if its a powerful character to begin with they get cut down and rebuild from scratch. But in TFA, the character is just clueless to the fact that they are super OP. That's the dumbest freaking fundamental for a story line especially when there is hardly any progression from clueless girl to super OP future Jedi. TFA gets even more stupid when Han is killed. The writing is just shitastic here. Instead of having the original trio's 2/3rds unite with Han for his last moments which could have been one of the most emotional moments in SW history, instead we get Han dying with two characters he's known like 20 minutes. And then the most preposterous thing, OP girls hyper exaggerated reaction when she's known him 20 minutes. If you don't look deep, TFA is great but throw on them film theory glasses and its really shallow.
As opposed to Luke's reaction to Obi Wan who he'd known for a very short time?
Synapsis said:
blah blah blah, amazing vision, unique story line, amazing visuals, blah blah, totally unexpected. blah blah so incredible to work with these actors blah blah Here let me put in more shots of Princess Leah to pull at your heart strings [blah blah] come and spend your money it will be worth it.
"directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are leaving the Han Solo standalone film over “creative differences.” ... I wonder what the creative differences were and how it will effect the movie? What will they be putting in the movie that is so off that two of the best directors would be fired over it?

They left because Disney and them were at creative differences over the tone of the movie. They saw it as a action-comedy given Han Solo's tendency to get in crazy situations. Disney did not. Ron Howard then took over.

There's going to be a ton of re-shoots, or a lot of film on the floor.
Did you miss the part that these are fictional characters in a fictional universe with made up superpowers?

Did you miss the part that the vast vast majority is Jedi's have to learn and train their powers from their youth? Even Luke had to go through a crap load of training through Yoda before he became half decent. And he's a freakin Skywalker. It was inherent natural in their bloodline for some reason.
Did you miss the part that the vast vast majority is Jedi's have to learn and train their powers from their youth? Even Luke had to go through a crap load of training through Yoda before he became half decent. And he's a freakin Skywalker. It was inherent natural in their bloodline for some reason.
She probably just had an overabundance of midi-chlorians in her blood.
Retreading A New Hope for Episode VII was okay--it showed "We know how to make a Star Wars movie; we're not going to turn this into <insert other franchise>."

If they retread Empire though... Even if it's a legitimately good movie they're going to light all the goodwill they have on fire.

The fans will see what they did there--aka really expensive remakes.

I think it is a fine opportunity to pay serious homage the training on degobah and use the other half or two thirds of the story arc to finally establish it's own legs. We'll see.
I'm sure it will be as stiff and awkward as her 2nd to last role in EP 7


I mean, woof, she looked and acted like she just woke up from a bender. She even sounded like she was slurring her words. She was awful.
I know I'll get flamed, but this is the main reason I hated TFA. It's all part of the current trend of "anything you can do, girls can do better, girl power!" bullshit that has permeated seemingly every facet of our culture. They totally overpowered her and made some kind of super-jedi savant, just to push a narrative. Story or premise be damned. I wouldn't even have a problem with a female lead, at all, but the current climate of "tough chicks" is just so ridiculous and so transparent, I can't stomach it anymore. If I see one more 130lb female toss around a room full of UFC heavyweights, I'm going to flip the fuck out (I'm looking at you agents of shield, arrow, legends of tomorrow, Supergirl, etc, etc).

The one thing I can see them drawing from to get to this point with Rey would be taking from Splinter of the Mind's Eye where Leia duels Darth Vader after Luke is injured. Leia takes Luke's lightsaber and actually defends Luke from being killed by Vader. She doesn't stand against Vader very long before others come to the rescue, but she is capable even though she doesn't have a clue she has any connection to the Force. I think they borrowed more from the EU than they will admit, but as someone else said I hate how they have tried to throw it out so completely.
Midichlorians are canonical to Star Wars. Like it or not they are a part of the Star Wars universe.

Yes and no. The expanded universe had the concept by Lucas. But absolutely no one and I mean no one picked up this retarded idea until Lucas forced it upon us in 99's sw ep 1:tpm

And we know what kind of idiot Lucas is. Originally luke was to be a girl. And star wars special edition ruining the greatness of the original. The man quite frankly butchered it as much as he created it. The same as rodenberry butchered next generation as much as he created it.

The reason it's so f'n stupid is because it tries to put a scientfic slant on something that is mystical and that kind of crushes the whole illusion. If it we're as easy to attribute the force to these microscopic creatures then quite frankly science would have beaten the hell out of them like large hedron collider and found a way to inject mass amounts into everyone they could like Adam from Rapture.

The whole concept is just f'n retarded.

Yeah I went there. I blasomied the sci fi God's. These are men. They can make bad ideas with good ones. If you want near perfect sci fi read Asimov. The man was a genius for his day. But even he was flawed.
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"directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are leaving the Han Solo standalone film over “creative differences.” ... I wonder what the creative differences were and how it will effect the movie? What will they be putting in the movie that is so off that two of the best directors would be fired over it?

Well Ron Howard is taking over the movie so hopefully it is good like most of his films are.