Steel or aluminum?

Bootleg Loowe

Jan 24, 2007
Well, I'm wondering which one has a nicer paint finish and is easier to cut holes in.

My Stacker 830 has really sturdy aluminum which is thick, but if I'm going to mod a computer I would buy an Aluminum Lian Li, or a Steel Centurion.

Which one would have cleaner cuts, the aluminum or steel?
Which one would have a nicer paint finish, the aluminum or steel?

The aluminum on Lian's looks really flimsy :mad: .
I don't mean EASIER to cut, i mean has a better cut. As in will hole cutting machines tear through the aluminum on a lian li too harshly. But steel is sturdy so it would give it a nice clean cut, or atleast I think, which is why I'm asking.

I changed my mind, I might use a p180 instead of a centurion if they get off of sold out, or I will use a centurion, or a lian li.

Which one would sponsors like ATI, Nvidia, Lian Li, evga, ASUS, ac ryan, etc. like, steel or aluminum? Do they think steel is outdated?
I think that would be more dependant on how fast you're feeding the hole saw into the metal. Definitely, with aluminum, you don't have to bear down on the drill, and might even want to be extra-gentle with it, depending on the thickness of the aluminum. One mil aluminum cuts really quickly with a bi-metallic hole saw!! :eek:

If you're cutting with something other than a hole saw, I'd definitely suggest aluminum, just for ease of cutting. I know that sounds a bit contradictory to my first paragraph, but boy, do I remember cutting my first case window, in a steel case. It was an 8"x10" window, and I was using a nibbler! After 2 days of on again, off again cutting, I finished the hole........and had the Popeye forearms to prove it!!! :rolleyes:
Both can be cut just as well if you do it correctly with the right tools.

If you are doing something and trying to catch attention, uncommon colors of anodized aluminum can look really cool.