
Well, that is interesting. If I’m done with BG3 by then and impressions from people playing on the first day or two of are solid I might be tempted to go that route.

I def won't be done with BG 3 by then BUT Starfield is my single player game I can play when my buddy is not available for our coop BG 3 play through
review codes go out later this reviewers will have plenty of time to form some in-depth impressions of the gameplay before it officially launches on Sept 1 (Early Access)...Bethesda must feel confident that the game is really good...they usually don't give out review codes this early
review codes go out later this reviewers will have plenty of time to form some in-depth impressions of the gameplay before it officially launches on Sept 1 (Early Access)...Bethesda must feel confident that the game is really good...they usually don't give out review codes this early

Can confirm someone I know is playing Starfield..Also can confirm: they say it’s very good and not just “Skyrim in Space”
Review codes are apparently going out this week (or have already gone out).
I've heard there are spoilers floating around but haven't seen any indication of that.
I predict that most early mods will be broken by the inevitable series of patches that Bethesda need to release soon after the game comes out. Worst case scenario, it's a bit of a shit show for those folks who are preordering and modding.
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I think I’m going to be dumb and get the premium edition. I love space games.
Was $82.99 GMG for me.

And you're right on about space games. I think they have universal appeal, at least when done right. Plenty of space shit that gives the genre a bad name or otherwise turns people off (Star Citizen, Space Invaders).

Dark fantasy (Elder Scrolls) and post-apocalyptic (Fallout) are cool, but there's a reason everyone watches stuff like The Mandalorian instead of let's say a show about lesbian motorcycle cops. Space does not give a fuck - it's silence is the purest expression of scorn.
With BG3 being kind of a time suck (and still really rough around the edges) I might end up diving into this and going back to BG3 later. If it's lousy, it's just another GamePass title, so it won't be the end of the world to me.
Alright there actually are story spoilers floating around social media.
Remain vigilant.

Preload info, tomorrow for MS Store and Aug 30th for Steam.
Game size is 139.84 GB on MS.

Bethesda did a Q&A on Discord today, here is a summary of new info
You can buy housing in all the major cities in the game, while some houses are rewards for completing certain quests

If you choose the kids stuff trait how your parents look will be generated off your characters appearance.

Says people should go at their own pace in the character creator.

Certain items are considered "Contraband" and you'll need to smuggle them past security ships that are in orbit of major settlements. There will be special ship modules you can get to hide these items.

Game has a fixed economy, but selling/buying prices can change based on player skills.

Getting caught commiting a crime will give you the usual options of jail time, fine paying, or trying to fight your way out.

Time will pass while only actively playing the game.

"All of the playable factions can be completed independently."

There will be opportunities to be a double agent in game.

Lots of various non-lethal options for players to use in game, but they "can't guarantee every mission can be completed in pacifist mode."

Existing IRL religions will be part of the starfield universe, but the game will more focus on three ones specific to the game:

Sanctum Universum - Believe that "God very much exists somewhere in the universe" and that humanity should use their space travel technology to go out and "find" it.
The Enlightened - Organized atheists that believe humans should be working to help each other
House Va'ruun - Essentially the crazed cultist group that worship an entity known as the "Great Serpent."
20+ named companions who can join the crew.

"Onetime payment" over constant salary when getting crew to work at an outpost.
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review codes go out later this reviewers will have plenty of time to form some in-depth impressions of the gameplay before it officially launches on Sept 1 (Early Access)...Bethesda must feel confident that the game is really good...they usually don't give out review codes this early

Review codes are apparently going out this week (or have already gone out)

Starfield has gone gold!..Preloads begin tomorrow for Xbox X|S and Windows PC and August 30th for Steam...

Preload info, tomorrow for MS Store and Aug 30th for Steam

you keep re-posting things that were just posted a few posts earlier...
Pretty much all of my friends are going to be playing it and I happen to have the week off following the release... So... yea I bought it.

