The best netbook?

Lenovo S10e

10" in a chassis smaller than most 8.9" netbooks.
solid build quality
Question related to netbooks. Are there any really small ones, I'm talking about just barely 1280x720, that can run 720p and get decent battery life? Too me it seems like an impossibility, but if there's one out there I want it >.>
HP's 2133 series uses a 9" 1280x768 screen. Unfortunately they're crippled by Via C& cpu's and only get 4hrs on a 6cell battery. HP's getting raped by the nano's ongoing paper launch.
I just picked up an Asus1000ha for my girl for Xmas. First impressions is it's great! Built solid, and the comp runs really smoothly. Perfect for school and light office work. mmm I just felt like bragging :)
Well I can run "ripped" 720p content / movies from MPC on my AAO

I had an Asus EeePC 900A (the crippled 4GB slow SSD 1GB RAM version from Best Buy) and even it could handle 720P decodes fairly smoothly. Any of the 1.6Ghz or better Atom machines should be able to.
I am very happy with my MSI Wind U100-432. Mine had the 1.09 BIOS out of the box, that allows for 24% overclock with no noticeable increase in heat. I added another gig of ram for a total of 2GB, and plan to add a 320GB+ HDD to it after the holidays.

I was able to install and run at 30+ FPS Diablo II, Starcraft, Dungeon Seige, Warcraft III: FT and it can play Runescape HD full screen with no problems or stutter. I know these systems aren't designed for gaming, but this is a nice plus.

I also do a podcast, and this system with 2GB RAM runs Adobe Audition 3 just fine in real time with no problems. Even when using an external condenser microphone.

Awesome little package, and also the preferred netbook to make a macbook nano out of. I won't get into that here, but with a quick wifi card swap.. you can Google how people have installed OSX on it, and it supports the stock hardware. Nifty.

Anyways, good luck to you in your decision.
wtff...? How are you running WC3 at 30fps? 5-10fps when it's crowded with lowest resolution and settings, 20-25 on a good day.
thanks for the links guys

I might get a netbook but would rather wait some models with Nvidia gpus or AMD based come out. Hope this thread collects a lot of useful information
There is absolutely nothing AMD has or plans to manufacture that can compete with Atom processors, and now that Atoms are moving to dual cores, I'd say you'll be waiting a very very long time. :D

If you want dedicated power in the GPU your best bet is still a real laptop instead of a Netbook - they're simply not designed from the gitgo to be such hardware or work like 'em. Battery life in a Netbook would be murdered by a high powered GPU, and a likely side effect would be heat production, of course. Just not what they're built for...
are you talking about Atom power consumption or processing power? I thought the Atom cpu was very efficient yet the platform (w motherboard) wasn't that great. I read that a low powered X2 w a 780g based board would not use that much more power yet have quite a bit more processing power. I'm not looking for a high powered gpu. I would like a medium spec/low power consumption gpu though (preferably an integrated one like the ones in the 780g or Nvidias 9300 boards)
Lenovo S10e

10" in a chassis smaller than most 8.9" netbooks.
solid build quality

Just picked up one of these after agonizing over which netbook to get. Got to play with most of them except the samsung and dell, settled on the Lenovo. I love the HP mini's keyboard and almost got that instead, but the proprietary ports made it feel crippled to me and I decided against it.

Day 1 and all, but it is pretty nice. They were nice enough to make the default windows partition Fat32, so I'm keeping that and just put Ubuntu on the other partition. So far so good.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the MSI Wind, but I'm still considering the Samsung NC10.
Probably the MSI X320 because it will be powered by the Atom 530 + Nvidia Ion combination. It's also 13.3 inches and almost as flat as a Macbook Air.

As for me, I'm liking the HP 2140 with the 10 inch 1366 x 768 resolution. However, I already have a 6 cell MSI Wind, so no upgrades for me.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the MSI Wind, but I'm still considering the Samsung NC10.

The NC10, at nearly $500 after a 2GB RAM upgrade for the 14GB version from what I've seen, is just too expensive for me to seriously consider when you can pick up the Acer Aspire One for $350 or Lenovo S10 for a little under $400 just about anywhere. What (aside from the looks, which I agree are a serious improvement over the Acer and the keyboard which is arguably better than the Lenovo's) is so compelling about it?
The NC10 just has insane battery life. That's the only reason to really consider it. I read reviews of the 2140 with a 6 cell being the only netbook with longer battery life (at an increased price of course). Consider the 2140 the Bentley of netbooks in terms of looks.

The Sony Vaio P is too niche for me to call a netbook, being too small and too overpriced (it's like 8-900 bucks up to 1.4k for a 1.88 Ghz model). Also it looks less stellar than the HP 2140 with the glossy plastics. The pixel density is also enough to drive me insane having that 16xx by 8xx (or is it 16xx by 7xx?). I don't want to go blind using the device. It reminded me of a PSP to be honest.
The way I see it, the NC10 is the best. The one I liked 2nd best is the ASUS 1000HA. For $380 it's got the 6 cell (good for 5-5.5 hours I understand), 10" screen and all the basic stuff.

What turned me off the S10 was the lack of a 6 cell battery - thats a deal breaker for me. I need a 6 cell... find me a S10 w/ a 6 cell for under $400 and I think thats a contender.

But now I am seeing the MSI Wind 100 w/ 6 cell, bluetooth and wireless N for $370 shipped on J&R - understandably it's out of stock. If you can find one at that price w/ those specs then obviously it has the 1000HA trumped, I'd probably pull the trigger on that over the N10 because the N10 is $100 more... sure it's a little nicer but is it really worth the ~25% price increase??? (I dunno that NC10 is pretty sexy...)

