Teen Gets Prison Term for Scientology DDOS Attack

you guys are forgetting who are well-known members of scientology ..and yes they have money and power. aka actors......actresses and some other more powerful folks im sure.
Nice quote there, sir. Added to my list of best and favorite quotes.

It's just a paraphrase of Gandhi when asked what he thought of Christianity:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

I just paraphrased him :)
you guys are forgetting who are well-known members of scientology ..and yes they have money and power. aka actors......actresses and some other more powerful folks im sure.

The founder of Earthlink was Scientologist who got nailed for running a major Ponzi scheme back in the 90's. Check out Reed Slatkin on Google.
As a liberal, I'd be being dishonest if I didn't point out that Tipper Gore was the founder of the PMRC who lobbied to censor and at the very least label album covers for those whose albums contained explicit lyrics (with her primary focus being rap music).

There are also other liberal causes that while many would view as protecting the separation of church and state, many on the opposite side of the fence would call violating free speech (i.e. religious displays on government property).

In most cases, the "censorship" that comes from the left is out of an effort to protect the minority from the majority (i.e. hate crimes legislation that while not really censorship gets labeled as such by the religious right). Whereas many forms of censorship (such as obscenity laws, covering the breasts of lady justice at the Justice Department, etc.) that arise from the right are done out of notions of "morality" which can never truly be legislated and serve more to protecth the majority from the minority.

Thanks for the well-thought-out reply. IMO hate crime laws and the like are more justifiable than morality censorship. Although I think even right-wing censorship is acceptable in a few exceptional situations (i.e. if MSNBC put hardcore porno ads on their website or something).
Amazing. Personally I support all non-violent actions against Scientology, but even from an objective point of view there is no reason this guy needs to be incarcerated for a DDOS. Is he a physical threat to society? If the answer is no, there's no reason for incarceration. Punishing hackers worse than those who rob at gunpoint is absolutely backward. Anyone who wants to know more about the ills of Scientology, please google for WhyWeProtest.
Scientology is a crock, even moreso than other religions...

... that said, lock up all those Anonymous morons and throw away the key. Then lock up the rest of 4chan and slap them all on sex offender registries.
Getting back to the topic...

Even though he has been sentenced to 1 year in prison, if my guess is correct, he'll serve maybe 2-3 months, and be let out on good behavior.
Wasn't Scientology the result of a bet, between LRon and Asimov?

Asimov wrote good books, LRon sucked, but LRon bet Asimov that he didn't suck as an author and could be so convincing a story teller he could get people to make a religion out of a book if he wanted to?

Maybe that's just a rumor, I don't know. :eek::rolleyes::p

Yes, and the real irony with Ghandi was... HE was one of the handful of TRUE CHRISTIANS who have lived in the last couple centuries.

The only true christians I know of: Saint Bernadette, Ghandi, Pope John XXIII, MLK, and Mother Teresa. My grand uncle and grand aunt were close... a priest and Army chaplin during Vietnam who spent 8 years riding medevac helicopters on the front lines, and a nun and Army nurse who spent 65-71 in country.

It is only a handful of actors that are wackjob scientologists.... I make it a point NOT to pay to watch thier movies, and not to "second hand" contribute my $$ to the nonsense. In this case ABSTINANCE is the best policy. :cool:

From the reviews, I didn't miss much. Oh, and Tommy.... the 1953 version was LIGHTYEARS better than that waste of money you made, overacting shithead.
Dmitriy Guzner is a hero and deserves a medal instead of jail time.
I did not say Christians were a minority. But, I did equate their treatment to that of a minority group.

Let's use the term "special interest group," instead, if you want to define a money lobbying political conglomerate.

It's the same idea.

I fully understand how a Republic works, and I understand that the US is not a democracy. The majority do not rule, that is why we have laws. If the majority ruled, we'd be screwed.

Again, I'm comparing the coy, timid, insecurities of people in the majority when dealing with issues involving minorities, to the blind-eyed treatment of special interest groups.

And, the fact that criticism of Israel is frowned upon is not solely due to Judeo-Christian values affiliation/beliefs/population. A lot of it stems from the same insecurities and special interest group lobbying and pandering mentioned earlier.

Actually, one could go even further, and relate all of this to censorship in general:

"Don't say/show/do/practice/live like that!!!"

"Why not?"

"Because we don't like it!!!!"

It goes back to people instilling "values" in the populace because they want other people to think and behave as they do; and I'm not talking about values such as "thou shall not kill," I'm talking about telling a rape joke or a chinese joke on TV while showing a picture of a naked breast. It's not hurting anyone. Don't like it? Don't watch or listen to it.

It's all related. All of this is intertwined together. It's the same people, day after day, defending special interest groups, defending crazy individuals under the guise of human rights that have done wrong, and crying for the lambasting of public figures when they utter the words "nappy headed ho."

It used to be, that the "liberal" or "progressive" America were the "good guys" looking out for and balancing out the "oppressive," "conservatives," who frowned upon forward thinking.

Now, it's the "liberals" who fight to censor, pander, and lobby, just as much as their counterparts on the "right."

It's one group, with two different names, giving money to the special interest groups, and doing their damnedest to make sure the American populace believes they actually have a dog in the fight.

No-one gives a shit. Don't like it, don't live here.

Whoa, wait a minute.

I highlight a huge problem with the political / cultural system in this country and the international community, and you say "no-one gives a shit?"

You're not only naive, you're close minded and probably part of the problem.

This republic (the U.S.) is great because of the freedoms and rights that are protected by our legislation. When that legislative system is abused and perverted by those in the executive branch of government (both local, state, and federal), I have a right to complain and be outraged.

I pay my taxes, and I've served my country, as well. Don't tell me not to live here because I don't agree with certain aspects of the political-cultural shitstorm that is the "political correctness money lobby."

Don't be a child. Either bring a constructive argument to the table, or don't say anything.