sup moose!

:eek: The Dr. returns!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
:eek: The Dr. returns!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

DR_K13 said:[IMG][/QUOTE]


Welcome back

AtomicMoose said:
Hey doc, how are things?

In case you missed it...this is a chop I did of Mary.


Man... he is cute. Yes I am back. Look out K* :D
I have been working 80 hour weeks. My normal day job plus Tattooing at night. I finally got away from sales calls during the day so I can sit at my desk now, answer phones and bug Marty.
MooseEdit: Removed quotes....

So you do tats... got any [H]orde ones??

I was about to say "Welcome back!", but the conversations which have erupted since your arrival have made me second guess that statement. :p

Full Folding Ahead!

DR_K13 said:
This is no joke , if you have the balls to get one and are in SO. CAL , I will do it.

well who is [H]ard enough?? I bet you would get frontpage pimpage for it.

I am on the east cost but I would love to see it happen

huge [H] that takes up his entire back... now that would be cool

DR_K13 said:
Sure. i will tattoo the [H] on anyone for free.

Do you do know...;)

So when I get it up, I can say it is truly [H]ard. :D

wraieghaeien said:
Do we have to behave now that he is back?

Look at the thread....
Moose has been cutting the Dr.'s posts......So.....When Moose aint looking then the Doc will play with us. :D

Welcome back!!!

wraieghaeien said:
Do we have to behave now that he is back?
You have to behave whether he is here or not. :)

rodsfree said:
Look at the thread....
Moose has been cutting the Dr.'s posts......So.....When Moose aint looking then the Doc will play with us.
You can think that if you want...that would be a bad move on your part if you do, however. :p
Reach throughs for one and all! :D
AtomicMoose said:
Unfortunately, has been tight.

Maybe some day.

I am parting together a rig right now, when It will be done, who knows, but I will put it under her name ;)
DR_K13 said:
I am parting together a rig right now, when It will be done, who knows, but I will put it under her name ;)
well, that would be real sweet of you, Sean.
