Steve Wozniak Disappointed With The iPad Air

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Woz isn't a big fan of the new iPad Air? I can't say that I'm surprised, he's always been a "tell it like it is" kinda guy.

Wozniak told the Apps World conference in the United Kingdom on Wednesday that he’s not interested in the new iPad Air because it doesn’t have nearly enough storage to meet his content consumption needs. In particular, Wozniak said that he wanted an iPad with enough storage for him to download every episode of The Big Bang Theory, a popular sitcom that Wozniak has guest-starred on in the past.
No surprise here, Woz hasn't been a big fan of all these rehashes.
Woz needs to go off in to obscurity and stop commentating on what his old company does. Apple's users give two shits less about what he says. It reminds me of John Dvorak and his ability to whine about everything. I for one will be in line buying an iPad Air once they're in stores.
256gb iPad? No broadband at his home? What the deuce?
Woz needs to go off in to obscurity and stop commentating on what his old company does. Apple's users give two shits less about what he says. It reminds me of John Dvorak and his ability to whine about everything. I for one will be in line buying an iPad Air once they're in stores.

In other words "Don't you dare say anything negative about the almighty Apple!"

Did I translate that correctly?

It's funny to see Apple fans rip Woz apart if he dares criticize Apple, but when he says something positive about Apple they damn near wet themselves over it.
In other words "Don't you dare say anything negative about the almighty Apple!"

Did I translate that correctly?

It's funny to see Apple fans rip Woz apart if he dares criticize Apple, but when he says something positive about Apple they damn near wet themselves over it.

Woz isn't consistent. As per the article, he praised Microsoft's Windows RT and Surface RT until it got negative reviews, then he did an about face.

It's about him, not the product. He doesn't want to be associated with negative publicity.

He's only cool here because he bashes Apple products, just like some people on this forum do.
Does Woz not understand he us suppose to pay Apple itunes the season price for all the Big Bang Seasons and he can just stream via cloud...duh!
From what I read of the article, he just says the iPad Air doesn't meet his needs, so he doesn't want one. I would not call this Woz bashing the iPad. The MacWorld headline seems to be a bit sensationalist.

Kinda sounds like he wants a Surface Pro or something if he's looking for a tablet with 256GB of storage.
From what I read of the article, he just says the iPad Air doesn't meet his needs, so he doesn't want one. I would not call this Woz bashing the iPad. The MacWorld headline seems to be a bit sensationalist.

Kinda sounds like he wants a Surface Pro or something if he's looking for a tablet with 256GB of storage.

Surface Pro comes in 64 and 128gb. He's in lala land if he thinks he can get a fast 256gb tablet for reasonable cost.
Does Woz not understand he us suppose to pay Apple itunes the season price for all the Big Bang Seasons and he can just stream via cloud...duh!

He mentions he has no broadband at home and travels a lot, so that's why he wants a lot of local storage. Hopefully he's doing more with that local storage than going on a 7 season Big Bang Theory watching marathon.
Woz needs to go off in to obscurity and stop commentating on what his old company does. Apple's users give two shits less about what he says. It reminds me of John Dvorak and his ability to whine about everything. I for one will be in line buying an iPad Air once they're in stores.
Woz has more of a right to say what he pleases about Apple—good or bad—than does any number of faceless schmoes on the internet.
I should have specificed Surface Pro 2... It comes with up to 512GB.

I didn't know it was out yet. Still, the Pro cost a great deal and it's more ultrabook than tablet. But yes, he should consider the Pro 2 if storage is what he needs. You can load up iTunes on it after all.

I really don't understand why people need to defend a company as if it was a family member or a close friend.
You know, put in a micor sd or sd card slot in any tablet with at least 8 gigs internal storage and it'll fit your need.
Might have to carry around some sd/ micro sd cards, but its doable.

I really don't understand why people need to defend a company as if it was a family member or a close friend.

Especially after a guy who started his opinion on why he isn't buying one, sheesh, good think he said something bad about their mother.
Woz needs to go off in to obscurity and stop commentating on what his old company does. Apple's users give two shits less about what he says. It reminds me of John Dvorak and his ability to whine about everything. I for one will be in line buying an iPad Air once they're in stores.

Instead lets listen to people who do nothing but look damn good in a black suit. The fat guy who actually BUILT SHIT has to stfu. You have to start buying crap. Loads of crap. Specifically Apple's crap.
He mentions he has no broadband at home and travels a lot, so that's why he wants a lot of local storage.

What do you mean no broadband and travels a lot? Are we living in the 1980's? CLOUD'S THE FUTURE MAN! DON'T DENY IT!
All you Woz haters. ha ha.

He has a valid point. 16GB? come on. It should start with at least 32gb, if not more and ramp up from there.

How long as ipads been 16gb to start with? Since day 1.

Apple dropped this ball on this one and I hope they chock on them.
WoZ has a point, there is no reason not to include a memory slot on these things.
16GB is a joke.
Surface Pro comes in 64 and 128gb. He's in lala land if he thinks he can get a fast 256gb tablet for reasonable cost.

They CAN be built, but everyone is making way to much profit raping people for storage AND it has the nice effect of forcing everyone to try cloud storage. Its a viscious game being used to hold back computing and im sick of hearing the excuses. It is absolutely clear the industry is holding back on memory and VASTLY overcharging for it.
Just waned to note that MicroSD is useless. 64GB, lol.

