The Best Mice Thread (ongoing)

no doubt! I have never had a button, sensor, wire etc go bad on me on any logitech mouse I have owned. They all have performed flawlessly for years and were only replaced because "I was building a new system anyways" Logitech is a brand any other brand should try hard to emulate.
G9x of course.. have some wireless mice that shut self off and last super long charge is nice for
I had pretty good luck with Logitech mice before I got the G9/G9X mice. All previous Logitech mice lasted 2 years or more (which seem pretty good for me, most of the same mice list much longer for my brother).

I had 2 G9 and 1 G9X that just started random disconnects from the computer. At first the disconnects are just once a day or so, and the mouse always reconnects. But they get worse and worse till they become unusable and don't alway reconnect.

I had 1 G9x that has started doing a double click every time I press the left mouse button.

And finally, I have 1 G9X where the cursor has slowed down and become somewhat erratic (the movement speed is not constant). I would increase the speed, which would be somewhat ok for a while. But it kept getting slower and slower, and more erratic.

Im really beginning to love this Sensei Raw. Today I swapped in my DeathAdder just for a change of pace like I always do with my other mice and after 5 minutes I wanted the Sensei back. I think I might just have a new favorite here. It took me a little while for it to grow on me but I think its starting to.
I thought I'd post an update about my Corsair M60. Sadly, I had to retire it. I noticed the cursor kept drifting whenever the mouse was left stationary. It was odd, but once I started using it, the drift stopped and the mouse performed well.

Lately, however, the drift began affecting my ability to click on anything like a link, radio button, etc. Every time I tried to lock onto something, the cursor just "danced" all over making it nearly impossible to select. I tried different surfaces -- cloth, glass, desktop, plastic -- nothing helped. Drove me nuts, so I went back to my DeathAdder 3.5G. It's working perfectly, no drifting or dancing cursor. Too bad about the M60, but I'm glad my trusty DA is up to the job.
Been using a RAT7 for about 48 hours. So far so good. Took a lot of customization time and getting used to the shape. Still not 100% sure I'll stick with it but so far I'm liking it.
Been using a RAT7 for about 48 hours. So far so good. Took a lot of customization time and getting used to the shape. Still not 100% sure I'll stick with it but so far I'm liking it.

I have almost bought one of these a few times but I just can't make myself. I think aside from the gawdawful looks, I think it might be TOO customizable for me. I'm afriad I would drive myself insane constantly trying to find the "perfect" configuration. For OCD/ADD riddled people like me, sometimes the fewer options the better.
What do you use and why?

Razer Naga Epic. Bought it when I played MMOs. Haven't seen a need to replace it.

What are the best mice?

Generally, anything that says Logitech on it are damned fine mice.

What is the best sensor?

High DPI Laser sensor. Specifics generally don't matter

Who makes the best durable mice?

Logitech. Used a simple 3-button USB mouse for over a decade of gaming abuse.

Which brands to stay away from?

Razer's pretty expensive. Microsoft mice are lightweight and feel like they'll break. I'd not hesitate to use either, though.

What are the deal breakers for you?

If a mouse company wants me to install special drivers for their mouse, they're SOL. I also love mice which feel like they could be used as a self-defense device. Lightweight plastic-y things bug me.

Best drivers? Worst drivers?

Windows drivers. Because it's a freaking mouse, not a video card. The worst drivers are Razer's drivers. You have to have internet access to use your mouse drivers, because cloud.

Who has the best scroll wheels? Best buttons?

I'm in the minority that enjoy clicky scroll wheels. The G5 had a nice one. The back/forward buttons on the G5 were nice, too.

I have a dream of one day owning a mouse with a case made of metal. It will fit my gigantic palms, work on just about any surface, have a nice braided detachable cord, be wireless and/or wired like my Naga Epic, work with Bluetooth, have back/forward buttons on the side, have a clicky scroll wheel, adjustable grips, not require any special drivers, and will cost under $100. You can powdercoat the case to match anything in your setup, add Line-X or some sort of rubber on the bits you want grippy, maybe even add another weight cartridge to it like the G5 had. Teflon feet will fly across a RatPad, and all will be right with the world. Someone, please build the Poker of the mouse world. I want to mod it!
I have almost bought one of these a few times but I just can't make myself. I think aside from the gawdawful looks, I think it might be TOO customizable for me. I'm afriad I would drive myself insane constantly trying to find the "perfect" configuration. For OCD/ADD riddled people like me, sometimes the fewer options the better.

