System Upgrade


Oct 11, 2004
I do some gaming, lots of photoshop and work (programming/design). Gonna be hitting blackops hard in November. The idea is to recycle most of my hardware, but just switch out MB,CPU, & RAM. Can you check my stuff, I should be good with my current ps right?

New parts:
Asus Sabertooth X58 $199 (egg has open box for $150)
i7 950 $294.99
DDR3 6gb 1600 Mhz Corsair $124.99

This was a Newegg Bundle Total $459.98, but I also live near Frys.

Has anyone used any of the open box stuff from Newegg without issues? I could really save some cash there.

Other pieces of my system
OCZ Vertex 64Gb
WD VelociRaptor 300Gb
Corsair 520HX PSU
HAF 932 case
Nvidia Geforce 470

That will all play nicely together correct? There is not much wrong with my current setup but I'm starting to hate my current motherboard GA-MA78GPM-DS2H it was meant for home theater stuff not really desktop use so sata's are blocked etc...
Call me cheap but ur rig will handle black ops just fine. I run eyefinity 5295x1050 and the rig in my sig I know will do fine. It's almost an identical engine to mw2... I would just update ur bios and get an AMD 970 or 965 depending on what ur bios will support. Everything else in ur rig is primo.
I looked at the OP's PSU, and it is OK with the new components if the OP won't be overclocking at all. But I would recommend upgrading to a 600 to 650W PSU just to be on the safe side.
Thanks all, I ended up going with a Gigabyte X58-USB3 instead. Truth be told I prefer Gigabyte and I didn't like the lone pci location on the Sabertooth. I"m not too worried about the super SATA ports.