Strange Hardware issue


Jul 4, 2006
A little earlier today I started to put my computer back together after having it apart to put in a new processor heatsink/fan. After everything was all hooked up I turned it on. To my surprise nothing worked. The CD-tray wouldn't open, the monitor wouldn't recieve a connection. Nothing except for the fans. The new Zalman fans (and an old one) I put in all span up fine. My Fan Mate 2 I have hooked up to my processor fan worked.

Does anyone have any idea what would cause this and hwo to fix it?
Did you plug your new CPU fan into the power supply or the MoBo header? Most MoBo's won't boot if they don't detect a CPU fan.
RobotChild said:
Fucking fuck. I might have fried the CPU core.

How ? You didn't try to overclock or overvolt before you booted the first time did you? Any of the modern CPUs (well, Intel I know for sure, AMD I would highly expect as well) have temp controls built in that will shut down the CPU if temps get too high, so if somehow the CPU fan was not plugged in it should have worked for a little while then just shut down.
NulloModo said:
How ? You didn't try to overclock or overvolt before you booted the first time did you? Any of the modern CPUs (well, Intel I know for sure, AMD I would highly expect as well) have temp controls built in that will shut down the CPU if temps get too high, so if somehow the CPU fan was not plugged in it should have worked for a little while then just shut down.
Alright, that's good to hear.

I was told on another forum that my CPU core is probably fried.

I'm fairly sure that it's not the case now. More likely my MoBo doesn't like Zalman's Fanmate2.
Hmm.. Could the Zalman HSF touching the Northbridge HS cause it to not work. I don't think I shortened the fin enough.
RobotChild said:
Alright, that's good to hear.

I was told on another forum that my CPU core is probably fried.

I'm fairly sure that it's not the case now. More likely my MoBo doesn't like Zalman's Fanmate2.

Did you buy a retail or OEM CPU? If you got a retail (with HSF unit) try hooking it up with that, and bare minimum of accessories, CPU + HSF, video card, and hard drive only. See if you can POST and boot into windows. If you can, start adding the other stuff one by one until you find the trouble spot.
Yes I have the stock HSF. Everything was working fine up until now.

Sadly, I ran out of Thermal Paste so once I take of the HSF, It's gonna stay off until I get more.