I'm the same way but once you figure it out tuning it isn't that hard. The first 24 hours I had it the thing was dialed in with regard to physical configuration. I knew what it was that had bothered me about other mice in the past so I knew what needed to be done and this is literally the only mouse I know of that can do it. There are some cool features on it like the precision aim button which I really like. It also feels very solidly built. Better than most Logitech's I've used from a pure feel / quality standpoint.

What do you use and why?

Razer Naga Epic. Bought it when I played MMOs. Haven't seen a need to replace it.

What are the best mice?

Generally, anything that says Logitech on it are damned fine mice.

What is the best sensor?

High DPI Laser sensor. Specifics generally don't matter

Who makes the best durable mice?

Logitech. Used a simple 3-button USB mouse for over a decade of gaming abuse.

Which brands to stay away from?

Razer's pretty expensive. Microsoft mice are lightweight and feel like they'll break. I'd not hesitate to use either, though.

What are the deal breakers for you?

If a mouse company wants me to install special drivers for their mouse, they're SOL. I also love mice which feel like they could be used as a self-defense device. Lightweight plastic-y things bug me.

Best drivers? Worst drivers?

Windows drivers. Because it's a freaking mouse, not a video card. The worst drivers are Razer's drivers. You have to have internet access to use your mouse drivers, because cloud.

Who has the best scroll wheels? Best buttons?

I'm in the minority that enjoy clicky scroll wheels. The G5 had a nice one. The back/forward buttons on the G5 were nice, too.

I have a dream of one day owning a mouse with a case made of metal. It will fit my gigantic palms, work on just about any surface, have a nice braided detachable cord, be wireless and/or wired like my Naga Epic, work with Bluetooth, have back/forward buttons on the side, have a clicky scroll wheel, adjustable grips, not require any special drivers, and will cost under $100. You can powdercoat the case to match anything in your setup, add Line-X or some sort of rubber on the bits you want grippy, maybe even add another weight cartridge to it like the G5 had. Teflon feet will fly across a RatPad, and all will be right with the world. Someone, please build the Poker of the mouse world. I want to mod it!

Wait, people don't like clicky scroll wheels? WTF is wrong with them. The smooth ones bother the shit out of me.

What do you use and why?

I currently use a R.A.T.7. Up until recently I used the Logitech G700. I still do on my test bench.

What are the best mice?

Overall I'd have to say the best mice are Logitech's but some of these newer companies are really going after the market.

What is the best sensor?

I don't know the specifics but the ones used in Razer mice or Logitech mice seem to all work fine. I prefer higher DPI mice myself. The R.A.T.7. uses the Phillips Twin Eye sensor which has a bad reputation. It isn't as nice in reguard to being lifted slightly. Logitech's can handle a greater distance of lift from the mousing surface while still tracking. Tracking accuracy seems similar. Other tracking problems not associated with lift haven't been an issue. On the lift problem I trained myself not to do it. Occasionally I'd lift up on the front of the mouse for some unknown reason. The shape of the G700 prevents this but the RAT7 didn't. Once I realized what I was doing the problem was solved.

Who makes the best durable mice?

In the durability department Logitech mice can take more abuse than any other I've seen. The RAT7 has a metal frame which even Logitech mice lack. However the adjustability probably hurts the durability of the mouse somewhat. Though you wouldn't know it by feel. Microsoft mice and Razer mouse are lighter and don't feel as tough (and aren't in my experience) as Logitech mice are.

Which brands to stay away from?

I tend to avoid unproven brands like Mionix and Corsair. While these are gaining a fan base I've not seen anything from them which I found groundbreaking enough to look outside Logitech's product line. I haven't heard of any bad things about these in particular but I don't feel compelled to try them either. The RAT7 changed that for me. I'm not 100% sure I'll keep it but so far so good. I had avoided Razer mice because of quality issues but these seem to be behind them on the mouse front. The Razer Naga I purchased for my girlfriend seems really pretty good.

What are the deal breakers for you?

