Thanks Rich Tate!


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2006
Sep 27, 2004
It had always been tradition down here to thank Steve when we'd get heavy pimpage on the front page. After waking up and seeing the job that our own Rich Tate did with this mornings [H]F happenings, I like to express my and the [H]orde's thanks for the job he did on getting the word out!

Thanks Rich, may every other weekend treat you and us as well! (and while we're at it, what will it take to bump that Chuck guy off so we get called out every week!?!? :D)

Reload it a couple of times Dark. We still haven't got all the pokiness out of the network this week. I had trouble with it yesterday a bit, but after a couple reloads, she'll be there. :)

And I appreciate the thanks guys! I will still stick to my guns however, and simply say this noob is just trying to do his part for the cause. I'm just also lucky enough to be one of the news guys. :)

Again thank you all, keep up the good work, more pimpage tomorrow!

Duster said:
WHAHOO!!!! pimpage


Awesome pimpage Rich. I'd play some 50 Cent - P.I.M.P, but it's kinda hard to do in the forums. So just listen real hard and I'll sing it.

Wow, talk about detailed... Don't think we've ever had coverage quite like THAT before! :eek:

Props rich! :)

You guys were the ones that gave me all the ideas. I just wrote it into something jazzy. All the info you guys gave me in Moose's Rich wants to know thread did it. So anything you guys come up with, you let me know. This is a team effort, I'm just the spokesman persay :)

Rich Tate said:
You guys were the ones that gave me all the ideas. I just wrote it into something jazzy. All the info you guys gave me in Moose's Rich wants to know thread did it. So anything you guys come up with, you let me know. This is a team effort, I'm just the spokesman persay :)

Well if thats the way you want to be... props for being an excellent spokesman! :D
Thanks, not just for the team, but for the cause. :) And here's hoping we welcome in a few (hundred/thousand) new users in this weekend because of it.

ElektronikSeraph said:
Thanks, not just for the team, but for the cause. :) And here's hoping we welcome in a few (hundred/thousand) new users in this weekend because of it.

That would be a dream come true! That's what it is all about for me, getting new blood.

And as revealed in this genmay thread, it's Rich Tate's birthday. ;)

So happy b-day, Rich! When you're done with the news today, go have a few brewskis. :p
happy birthday Rich... and thanks for the awesome pimpage. Perhaps steve has met his match ;) :eek:
oh what? Happy Birthday Rich! Us "fall-borns" have to stick together... (my b-day is in about 2.5 weeks) :D
unhappy_mage said:
HB Rich!

Steve, you gonna take that kind of abuse? Step up and prove Viper wrong! :D

Thats just great, trying to start a news guy war. ;)
I have the utmost respect for Steve, if it weren't for him and Kyle, I wouldn't be lucky enough to have this job.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
As an update, I took Lethal's advice. Celie and I went to a nice dinner, and drank a few Mai Tai's :)

Check back tomorrow morning for more pimpage fun :)

and Rich where is my picture? Last time I do something for you!
Rich Tate said:
Thats just great, trying to start a news guy war. ;)
I have the utmost respect for Steve, if it weren't for him and Kyle, I wouldn't be lucky enough to have this job.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
As an update, I took Lethal's advice. Celie and I went to a nice dinner, and drank a few Mai Tai's :)

Check back tomorrow morning for more pimpage fun :)


I also took Lethal's advice and went and had a few beers and a few shots of JD and toasted to your b-day. And then I had a few more. Now to get ride back to bar to pick up car....

More great PIMPage on this Sunday morning.

Moose, I think someone needs a hug for all his great work. :D

KodiakStar said:
Unless he prefers a reach-through ;)

Who in the heck PREFERS a reach through? I don't think even some of the sickest of us would PREFER one.

I love the pimpage the team gets, but in the new site, I'd love to see the enthusiast portal to have some sort of permanent pimpage; a small link, a small picture, like a moose in the lower left corner with no explination.. which of course everyone would click on due to the 'wtf is that' factor.. I dont know, something that would somehow make an official connection, something any reader of [H] would know about, something that the community would feel like it is compelled to participate in, 'cause..Team 33 would be as [H] as a 3000+ @ 2.9ghz is.

Thats what I want for christmas anyway, Santa :p
From what we understand, they can't put a link to the website for legal reasons. They can put the URL, just no linky. We've talked about it before, but from what Kyle says there can't be any permanent pimpage. ::tear::

Duster said:
what were u doing with mary?

Are you really sure that's a good question to ask... I think most of us would fear the answer to that....

Great pimpage as always Rich!

Thanks for some great pimpage over the weekend Mr Tate!

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

meisterbrau said:
Wow! Great stuff on the front page today. -

The [H]orde Wants YOU!


Thank you sir. Please make sure everyone clicks all the links, and see where they take you. :)