Switching from SMP 8 to SMP 7 to SMP 8?


Nov 16, 2008
Is it possable to switch from SMP 8 to SMP 7 during the day to encode video and rip DVDs and back to SMP 8 at night without losing WUs in SMP client (A3, etc.) and VM SMP client (-BIGADV)? For example, I wake up in the morning and I'm at 56% in a WU. I tap CTRL+C to stop, do a -configonly to change from SMP 8 to SMP 7 and resume folding from 56%.

Is it possable to always use SMP 8 and rip DVDs and encode video?

I've actually done that because I wanted to test how smp 8 stressed my computer. I was at 7, ctrl-c'd went to 8 for a few hours, then went back to 7. I didnt have any issues whatsoever but I've heard of people losing WU's somehow trying to do it. It may have been a freak occurrence but I thought I should let you know there might be a risk. I also didn't to a configonly command. I just used "./fah6 -bigadv -smp 7" and "./fah6 -bigadv -smp 8" to start it.
I lost a WU doing it in back in the fall when I was experimenting with different setups. It happened only once in the several times I did it, but it's worth mentioning the risks. I don't recommend it unless you really need that core badly.