Still possible to download Tekken 5 DR through Japan store?


Dec 3, 2005
Just got a ps3 today and wondering if its possible to download Tekken 5 DR.
Nope. They blocked US users from purchasing things on the HK/JP Store... but you can still download stuff that our store doesn't have (RR7 demo).

DR will be released soon, though. I'm betting on a February 20th release... to coincide with the competition. :p hehe
You can also grab the 6 or 7 extra RR7 races from the Asian stores. Why they havent put those on the US store yet i dont know. But yeah sorry that you missed the Tekken 5 DR window. It is fun :)
Was able to get a copy. Sick as hell game. 360 going to gather dust, if not go to ebay.
The US version's going to have several extras (like a training mode and ghosts to share) that will make it better than the Asian one. They're also going to be tweaking the framerate for certain levels. There's no word if the Asian one will have a patch or if they're just stuck, though.
It's probably coming this month, and The18thLetter's making the most educated guess on the date :)
I'm chomping at the bit, too, but it's only a few more weeks. I just pulled out Tekken 5 to get used to the game again. It works in 480p mode, so it still looks terrific.
You would ebay your 360 because of tekken?


Im a playstation fan boy:)

Game is great if anyone is waiting on it. Only 860 megs and having a great time battling against people here. Working on the 56" 1080 samsung dlp looks fantastic too.
Still the only game I own and its keeping me busy fighting. For anyone who has loved Tekken this game does not disappoint one bit. I loved Tekken Tag, hated tekken 4, and never played 5. Excellent game worth the money.