The Chinese Social Credit Score System Has Already Been Implemented


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The Independent is reporting that the dystopian Chinese Social Credit system that is scheduled for implementation in 2020 is already in use in parts of the country. The Chinese government had already barred discredited citizens from taking 11.14 million flights and 4.25 million high-speed train trips by the end of April. Businesses that are judged to be unworthy will be subject to the punishments also.

Good acts such as volunteer work, and blood donations will raise your social credit score. Bad activities such as violating traffic laws, buying too many video games, and smoking in non-smoking areas will be punished severely by the government. Initial punishments include slower internet speeds, reducing access to good schools for the individual and their children, and the loss of rights to book hotels and own pets. Thanks Schtask

An improved social credit system was needed so that "discredited people become bankrupt," Hou Yunchun, former deputy director of the development research center of the State Council, was quoted as saying by Sina Finance at an annual credit development forum in Beijing on Saturday. "If we don't increase the cost of being discredited, we are encouraging discredited people to keep at it," Hou reportedly said. "That destroys the whole standard."
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Glad we will never get there. That would require lots of surveillance and snitching, which does not exist in the US.

Uh,...sorry to burst that bubble there, but the level of surveillance in the U.S. is not far behind any other country in the world and we are slowly moving to a social credit system. The first steps have already been taken. It will be a slow process, but it is happening.
It says here you have donated three hearts and five kidneys this last year alone. Very well. Welcome on board, sir!
We are pleased to inform you we are raising your social credit score due to outstanding donations!

However, we are unfortunately lowering your score dramatically because it was found that those hearts and kidneys were not your own.
I like how buying video games is considered the same as traffic violations in this system.

Fucking old people.

That was the thing that threw me off, but they already restrict how long people can play. So... I am not surprised.
sounds like straight from the movies.
they want everyone to be model citizens.

to be honest, I wish some of these punishments would be given to some americans. you know those trashy people.

lots of sleezebag white collars would get a low street cred score too.
Anywhere you apply for a decent job checks your social media. We do it all the time at my job.
In a different thread I told the story of how some of the HR firms we used to use internet stalked our applicants, and one went right full internet harasser. In the effort to reduce employee harassment and other such lawsuits they are going hard.
In a country where creativity and innovation are lagging so far behind the rest of the world (why do you think with 1.4 billion people they have to constantly keep stealing designs?), forcing everyone to be exactly the same to this degree seems like a horrible idea.
Uh,...sorry to burst that bubble there, but the level of surveillance in the U.S. is not far behind any other country in the world and we are slowly moving to a social credit system. The first steps have already been taken. It will be a slow process, but it is happening.

Uh.... Humour is lost on some. Sorry to point that out
"buying too many video games, and smoking in non-smoking areas will be punished severely by the government. Initial punishments include slower internet speeds, reducing access to good schools for the individual and their children, and the loss of rights to book hotels and own pets."
Jesus fuck, the humanity..... guess the require ID for video games, err guess they don't since they have AI watching you.
When are they gonna implant kill boxes into their people!?
I like how buying video games is considered the same as traffic violations in this system.

Fucking old people.

The Chinese Imperial Procrastination and Punishment Magistrate of the People's Republic of China deems video games as unproductive. You are deducted 500 points. Your social credit score is too low. All toilets locked.

You have urinated on yourself. You are deducted 500 points and have been removed from your job.

Your social credit score is too low. You cannot afford adult diapers. You are deducted 1000 points. You will now report to Work Camp "Death" to repay your adult diaper debts.
Can't imagine the loss of income for a ton of businesses in general. Just one day of this would have to be massive amounts of loss.
Anywhere you apply for a decent job checks your social media. We do it all the time at my job.

So you hire people who waste their time on social media instead of people who spend their time learning new technologies..

Might work if you are hiring marketing people, but you will be losing out on a lot of good technical people if you depend on social media.
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"buying too many video games, and smoking in non-smoking areas will be punished severely by the government. Initial punishments include slower internet speeds, reducing access to good schools for the individual and their children, and the loss of rights to book hotels and own pets."
Jesus fuck, the humanity..... guess the require ID for video games, err guess they don't since they have AI watching you.
When are they gonna implant kill boxes into their people!?

They already do. Apparently they have massive "Internment" camps, god knows what else.
Any society that can't tolerate criticism, isn't a society worth living in. China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. My heart bleeds for their population, because it's going to be a long time before it gets better and truly free.

USA isn't too far behind if things like the current administration, NSA and PATRIOT act are any indication.
Surveillance is there. Snitching is not, but would get there if far left Democrats and special interest "equality" groups get their way.

One of the biggest steps in surveillance in the USA, The Patriot Act of 2001, implemented by the Republicans.
When will people learn that the Left and Right are two sides of the same corporate controlled coin.
Any society that can't tolerate criticism, isn't a society worth living in. China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. My heart bleeds for their population, because it's going to be a long time before it gets better and truly free.

USA isn't too far behind if things like the current administration,

Oh, those poor countries. Fuck em. I don't see them doing anything about it. As for the US, we're sitting pretty good right now. Or haven't you noticed?
Big Red Brother.jpg
Anywhere you apply for a decent job checks your social media. We do it all the time at my job.

What happens if that person doesn't use social media?? Isn't that kinda the ultimate non-snitch, lol

I could image that crap working against everyone here for one reason or another.

Loose of credit due to not voting......

for the right person :rolleyes:
I'm surprised that no one's mentioned the movie "In Time"; I've heard it was bad and never watched it, but it sounds pretty close to what's going on here.
Surprised it took until the fifth post for somebody to start the left (or right) blaming into this thread.

I said far left, not the left. And it was a hypothetical.

One of the biggest steps in surveillance in the USA, The Patriot Act of 2001, implemented by the Republicans.
When will people learn that the Left and Right are two sides of the same corporate controlled coin.

Methinks you didn't even bother to read my post and went apeshit defensive the moment you saw the word left and Democrats.
If this prevents people from going on flights and buying stuff, what’s to stop the population from revolting and tanking their scores to tank the economy?