Texas Hold em and 8800gts

Jul 13, 2004
8800GTS and Texas Hold Em (Vista Ultimate)

I get flashing text with the Vista Ultimate game and the latest beta drivers for the 8800's. Does anyone else see this problem?
I had the exact same problem with my 8800gtx. I just uninstalled the game. Im am very disappointed with these 8800 vista drivers.
wait, are you saying this game is built into Vista?! omg omg omg

I'll try it when I get home, I never noticed that before
Only with Vista Ultimate... and you have to download it from windows update...its not in the box so to speak...
Same problem here with the text.

Gonna point the finger at Nvidia.
Just to overstate the obvious, 8800GTS here, same problem............100.59 drivers, and in the 100.54's also......

thats so cool that there is texas holdem.

But, about the drivers, that's why I'm waiting for Vista to be out for a little while, and to get attuned with all of the software; drivers; etc. With any brand new release you're going to find bugs galore. So to anyone considering get Vista in the near future, I'd say stick with XP for a few more weeks/months. There's still a lot of work to be done on both ends, software and microsofts.
Gonna have to give NV a few months to get some decent drivers. Of course ATI will have perfected the drivers by the time the R600 launches in March. I have a feeling there will be a 8800 dumping ground in a few months as we move to R600s because NVs driver team is composed of 4 blind mice.