The only deal breaker for me is feel. If I don't like the way it feels in my hand other complaints won't matter as I won't get that far.

Best drivers? Worst drivers?

I tend to prefer the Windoes drivers. Many times third party drivers change the basic feel of the cursor itself. I found this to be less than desirable. Generally I like Logitech mice because I can install the software, configure the mouse and then write the configuration to an onboard ROM. Then I can uninstall the software. The RAT7 doesn't do this but the driver didn't change the feel of the cursor so I'm happy for now.

Who has the best scroll wheels? Best buttons?

I have to say the scroll wheel on the Logitech mice are the best. Many of the models I've used can operate in smooth mode or with tactile clicks. I prefer the latter but if you want faster scrolling being able to free the school wheel is nice. The best buttons I've felt are on the RAT7. These are more responsive than the buttons on my G700's are.

Post personal reviews and pro review links here!!

What is the best 5 mice, best one for FPS, best for MMO, best for Diablo 3, ETC.

I think it would be useful to have all this information in one spot. Post away if you want that to happen! Get the snowball rolling down the hill.

I can't speak much for mice from an MMO standpoint but I can see the draw of having more buttons. FPS games benefit from this too but I can effectively use almost any mouse for the task. I haven't played Diablo III but I killed many a cheap mouse with Diablo II. There was a lot of clicking going on and many mice just didn't hold up well through it.

My top five mice of all time:
  • Logitech G700 (The best wireless mouse I've ever used.)
  • Logitech G9x (Fast, accurate and customizable.)
  • Logitech G7 rev2 (Until the G700, the best wireless mouse I'd ever used.)
  • Microsoft Intellimouse (No not that Explorer 3.0 crap.)
  • Logitech Wingman 3-button (Gaming variant of the Mouseman)

The R.A.T.7. is probably the mouse intersting mouse I've ever used and while I like it, I won't rush to judgement on it yet. I will say it's the most customizable piece of computer hardware I've ever seen in terms of peripherals.
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Using Razer deathadder 2013 and loving it so far.I had logitech g9x,ss sensei,razer naga epic and this is better than all of them.Best mouse for me .
Why people rave for heavy mice is beyond me. Is it because we've been taught to think weight = quality?

I use a light touch and feel it gives me more control over the subtlety of my mouse movement, the harder I have to grip the mouse to lift it, the more restricted and tense my muscles will be and the less control over involuntary muscles twitches etc. I will be.
If it has a 'lip' it's different but most are lifted by nothing but the friction between your pinky and thumb.

With my rat I like the pinky rest but I also like the rubber pinky panel for grip, I wish they had a pinky rest with a rubber side panel as well so I didn't have to choose between comfort and easier lift off.

And please none of the 'weak hands' bullshit, any amount of weight that inhibits your freedom of movement will effect you, regardless of how strong you are, my grip is plenty strong enough.
Right now I'm using a Microsoft Wireless 4000 mouse... for everything, including gaming. I tried some gaming mice (Deathadder, Kinzu v2), and they just didn't feel as good. They clearly have better sensors, but I guess I've gotten used to the feel of this and especially the small size. The way I use it now I feel very precise despite it being wireless and perhaps not the best sensor in the world.
I'm using one of these. Picked it up free after rebates.
It's really basic but works fine for me...

That being said, my keyboard is mechanical so I guess it balances out :p
What do you use and why? My current mouse of choice is the Razer Mamba. The goal was to have a mouse for gaming, that was:
  • Wireless,
  • Decently accurate,
  • Comfortable for long periods,
  • Usable for long periods of office work,
  • Able to work for an entire day without recharging, and
  • NOT LAGGY (it's a word, trust me)

Other mice of note I own:
  • Logitech MX 5500 Revolution (set)
  • R.A.T. 9

The MX Revolution was comfortable, and has great battery life, but lags horribly. Also, 802.11 wireless signals cause unbearably slow tracking.

As for the R.A.T. 9, it just wasn't comfortable. I owned it for a little over three months before sending it away on CL and used it as my primary work / gaming mouse for that period. My hands are relatively large, but I couldn't find a comfortable setting.

