Syncing two servers across the country


Sep 3, 2002
So I'm in a bit of a bind for ideas. My company is now opening up an office on the other side of the company and I think that i would like to set up another file server at the new office that would sync up with the one at our existing office. Currently our new office only has two employee's so i have deployed the use of two Untangle appliances connected via OpenVPN. Everything has been working great except now they want to expand the new office and transferring files across the net is not the fastest. What would be the best way to set up the new server? I plan on using server 2008 as it's what we are currently using. I would also like AD to work across to the other server as well. To add to my problem I also need to implement a way that we can have employee's work from home at the new office location. So that means VPN most likely, but Untangle cannot work as a VPN client as well and a VPN server at the same time. Any ideas? Thanks
VPN tunnel between the sites
A DC at each location
File storage server at each location, with DFS synching selected folders
TSGateway running to proxy remote users RDP connections to their desktops...or, if no desktops at the office, a terminal server that the TSGateway proxies to. So they don't need the hassle of VPN clients.
You are way ahead of my knowledge. Untangle is forming the VPN tunnel for me so i have that checked. The DC, the file server, and the TSGateway can be the same server correct? We are a smaller company of around 20.
Err....technically they can be the same server...but I recommend against it. I don't like to have a DC exposed to the internet at all..prefer to have her closed up tight behind the firewall.
And it's not a good idea to run terminal server (called remote desktop services now) on a're giving remote users console access to your domain controller..not a good idea, In addition.....installing applications on a domain controller..that remote users will use, and possibly surf the web, check e-mail, etc etc. Nope...I'd not want to support that box no matter how much you paid me.

Get a single physical box, multiple NICs, using VMWare ESXi...I'd install 3x virtual servers.
*one small instance of a DC...not much drive space needed, not much RAM or CPU needed
*One larger file storage server
*One TSGateway server..access to 2x NICs. Ports forwarded for TSGateway services through your Untangle firewall.
If the office is small and outside of your immediate control, then I'd do away with any idea of extending your network to that location. Instead, I'd set everything up locally and provide access via Remote Desktop. Configure the RDP clients to share their local printers through the RDP stream, call it a day.

This minimizes the complexity necessary at the remote location; no need for a VPN. RDP can be secured.
If the office is small and outside of your immediate control, then I'd do away with any idea of extending your network to that location. Instead, I'd set everything up locally and provide access via Remote Desktop. Configure the RDP clients to share their local printers through the RDP stream, call it a day.

This minimizes the complexity necessary at the remote location; no need for a VPN. RDP can be secured.

As well as easy remote access from anywhere, not just the new remote office. You could even expand that functionality to existing users.
I think the guys have outlined the two methods that would work best for your situation. If you'll give us some more information about what is stored on the server we could give suggestions that would be better suited to your situation.
What sort of files are stored on the server? (Average size and type)
What services does your server provide? (DHCP, DNS, Exchange, File Sharing, Printer Sharing, Database Access)
ect ect.