To be honest, if the premise of the game interests me, I would rather play it for myself than hear what some gaming review nerd has to say about it anyhow.
My Joystick and free drive space are ready.
Joystick for a first-person FPS? 🤢
Roughly two weeks away now - pretty exciting.
Why are you sharing links of sensationalist tech bro dudes trying to get clicks with childish outrage posts?
Here's a prediciton:

1. If Starfield is good and popular, he's going to nitpick it to death, complain about it hurting his eyes, and refund it.
2. If Starfield is mediocre or bad, he's going to defend it to the hilt and continually post screenshots.
You know the ideal situation is that Starfield will be as buggy at launch as No Man's Sky was. And will be fixed in time just like No Man's Sky was.

Endless rage and joy postings for 18-24 months.
Here's a prediciton:

1. If Starfield is good and popular, he's going to nitpick it to death, complain about it hurting his eyes, and refund it.
2. If Starfield is mediocre or bad, he's going to defend it to the hilt and continually post screenshots.

Game doesn't even look fun your posts make my eyes hurt.
Whew, lots of giant (file-size) games have hit lately. I actually had to go in and clear out some older games I keep perma-installed just to make room.
I’m having mixed emotions about Starfield for a personal reason that might seem a little weird to some…

Okay, deep breath, here it goes. (Just skip this post if you don’t like this sort of thing.)

I’m 56, and believe it or not, until five years ago I’d never had a girlfriend. All my life I wanted one (really badly - especially when I was younger) but my introversion, which is on an extreme level, made it virtually impossible for me. At 50 I’d completely given up on ever having a lady in my life - but then one day, at work, I accidentally blew some snow onto a female colleague (I’m the gardener at a large care centre for the elderly, and in when it’s snowing, and I can’t work in the garden, I remove snow and put down salt). All I heard was a scream, and looked up and saw a young lady with snow all over her. I apologized and said I’d buy her a coffee, without even thinking about it.

The one coffee led to another coffee, and on our second ‘date’ she asked me if I’d go on a hike with her, which led to a dinner date, which led to more hikes, which led to us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly I was going up to her place every weekend, and having dinner with her almost every night, and going on trips with her, and generally doing all sorts of stuff that I’d never done with another person before… it was a magical time in my life. Not being lonely all the time was a real experience.

The five years went by in a flash, and were by far the happiest of my life. I gave up gaming, for the most part.

My girlfriend turned 35 this year, and although she never discussed it with me face to face, I always knew that she badly wanted to start a family. Unfortunately, I came to realize that she wanted a husband who was closer to her own age, since I knew she wanted to experience life as a grandparent, and hopefully have her husband with her. The age-gap between us was 22 years, which meant we would never be able to grow old together.

Our relationship was so strong, and our connection so deep, that she always said to me that if we ever broke up she’d have to quit her job, since we used to see each other at work continuously.

This year, I had a problem with my heart, which seemed to stun my girlfriend - I just don’t think that at 35 she was prepared to be with a guy who was having a health issue that was more or less related to aging.

Anyway, three months ago I had the shock of a lifetime: my girlfriend and I were going to go for our usual mid-day coffee, but when I went to her office in the kitchen to meet her (she was the nutritionist) I discovered that the lights were out and her door was locked. My first reaction was… she’s quit, and gone back home to her parents, even though that seemed absurd. Her staff were clearly shocked and upset and nobody was talking to me, which made me realize that the nightmare in my head was probably happening in reality.

Our mutual boss confirmed my suspicions an hour later, saying my girlfriend came into his office sobbing, saying she had to leave her job, and was going back home to her family. He tried his best to talk her out of it, but she was determined to leave.

So… long story short… I’m back to where I was before. Alone again. Which means that I now spend most of my time, outside of work, writing and gaming. I’ve written seven novels over the course of thirty years and would like to become a published author one day… although this seems like a fantasy, right now. Writing is what I did before, to ease the loneliness, and gaming is what I used to do at the end of the day, by myself (also to ease the loneliness?).

The gaming thing is a monkey I’d like to have off my back, but it’s something that still makes me somewhat happy, so I do it.