The Mamba is my favorite so far. The battery life is dismal when compared to the MX Revolution, but it lasts for long enough that I don't notice. After a day's usage, I toss it on the charger. Two + years later and it hasn't developed any major problems. There have been a couple of annoyances:
  • The thumb grip has come loose and required some forced adhesion, and
  • it seems to be more sensitive to dust / sensor crud than typical optical mice.

Who has the best scroll wheels? For this, I'm going to have to split my vote.

The Logitech MX Revolution mouse for the dual-mode scroll wheel. Click the button to swap between standard click and free-spinning rotation. It doesn't seem to work as a middle-click, however.

On the other hand, the Kensington Slimblade Trackball is wicked... half mouse with a 360-degree trackball style scroll wheel. Never owned one of these, but I have to admire the design.

Logitech G9. Love it to death. I've had the same one for about 3+ years and I'm going to replace it with the G9x pretty soon here.

Amazing mouse. Can't say enough good things about it.
What do you use and why? Logitech MX1000. It's 8 years old, the only wear it shows are some shiny surfaces, the battery still holds a charge, the touch materials have a very good feel, the buttons are solid with none of the tinniness that most of the current mice seem to have, great tracking, and it's the most comfortable palm grip mouse I've ever used.

What are the best mice? A few years ago I would have said Logitech but I hate the cheap feeling plastic that they use for their current mice; The wife has a G700 and the thing just feels cheap in my hand.

What is the best sensor? A clean ball. Whatever sensor the Intellimouse Optical had.

Who makes the best durable mice? It used to be Logitech but it's probably luck of the draw at this point. Logitech does have the best customer support so that ought to count for something.

Which brands to stay away from?
Never had a Razer but there seems to be an abnormal amount of people that complain about their reliability. I had a Coolermaster Sentinel Advance; probably my last CM mouse.

What are the deal breakers for you?
Cheap feeling materials, tinny buttons, too few buttons, too many buttons.

Best drivers? Worst drivers? I try not to install the software if I can help it. Doesn't matter as long as it stays out of the way.

Who has the best scroll wheels? Best buttons? Older MS and Logitech products

What is the best 5 mice, best one for FPS, best for MMO, best for Diablo 3, ETC.

Logitech MX1000 and MS Intellimouse Optical are the best all around mice. ;)

Since the CM Sentinel died I'm going to look for a new mouse to play around with. I might try one of the SS mice this time.
My new Corsair M65 mouse. It doesn't have the "cursor drift" problem that caused me to return my M60.

Just retired my old Logitech mx518 for a Steelseries Sensei RAW.

I love Logitech mice and have used them for a very long time (mx518 was predated by a mx500) but I was looking to try something different.

I've been using the Sensei RAW for about 2 months now and I really like it. The learning curve was there coming from a logitech but now that I'm used to it I don't think I can go back. It tracks extremely well - very smooth and the mouse profile seems to fit my hand very well. I love the middle mouse button click too.

The software kind of sucks. I only use it because I wanted to remap the thumb buttons like I did with my mx518 but it's a little buggy. It crashes sometimes and brings down every usb device I have - keyboard, controller, mouse. Needs a hard reboot.

The actual mouse is fantastic though. Best I've owned.
I think it really depends on your own preferences,
for FPS i use microsoft intelli mouses and for RTS razer mouses because in my opinion they are more accurate.
What do you use and why? I use a Logitech G700. I wanted something wireless, with plenty of buttons, and rechargeable so I don't have to replace batteries constantly.

What are the best mice? I would say the ones that are comfortable, have a scroll wheel that is capable of free-spinning, and back and forward buttons. Also I expect a mouse to last at least one year of heavy use.

What is the best sensor? A high dpi laser sensor that is capable of working decently on a variety of surfaces.

Who makes the best durable mice? Hands down, I'd have to say Logitech. I've owned Microsoft mice, and some cheaper off-brands, and none of them hold a candle to my Logitech. I have used a Razer Naga and thought it felt very cheap for a $60-$70 mouse. I have also heard from many that Razer's durability is very suspect.

Which brands to stay away from? Based upon my above recommendations, I choose to stay away from Razer because of theri questionable quality control, and I also stay away from Microsoft because they feel very cheaply constructed to me.