It should eventually improve, sd card would be fine as well or any new standard of memory expansion. Nexus has the same problem. Once again if they allowed memory expansion it might hurt sales and profits. Then again they are improve processors/gpu/screens at such a pace people tend to want to upgrade frequently. They also tend to die when the battery dies.
Personally, I think they have used up all of SJ's ideas and now just doing enough to keep money coming in. Apple kept making things that were revolutionary. Now its just more evolutionary. They can survive on that for a while but just today I read their market share for the iphone is now down to 50% from 65% a year ago. Competition is catching up to Apple. They need to make that revolutionary jump again soon with something or people will no longer think of them as industry leaders. Some say it's already happened.
From what I read of the article, he just says the iPad Air doesn't meet his needs, so he doesn't want one. I would not call this Woz bashing the iPad. The MacWorld headline seems to be a bit sensationalist.

Kinda sounds like he wants a Surface Pro or something if he's looking for a tablet with 256GB of storage.

Yea I read it as that as well. Thing with the surface tablets is you can add a usb hard drive if you wanted.

All you Woz haters. ha ha.

He has a valid point. 16GB? come on. It should start with at least 32gb, if not more and ramp up from there.

How long as ipads been 16gb to start with? Since day 1.

Apple dropped this ball on this one and I hope they chock on them.

Yea I tend to agree with the storage part as well. I think they should start at 32 gigs. Anyway the air doesn't interest me either.

Really what is interesting me are these new windows 8.1 tablets running the quad core atom chip on the cheap. I want to see just how well they preform.
I wish they would sell them with actual useable space. 16gb unit only has 13gb available to the user.
My 64gb unit only has 57gb available to me. Why does the 64gb unit take a 7gb hit and the 16gb only 3?
Woz isn't consistent. As per the article, he praised Microsoft's Windows RT and Surface RT until it got negative reviews, then he did an about face.

It's about him, not the product. He doesn't want to be associated with negative publicity.

He's only cool here because he bashes Apple products, just like some people on this forum do.

It's more that the way he talks he tends to be greatly misquoted. Like the Surface. His praise was on how it looked, and right after his sentence on how it looked like something Jobs would create, he stated that he would have to own one to pass final judgement. Blogs ignored that part and ran with the part where he said he loved it.

The same goes with misquotes about Microsoft being more Innovative than Apple a few months back. He was talking about all of the things that MS Research has shown off, and how it seemed that Apple was just interested in improving what they currently have out. It was the exact thing he later criticized Steve Balmer for doing by sitting back and concentrating on improving windows and office instead of trying to get their innovations to market. He's being fair, but most people report on just the side that they need for their story.
The same goes with misquotes about Microsoft being more Innovative than Apple a few months back. He was talking about all of the things that MS Research has shown off, and how it seemed that Apple was just interested in improving what they currently have out. It was the exact thing he later criticized Steve Balmer for doing by sitting back and concentrating on improving windows and office instead of trying to get their innovations to market. He's being fair, but most people report on just the side that they need for their story.

People only hear what they want to hear...the rest they simply ignore as noise. I wish this was not the case, but ...
Companies will continue to foist low storage devices on consumers and charge exorbitant amounts for upgrades until people vote with their wallets, but good luck convincing people to exercise some restraint.

I really don't understand why people need to defend a company as if it was a family member or a close friend.

It equally confuses me why so many people need to irrationally attack a company as if it were the spawn of satan.
Umm also forgot to mention Woz can get the 128GB version im sorry but that should be able to hold all his favorite show season, also what person doesnt have internet in there home nowadays? You can still get crap Sat service or Cell service with a wifi hotspot. Sorry Woz your excuse seems really lame to me.
Woz needs to go off in to obscurity and stop commentating on what his old company does. Apple's users give two shits less about what he says. It reminds me of John Dvorak and his ability to whine about everything. I for one will be in line buying an iPad Air once they're in stores.

I own apple products, I have especially liked the iphone. The price for capacity is getting to be a deal killer. I don't need hundreds of gigs, but the lack of removable media and the price for something reasonable sized is becoming increasingly unattractive. On the tablet side, it's already a deal killer. With most android tablets, I can shuffle through as many 32gb or larger cards as I want. They can be accessible to me anywhere at any time. IPad I can go through the hassle of getting stuff onto the device, which is slow, or I can use cloud storage, which if I want it anywhere is another $300 a year in access fees and an even larger price premium on the device. There are some solutions coming out with network attached storage I could make work ona road trip in the car, but once again not very convenient, not simple at all, and adds well over $100 in total cost.

I'm with Woz on this one. Not necessarily in terms of magnitude, but the general concept of limited storage space and absurd premiums for what it does have being a pretty significant limiter.
I didn't know it was out yet. Still, the Pro cost a great deal and it's more ultrabook than tablet. But yes, he should consider the Pro 2 if storage is what he needs. You can load up iTunes on it after all.

Ever look at the price for a 128GB iPad? $799 without LTE, $929 with.

This is the problem with iPad/Surface Pro comparisons. Everyone looks at the $500 base price for the iPad and ignores everything else. When you compare an $800 128GB iPad with a $1000 128GB Surface Pro 2 , $200 doesn't sound like too much of a premium for a full OS, Core i5, Mini DisplayPort, USB 3.0, and microSD expansion.
Personally, I think they have used up all of SJ's ideas and now just doing enough to keep money coming in.

This. Tim Cook is a corporate wuss who has no business running Apple. Steve Jobs ruled the way he did because he felt he knew what consumers wanted and was a perfectionist about it (Cry all you want Androiders). Cook is just evolving Jobs' ideas and not doing anything innovative. He's no different than most other CEOs.