stupid HTML noob question


Jan 20, 2002
I have never really done much HTML. I have been asked by my boss, since I'm "the techy one" to add a little feature to our web page, and I need your help

I want to add part of another web page into our web page. Specifically I want the table which shows "1 to 10 years" from here.

Can anyone help an HTML noob accomplish such a feat? I just need that table to show up in the body of my web page. The idea being when the rates change on standard life's site, my site always stays up to date.

thanks so much.
Add this code into the page at the point where you want their page to be displayed and then save YOUR page with a .php extension.

<?php include(""); ?>
If you want the data as-is right now, then copy/paste the site's "table" block and remove what you don't want.

If that page is showing dynamic data changes (ie: moment in time), then go with a PHP "include" or an iframe.
Is there any way to crop just that table?

If that page is showing dynamic data changes (ie: moment in time), then go with a PHP "include" or an iframe.
the page updates periodically and i need to up to date number to automagically appear on my page.
Is there any way to crop just that table?
Doubtful... it all depends on whether the table's data is coming from a source you can access or not.

You might try seeing if javascript could scroll an iframe to a particular point (or at least down a number of pixels), and see if this hackish approach is possible and to your liking.
I still think just using PHP Includes would be easier, atleast try it at first, because making or adapting a parser sounds like a lot of work just to pull a bit of data.