What are the deal breakers for you? Deal breakers are wired mice (I know, I know, I'm spoiled. But I just can't use a wired mouse well anymore) and also no free-spinning scroll wheel.

Best drivers? Worst drivers? I'm mostly indifferent on this one. I prefer mice that can use the Windows drivers without any additional setup or configuration, but the Logitech SetPoint software is pretty unobtrusive.

Who has the best scroll wheels? Best buttons? Best scroll wheels, I would say Logitech. The buttons on Logitech mice are very hit-and-miss. I, for one, really enjoy the buttons on my G700. I had an M705 before the G700 and felt the buttons were very sloppy and hard to activate on occasion.
My mx518 is still pretty beast,I do not see a need for upgrading .. It performs exceptional still five or six years later :)
I think it really depends on your own preferences,
for FPS i use microsoft intelli mouses and for RTS razer mouses because in my opinion they are more accurate.

When you say they, are you referring to the IntelliMouse, the Razer mouse, or both?

Personally, I've used a lot of difference mice over the past decade or so. I would still be using an MX310 (500Hz) if it wasn't for the heavy prediction. The IME 1.1/3.0 have always been more accurate due to their lack of prediction, but they are limited in other regards. I've been really happy with the Avago ADNS-3055 sensor in the G300 as of late; it's just a real shame that the physical design of the mouse is what flaws it. If you find yourself a decent mouse, there is little reason why it cannot be used for both genres (FPS and RTS). The only factors I could think of is limited DPI and button layout.
Been using the RAT7 for a couple of weeks now. So far I really like it. Nice customization, quality feel to it etc. The software is decent though the lack of onboard memory does suck. But after fine tuning the adjustment it's by far the most comfortable mouse I've used over extended periods of time.

So as of right now I have no plans to go back to my G700. (Though both of them are on my other computers.)
Been using the RAT7 for a couple of weeks now. So far I really like it. Nice customization, quality feel to it etc. The software is decent though the lack of onboard memory does suck. But after fine tuning the adjustment it's by far the most comfortable mouse I've used over extended periods of time.

So as of right now I have no plans to go back to my G700. (Though both of them are on my other computers.)

I won a case mod competition at a LAN over the weekend and got a RAT 7 as the prize. I'm not sure I would have bought one on my own, but damn, after using it for the past few days it is now my new favorite mouse. I was using a Logitech G9 before that. In fact, just about every mouse I've owned prior was a Logitech gaming mouse. I've gone through a G5, G500, MX 518, and the G9. I've borrowed a friends Deathadder 2013 and Steelseries Sensei for short periods of time, and they still don't make me as happy as my new RAT. I've got it adjusted perfectly to my hand, and I've noticed less discomfort after long gaming and CAD sessions. I certainly didn't expect that from what I had thought was just a 'gimicky' mouse.
What do you use and why?
- Logitech G9's as they are the most comfortable mouse I have used in years

What are the best mice?
- Logitech IMO

What is the best sensor?
- I dunno

Who makes the best durable mice?
- IMO Logitech :)

Which brands to stay away from?
- Obviously the crap types. Also i really disliked R.A.T mice

What are the deal breakers for you?
- Palm height and too many buttons

Best drivers? Worst drivers?
- Don't know really

I've used a lot of mice over the years. Primarily Logitech though.
I do love them.
Have a Corsair M60 as well. I find that too high first of all for my palm and it seems twitchy
Toss in another plus to the G700, I have the mouse corded on my main rig and the receiver on my laptop. I can simply unplug the mouse and transition to laptop and vice versa without it losing its DPI settings and preferences.
Personally I think the best mice are those without acceleration or prediction, track on most surfaces, have a high tracking speed and no major hardware flaws.

In that category of mice are for example the MX518 , G400, Zowie AM etc.

I myself have the Zowie AM. I like it a lot but the shape is a little thinner and lower than I would have liked. Probably gonna go for the FK when it becomes available.
I've had a Mionix Naos 8200 for two days.

