Switch Identification???


Oct 22, 2006
Well firstly I wasn't so sure on which forum I should post this. If it is the wrong one, my apologies in advance. My reasoning for this post is that I'm creating a custom HTPC with the components from my Dell Dimension 8200 (I know, crappy stuff, but it's only to watch movies and what not in my room, and my budget sucks; stupid car!!) The below picture is what the power button and activity LED'S are mounted onto. From there it connects to yet another board (Third Picture) , and then to the mobo (34 pin cable). Is there anyway to replace these components with more modern switches and LED's of my choice? hopefully someone can help. Thanks!

Things I know,
2 color (yellow and green) PWR LED


back of the above PCB...

Second board....
Is there anyway to replace these components with more modern switches and LED's of my choice? hopefully someone can help. Thanks!

Of course.
The easiest way will prolly be to just remove the switch and LEDs from the little circuit board and then solder the wires from the new switch and LEDs to the now empty holes in the little circuit board.
The catch is you will have to find somewhere to mount those little circuit boards in your new case.
(the same thing will work for the front audio and USB jacks)
Of course.
The easiest way will prolly be to just remove the switch and LEDs from the little circuit board and then solder the wires from the new switch and LEDs to the now empty holes in the little circuit board.
The catch is you will have to find somewhere to mount those little circuit boards in your new case.
(the same thing will work for the front audio and USB jacks)
the only problem is that i don't know what kind of switch that is. SPDT? SPST? DPDT? I guess that was my question in the first place; how do I find out.
Looking at the four pads for the switch on the back side (your second picture), two pins are bridged together on the left, and two are bridged together on the right. Therefore, the switch functions as a SPST.
Looking at the four pads for the switch on the back side (your second picture), two pins are bridged together on the left, and two are bridged together on the right. Therefore, the switch functions as a SPST.

how do i wire it thought? Can i just connect a SPST switch to one of the terminals from the bridge, or do i have to "y" off the switch so the two points are used?
how do i wire it thought?

You obviously do not want to connect the wires to holes that are already connected to each other.

Here is a picture that indicates where to connect the new switch:

You obviously do not want to connect the wires to holes that are already connected to each other.

Here is a picture that indicates where to connect the new switch:

Thanks for the help; I didn't get you at first, but didn't realize the board was flipped horizontal instead of vertical.
For the LEDs, when you put the new LEDs in, just make sure you use the right orientation--the '-' end is marked on the PCB, so make sure the wire coming from the 'flat' side of the new LED goes into the hole nearest the '-'.