strange PSU problem.


Feb 2, 2005
ok, My new PSU came in today, its from RAIDMAX ordered from Newegg. and for some reason, it's not working. the fans won't run, there are two fans on there. But for some reason, if you put your ear to it you can hear a faint whining noise. I got out my meter, and the Molex Connectors, including the P1 are giving max resistance. but when I tried them on DCA, at 500u, it gave just barely a small sign of reading. and of course PSU's are supposed to provide AC power, from DC. and on ACV I am getting no readings. And on DCV no readings either.
should I RMA this PSU? I don't feel like opening it up and messing aroung with soldering Irons. Is there something I need to do with this thing? btw, I tried plugging a cathode, and a fan into it, and they just wont do anything. and I don't know if this messed it up or not, but I plugged it straight into a wall outlet, not a plugstrip/surge suppresor. you think it could have messed it up? cause my other PSU works fine out of the wall socket. (Could the fuse have blown or something?)
thanks in advance.
thanks. I know I need to buy a better PSU, but I wanted this one as a backup unit for any case. plus it was only $38.