Ten years ago, I would have been ecstatic about a game like this being released - but today it makes me feel sad and regretful that this is all I have right now. I’d like to join in on the fun, but this is a weird time in my life right now.

Anyway, thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I apologize if you found this annoying. This is a gaming forum, after all. LOL.
I'm sorry to hear that and I won't try and tackle all the heavy stuff that you're talking about there but I do want to encourage you to start exercising if you don't already. One of the worst things for ones perspective on life and oneself is to just be staring at a screen all day and not balancing that out with physical movement. I'm not saying go to a gym and get ripped. I'm just saying start moving everyday even if it's only for 15 minutes. I spend a lot of time alone too, by choice. I think one of the main reasons I'm not depressed is that I go lap swimming 4 or 5 days a week. This is way better than taking anti-depressants.
I'm leaning towards getting this on Day 1...also depends on whether I get Armored Core 6...Bethesda games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls and even Deathloop have always given me hundreds of hours of gaming fun...Starfield at its worst should be a decent game

I also want to play Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time right as the Phantom Liberty expansion hits (September 26)...and Lords of the Fallen is also a must-play for me...Lies of P is leaning in that direction as well
No DLSS or XeSS in preload files.
According to Twitter user Sebasti66855537, the Starfield preload files show no sign of Nvidia DLSS or Intel XeSS. Sharing a screenshot of the game’s expanded installation folder, there’s nary a trace of team green or blue to be found.

Achievements (leak)

A Legacy Forged – Complete “A Legacy Forged”
All That Money Can Buy – Complete “All That Money Can Buy”
Entangled – Complete “Entangled”
Executive Level – Complete “Executive Level”
Further Into the Unknown – Complete “Further Into the Unknown”
Guilty Parties – Complete “Guilty Parties”
High Price to Pay – Complete “High Price to Pay”
In Their Footsteps – Complete “In Their Footsteps”
Into the Unknown – Complete “Into the Unknown”
Legacy’s End – Complete “Legacy’s End”
One Giant Leap – Complete “One Giant Leap”
Surgical Strike – Complete “Surgical Strike”
The Best There Is – Complete “The Best There Is”
The Devils You Now – Complete “The Devils You Know”
The Hammer Falls – Complete “The Hammer Falls”
Unearthed – Complete “Unearthed”
Dust Off – Reach Level 5
Traveler – Reach Level 10
Elite – Reach Level 25
Space Opera – Reach Level 50
Reach for the Stars – Reach Level 100
Back to the Grind – Join Ryujin Industries
Deputized – Join the Freestar Rangers
One Small Step – Join Constellation
Rook Meets King – Join the Crimson Fleet
Supra et Ultra – Join the UC Vanguard
For All, Into the Starfield – Enter Space for the First Time
Home Sweet Home – Build an Outpost
Shipping Magnate – Connect 5 Outposts with Cargo Links
I Use Them For Smuggling – Successfully Smuggle Contraband
Chief Engineer – Modify a Ship
Fleet Commander – Collect 10 Ships
Another Bug Hunt – Eliminate 300 Creatures
Boots on the Ground – Land on 100 Planets
The Stars My Destination – Visit all Star Systems
Stellar Cartography – Visit 20 Star Systems
Cyber Jockey – Bypass 50 Digital Locks
Dark Matter – Eliminate 300 Human Enemies
Fixer – Complete 30 Activities
Privateer – Complete 30 Terminal or Misc. Missions
INdustrialist – Produce 500 Total Resources from Outposts
Jacked In – Access 50 Computers
Life Begate Life – Gather 500 Organic Resources
Replicator – Craft 100 Items
Rock Collection – Gather 500 Inorganic Resources
Soldier of Fortune – Mod 50 Weapons
Thirst for Knowledge – Read 20 Skill Magazines
War of Angels – Collect 20 Quantum Essence
The Family You Choose – Recruit 10 Separate Companions
Starcrossed – Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion

Main menu (leak)
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