So as it stands:

MSI Wind (w/ the 6 cell if you can find it)
**all the other stuff w/ out a 10.1" screen and 6 cell**
what does that add to the bottom line? Let me check the site...

edit - uh, yeah $120 for a 6 cell battery for the S10 on the lenovo site??? No thanks. I didn't see an option to directly upgrade the battery from 3 to 6 on the website either... please let me know if I'm wrong, I'd love to be able to seriously consider the S10.
The HP Mini 2140 is coming out. When that is out IMO it will be the best netbook.
IMO if you don't need a lot of power (and in a netbook, you probably shouldn't, or you might as well just look for a laptop), the HP 2133 (which is to be replaced by the 2140) is friggin' nice: the best-looking netbook by far, feels pretty good in the hand, and the best netbook screen. Add to that the fact that its Nano processor and impending replacement are putting downward pressure on the price (easily under $300 from what I've seen), and the 2133 looks like a fine deal to me. Just don't try to play any HD video on it--and God knows why you'd need HD video on a nine-inch screen.
Hence why it's really only suitable if you don't need a lot of power.

Admittedly this is also an opinion tailored to my needs. I have a powerful-enough laptop that I can use if I ever need to do any real work, and I don't have a lot of money to spend (any, actually, which is why I'm not buying a netbook). But my imaginary netbook plan is to install Xubuntu and browse the web on it, which doesn't exactly take ten cores of fury and petabytes to render the gods helpless. I can pull it off an a six-year-old IBM, so a current Via chip should do fine.
I'm typing this on my HP Mini 1000, and I'd recommend it over the Mini-Note 2133. I was about to buy the 2133, but I decided against it because of the VIA processor. I also liked the idea of an SSD, but I wanted the 16GB one, not an 8GB. Even for basic internet video tasks, the VIA is pretty pokey from the benchmarks I read.
typing this reply from my bb $199 a900a. I was going to wait for the hp2140 because I really want one with metal chassis, I might still get it depending on what kind of price and battery life it has. hopefully it would be available at a cheap price point for a basic ram+hdd setup that I can then upgrade on my own.
The HP Mini 2140 is coming out. When that is out IMO it will be the best netbook.

QFTMFT. Now I love my AAO, but my buddy just got one of these and I must say I am absolutely green with envy. It is almost Apple level fit and finish. The keyboard is HUGE, the key surface is actually larger then the keys on my Logitech desktop keyboard. I makes my poor AAO feel so damn cheap its depressing. He paid $450 OTD and it is the normal netbook fair on 1GB RAM, 1.6GHz Atom and XP Home, but his has a 60GB HD. Honestly I feel like the 120GB HD in my AAO is to much. I only have Vista plus Office 07 and some assorted utulities installed and I'm hardly using any of it.

Honestly the look and feel of this netbook IMO make up the $100 premium over what I paid for my AAO.

If this netbook came in a dual-core version, I would be dropping my AAO quicker then (insert pun) :D.

Sorry for the rant, I was just blown away by the quality and look of this thing.
NC10, ordered from amazon. The hp may be close but the glossy screen took it off my list. My main focus was the retarded shift key placement on the keyboards (i touch type). Samsung and HP got them right so far.
I also ordered an NC10 from Amazon... gets here tomorrow. Man, I'm looking forward to it! Maybe I'll post a pic thread.

I researched quite a bit, and I think the NC10 is the shizzy right now. For me, its all about battery life and HD space and the NC10 has both in spades.
$130 + shipping. Crazy stupid expensive for what they are. Only available in black and white, too, so my girlfriend with her red S10 is out of luck.

You can buy one non oem one off ebay for $60 shipped.. which is what i did and many other people..+5hrs on the s10 =)
I also ordered an NC10 from Amazon... gets here tomorrow. Man, I'm looking forward to it! Maybe I'll post a pic thread.

I researched quite a bit, and I think the NC10 is the shizzy right now. For me, its all about battery life and HD space and the NC10 has both in spades.

I just ordered a black NC10 this morning. Can't wait until i get it. I have played with my friends Wind and can easily type on that and the 10 in. screen seems to be the sweet spot.
I just ordered a black NC10 this morning. Can't wait until i get it. I have played with my friends Wind and can easily type on that and the 10 in. screen seems to be the sweet spot.

I'm still contemplating the NC10 over the Mini 1000. I have about 45days (Costco) to return the Mini 1000. Both have their pro's and con's. But damn, what a tough decision. I've been waiting to see what the 6-cell does for the 1000 in terms of usage times. I've heard (from CES reports) to expect 5-6hrs. Not close to the 6-8hrs of the Sammy.
I'm still contemplating the NC10 over the Mini 1000. I have about 45days (Costco) to return the Mini 1000. Both have their pro's and con's. But damn, what a tough decision. I've been waiting to see what the 6-cell does for the 1000 in terms of usage times. I've heard (from CES reports) to expect 5-6hrs. Not close to the 6-8hrs of the Sammy.

When is the extended battery due out?
So I have $100 off J&R.

Gonna get a Netbook. NC10 is out because it's $100 more then the ones I'm considering:

AAO D150 (the new 10" ones)
Hated my EeePC, so my vote is for the 10" AAO given only those two options. The NC10 is a better machine than either.
Hey just out of curiosity, what's everyones opinion about the new Sony Vaio netbook? I know its in a totally different price category but how do it's specs stack up to the rest?