"Stealth" an LCD/VFD?


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
I'm building a plexi case that I want to paint a nice black.

I want to make it so that, when the character LCD is off, it looks like nothing is there, and when it's on, it looks like the text matches the case.

I haven't started yet, so all ideas are appreciated.

And recommend an LCD with an HD4470 controller or an easy-to-wire-to-parallel-or-serial-or-USB-port VFD with your post. ;)

I've never done anything like that, but what about tinting a piece of plexi with auto tint to put over the screen? It could make it look darker, but then I don't know how it would look when turned on, if it would be too dark.
I am doing exaclty that with a case I am working on right now.

I will post pics when it's done. I can't really explain how it's done, but you will see it in the pics.