Her body has a soft place for all five of the fingers on my right hand, her weight is neither too heavy nor to light, and my fingers dance upon her smooth velvety skin. She obeys my every touch and slides across our soft cloth bed with an eagerness rarely found in other input peripherals. Her buttons yield to my soft touch with a sharp gasp and snap back instantly as if to say, "Touch me and I will bring a sexy Cherry MX tenkeyless home with me next week". As my finger flicks her round nub up and down she responds with a muted sigh and quivers in anticipation. I can change her speed simply by pressing on a couple of special spots right behind the nub but she's always at the perfect pace anyway. She loves headshots and I'm more than happy to give them to her with a fast yet steadily-paced full-fingered grip. After far too many rounds I gasp and relax as she places me upon the leaderboard. "Another round?" she says. I whisper to her, "We've been at this for hours. I need to leave your mat and seek sleep in my own bed . I'll be back tomorrow." I can see her glowing in the darkness.....already desiring that next moment.
mx518 had it for yearsss!! the thumb grip is wore down to bare plastic...but my frags cant get any more precise (sort of lol)
What do you use and why?
-Currently, Logitech G500 because I had heard that it was extremely comfortable, which is what I was looking for. Unfortunately, I'm one of the people who cannot comfortably hold the G500, but I'm sticking with it until I can justify spending more money on another mouse. It's feeling is tolerable, but my ring and pinky fingers get somewhat cramped. Scroll wheel is a bit loose, so it's easy to over-scroll. There are 3 side buttons, but the way I hold the mouse, only 2 of them can be reached without repositioning my hand (moving my hand like this always causes me to move the mouse a little bit, which is obviously not a good thing while gaming). Normally 2 side buttons would be fine anyway, but for some games having 3 helps.

What are the best mice?
-I used to use a Microsoft Intellimouse to play CS and it really had everything I needed. Only 2 side buttons, but they had perfect placement. After a few years it would just start losing power randomly until it eventually died --- I think I remember reading that this is pretty common for the Intellimouse.

What are the deal breakers for you?
-Anything uncomfortable or cramp-inducing. Sadly, I have to say that some of the Steelseries mice look nice, but I have a feeling that the ones with ambidextrous designs (with the side buttons on BOTH sides) would totally bother me --- yes, you can unbind them, but I've heard it's easy to accidentally click them which I've heard can be annoying. Logitech uses an ambidextrous design on a few of their mice as well --- I own a M150 and it is ridiculously awkward to hold due to the thumb indentation on both sides. I honestly couldn't stand it.

Mionix Naos 8200

I had actually looked into that mouse recently. So, it looks (from a picture) like it has a resting place for the ring finger, and a bit of a groove for the pinky finger, right? If so, it might actually be very suitable for me. Someone on Amazon said that it slips out of their hand a lot when they lift it - I take it you don't have this issue? I guess best solution would be to buy a huge mousepad so you don't need to lift it...
I had actually looked into that mouse recently. So, it looks (from a picture) like it has a resting place for the ring finger, and a bit of a groove for the pinky finger, right? If so, it might actually be very suitable for me. Someone on Amazon said that it slips out of their hand a lot when they lift it - I take it you don't have this issue? I guess best solution would be to buy a huge mousepad so you don't need to lift it...

Yeah, the body is exactly as you've described. I have yet to drop it and I'm not sure how you could; it's coated in soft rubber.

Edit: Upon trying it out when I got home last night it is a bit awkward to pick up. If you're just adjusting it on the pad it's fine but if you try to pick it straight up then the right-side is hard to hold onto. I have a big mousepad and typically run at 2200 dpi so I guess I had never even tried picking it up.
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Have had two G5s recently and liked them but they were too small and narrow.

Got a Rat 7 and you can make that mouse big if you open it up all the way and use the large pinky rest. If you have big hands, it is a great mouse. Very heavy and stable feeling too.
mx500 / g400 have been great to me so far as long as they were working (had a g400's wire start to cut out after barely a year of use in a non-hostile environment).

I love their shape and the response time for clicking and tracking seem to be really solid.
After years of Logitech since 1994 and G9 for last 6 years i finally found the mouse to replace the trusty G9.

After couple of weeks of use i think this is one of the best mice on the market right now MadCatz MMO 7.
I tried one 2 years ago Rat 7 and the laser went off after 10 days but it looks like they fixed it.
I love it.
And i have at least 30 different mice at home
I've been using the Logitech G500 since the day it was released. I'm an avid gamer and it does the job for my FPS games. But most of all I believe it will be personal preference.