Supermicro X8SIL-F and Raid Card problem


Limp Gawd
Feb 22, 2006
Hey guys, I was using a Supermicro X8SIL-F(i3-530, 2GB ram) for a 8TB WHS setup.

I decided to move to 2008r2 and a Raid card and 4 SAS HP HDDS.

I found a OEM rocketraid 2640x4, installed the card and SAS HDD's

System boots up fine, but i cant get into the raid card bios to setup the raid then load server 2008r2.
The 2008r2 disk goes to load the OS, cant find the disk, I load the raid card drivers, it sees all 4 SAS hdds, but I cant load the OS because the driver are not loaded on the raid card bios.
I am new to raid, but from what I read, I should be able to enter the raid card bios, setup the type of raid, then windows sees the partion?

any thoughts - i checked all the mobo bios settings, couldnt find anything to help me.
are you trying to install 2008r2 to the raid itself? if so i cant help on that as i dont know.
i used to have this same exact card and when i booted up the server, it would show a prompt or key combination to get into its bios. as for setting up the raid, you can do that within the OS with the rocketraid software.
also, this card is not a true raid card, its a fakeraid card. your cpu will be doing all the parity calculations as opposed to the on board processor in a true raid card, so your performance wont be the best.
Ya, i need to setup the raid first so that I can put the OS on the raid card.
The prompt does not come up, it should be control H, i tried that, but it does not work for some reason
have you made sure that the raid card is actually working? i guess you can try putting it in another system to see if it is recognized and not faulty.
or you can boot to a live cd of some sorts