Strange Asus M2n32-SLI Deluxe problem


Limp Gawd
Sep 20, 2007
When ever I flash my bios past version 1701, to anything like 1802,1903, or the new 2001 versions and change the tcl, trcd, tras settings from auto to what I use when I overclock the system will not post at all.

With bios version 1701 everything works fine when I change the settings listed above, but like I said anything past version 1701 will not post even at stock settings on everything but the 3 memory settings I listed.

This is driving me up the wall, if I leave the 3 memory settings alone and overclock everything seems to work just fine. I just dont get why I cant manually set my memory timings past a certain bios version.

Any one have any ideas of what could be up.

And please note: everything is stable with the 1701 bios, so why would it not work with the latest bios versions?:confused:
If no hardware has changed and your cpu/mobo/memory is stable @ present clocks why upgrade bios?

Just my thoughts.
If no hardware has changed and your cpu/mobo/memory is stable @ present clocks why upgrade bios?

Just my thoughts.

To get the latest support for if I decide to go quad core, I dont want to have to rebuild for a intel/ddr3 setup. When I can run a amd quad core with just a processor upgrade, but I dont know if I will spend the money anytime soon or ever for it. But at least I have the option for it.

I talked to a asus rep about the problem and they said that it must be the memory and I explained that with the 1701 bios I have no problems with setting the memory timings, but they told me that the new bios might change memory support.
So I was like the new bios versions take away support for memory? Then the rep was like I need to call asus support for more help:(