Suggestions on Wireless Card


Aug 8, 2002
I currently have a cheap wireless card in my computer. It had been hard wired in my previous house and the card had been in my HTPC, well after moving and the router being placed upstairs at the opposite end of the house, I had to add it to my main computer. However, the signal sucks, and I have seen some posts about the card being weak and not very cooperative with Win7.

So what I need is a suggestion on a decent, not over priced, PCI wireless card that will give me really good range and speeds. I have 35Mb internet with Verizon, and this current card has a fair signal, or so it says, but only has a speed of 1Mb, so that is horrible. I need something to get me up in the 35Mb range.
I think you just have too much interference. You may need to add an intermediate signal booster as opposed to expect a new wireless card to work magic through the layers of your house. Who knows though, it could happen with a better card, but I can tell you that my turdy ancient Belkin USB card works great even all the way across the house and 2 walls, I just had to try a handful of different driver sets made specifically for the chipset of the card, and voila it works like a charm. Just a thought.

A weak router that can't send it's signal very far and/or too much interference/blockage are often the more likely culprits. Bad drivers don't help either.
The router is whatever model Verizon gives out with their FIOS, so its probably a crappy one.

I wonder if I have an SMA cable around here I can extend my antenna with.
Woot! Just found a 100' SMA/SMA cable at work that we got with a GPS unit we do not need. Put that together with a few connectors, and I have an extension cable. So now I can hopefully pull the antenna off the card attach the cable, run it outside to the other side of the house, and put the antenna on it over there, and get a much better signal. Hopefully the line loss is insignificant. We shall see. Sure beats buying another card if I can get away with it.
I'm using the router that Verizon gives away with FIOS (Tall, crazy Actiontec beast with a bigass antenna?). You can use it to get a good signal from one end of one house to the other end of the neighboring house LOL. It's very good.
Well, turns out the connectors are all reverse polarity, so even with converters I would still be iffy on the reception. I instead found a MoCa adapter from Amazon for $70. Hooked it up and boom full bandwidth usage. Now if my Xbox would only play BluRay movies over the network.