Summers coming....slowing things down...


Staff member
Feb 3, 2004
I went from 13 machines to 7 last month........I'm going down to 3 this week.....

No way in hell I'm gonna put up with the heat this year....
cya in the fall...maybe

Got the same issues here, it was nice during the winter but the weather has turned warm up here in Ontario. I'm not complaining I love summer but hate the heat.

I was thinking of moving my server down to the basement, not to exited about doing that.

Ontario...that would rock. It's already in the 80's here in Columbus Ohio, though the nights cool off nice to the 50's. All my PC's are in the basement and I have a cool air intake there so nights help.

this will the first summer I keep all my boxen up and running, at least that's the plan, we'll see what the power bill is like.:)
I too have shut down the lower production machines and underclocked my dual cores that run in the garage. my production has fallen from ~3000PPD to 900PPD. i might just kill the systems in the garage until fall weather comes in.
Same problem here, 60 miles NW of Houston and the temp is 87 @ 3:50 PM.
The garage units get shut down when 90's arrive. :(
87 here yesterday and I added 5 more boxes :) I am trying to figure out a way to get this old paint off the walls. Folks here tell methat I have to "burn" it off so I am trying to see if I can just fold it off instead :)

I too have shut down the lower production machines and underclocked my dual cores that run in the garage. my production has fallen from ~3000PPD to 900PPD. i might just kill the systems in the garage until fall weather comes in.

The garage units get shut down when 90's arrive. :(
Why would any systems running in the garage affect the comfort level of the rest of your homes?
I rerouted the fans in the Puter room and turned on the AC, Nice 80 degrees in here, don't know how hot it is outside but it is cooler in here.

Picked up another freebee boxen today, as soon as I cool down some I am going to check it out and get it folding, I've had three boxen start doing wierd stuff and are shut down until I can check them out, so I gotta take some time for the farm.

In the wintwer I spend alot of time in the puter room cause it's warmer' In the summer I spend alot of time in here cuase it is the only room in the house with AC.

That might change since the neighbor cut down four trees that shaded my house in the hottest part of the day, they were almost dead and droppinh big limbs so it's a safety kind of good thing, but I will let you know come July and August about the heat :D

so I cooled down alittle, went over and fixed my neighbors head lights so he can go to work tonight, then checked out the new boxen,

It is a 1gig PIII and is now folding on it's first unit, had a bad hard drive, that took five minutes to replace and bingo. love this freebee stuff :D :D

Ontario...that would rock. It's already in the 80's here in Columbus Ohio, though the nights cool off nice to the 50's. All my PC's are in the basement and I have a cool air intake there so nights help.

this will the first summer I keep all my boxen up and running, at least that's the plan, we'll see what the power bill is like.:)

80's?! Hahahaha. My bedroom in my apartment in Columbus hit 95F the other day...and mine is the only room without AC, God did that ever suck.
ya my garage is starting to become an oven... albiet i live in miami, so its always like 90~ outside :(

i have cut down a few of my home machines (all my SMP clients are at home)

plus we have been having power issues (work is in a large industrial/commercial area...) last week we lost power twice, which i am sure is going to hurt my production quite a bit... but hopefully if they can keep the power on i should catch up to at least my normal numbers... but who knows
Texas and hell are just about equal when it comes to heat during the summer :(

i don't knwo what i will do this summer :(
80's?! Hahahaha. My bedroom in my apartment in Columbus hit 95F the other day...and mine is the only room without AC, God did that ever suck.

Ya ya, I meant outside, not inside! :p My house is so whacked that I have to start using AC for the rest of the house as soon as it's sunny outside and over 55 out. Otherwise it's over 80 insde which is not acceptable to me or my wife. The AC for my office and servers runs year round and has been modified to run in the winter.
I've been wanting to put a PC in the garage for eBay, folding and other stuff while I'm out there. Problem is my garage is quickly past 90's when it's sunny out. I saw that link to the PC in an aquarium full of mineral oil and wondered if that hooked to some kind of radiator would be a good way to keep a pc cool in a room that's 90s-100's?

Any thoughts on that?
I'm feeling like the only guy who doesn't need to change anything since all the home machines is in the basement and it's not too hot there. Rest is at work and we got AC...
I use the heat off the boxen to heat the house in the winter, and the A/C was added to keep the boxen cool enough to run in the summer, The winter power bill went down and the summer bill went up.

Adding the 25+boxen actually only raised the power bill 20 bucks a month( I use Level Pay) so It's probably the A/C unit that actually has raised it the most.

I live in Idaho and the temps range from -10 in Dec/Jan to 110+ in July/Aug the base board heat is only on from middle of Nov to end of March now instead of mid Oct to mid May

And As I am getting older I do like the house a little cooler in the summer :D
I just installed a set of 56 PentiumD 925 (3.0Ghz) machines to replace two labs of aging computers (20 1.7 celerons, 36 2.4 celerons) and they're going full-tilt at the moment to test for instabilities/lemons. The students in the labs aren't the happiest, but I think it'll help my folding productivity :p

Damn the heat! Fold for the cure!
Why would any systems running in the garage affect the comfort level of the rest of your homes?

its not the comfort levels of the home, its the comfort levels of the CPU. when your BIOS auto shutdowns at 75C cpu temp, then its a safe bet that its not healthy for the cpu. so i shut them off, or underclock them so they can stay below the overheat temp and still complete SMP WU's in time.