The Division 2

TD2 still crashes lol, makes playing this season's manhunt a real bitch.

The Division 1 will have another Global Event on the 17th through the 24th which is Strike and I would like to get a group going for that.

If you remind me, me and my friend that I ran Div 1 with - providing schedules are all clear at the time - we can do speed runs of Legendary Clear Sky with you to farm GE money

It might take us (you) a few rounds to get used to how to speed run properly - but once all together it can be done 3 people minimum easy (two people carry the suitcases simultaneously each side just eating the mortar rounds, while 3rd plays support incase one goes down)

Legendary Clear Sky speed runs are all I liked anymore in the end because so intense + short and sweet lol
If you remind me, me and my friend that I ran Div 1 with - providing schedules are all clear at the time - we can do speed runs of Legendary Clear Sky with you to farm GE money

It might take us (you) a few rounds to get used to how to speed run properly - but once all together it can be done 3 people minimum easy (two people carry the suitcases simultaneously each side just eating the mortar rounds, while 3rd plays support incase one goes down)

Legendary Clear Sky speed runs are all I liked anymore in the end because so intense + short and sweet lol

Count me in. I'll join the Div1 global event. I haven't done speed runs but I am a quick learner. I've been needing a group to go through those dungeons anyways.
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I hate this (GE Strike) I always stand right in front of people and gun them down I'm not unlearning that lol -_- ....

I just keep getting smacked around when they blow up
The Division Heartland is an upcoming free-to-play, PvEvP focused, survival-action shooter as the team gives a breakdown about your objective, the story, gameplay, base of operations, playstyles, classes, and more...

The Division: Heartland NDA and beta invites are going out.

You’ve been selected to participate in the exclusive Closed Beta on PC for Tom Clancy’s The Division® Heartland: a free-to-play PvEvP focused survival-action shooter set in the universe of Tom Clancy’s The Division.

Don´t miss your chance, PLAY NOW!
The Division: Heartland NDA and beta invites are going out.

You’ve been selected to participate in the exclusive Closed Beta on PC for Tom Clancy’s The Division® Heartland: a free-to-play PvEvP focused survival-action shooter set in the universe of Tom Clancy’s The Division.

Don´t miss your chance, PLAY NOW!

Yup, got mine, too.

I'm definitely interested.

Everything I normally play is boring now...
So F2P DZ?

If anyone gets 2 extra keys for the beta - me and my friend who run Div/Div 2 might give it a go - but only if you got no one else to give keys to - if they even have that
Division PVP is some of the clunkiest shit I've ever seen so I'm interested in how they make it some of the not clunkiest shit
So Heartland is going to be PVP only? No thanks.

Also, bummed out that I'm still getting CTDs with TD2 cos I want to play the new season.
So Heartland is going to be PVP only? No thanks.

Also, bummed out that I'm still getting CTDs with TD2 cos I want to play the new season.
It's not totally PvP but very PvE unfriendly. The game runs on a day night cycle. Day is PvE and night is PvP. Sucks to be you if it's night time and you want to play.
Don't you already have it on Uplay though?

I have Div 1 on Steam (and thus through Uplay) and I played Div 2 through Beta/Free Trials when it first came out on Uplay (and maxed the character just with the normal main story stuff from like a trial or 2 lol)

My stuff from before should carry over through the Steam purchase

With Division 1 I used to buy DLC back and forth sometimes through Uplay or with a Uplay only key, sometimes through Steam. All showed up fine when I launched the game through Steam no matter what

I'm really only interested in the NYC expansion, couldn't get into Div 2 like I did Div 1 at all
Is it still crashing like a mofo? I was going to get it for $9 but all the crashing horror stories in the reviews scared me off.
Which is a shame since I really fucking dug the first one.
Still no invite from Ubisoft to try out Division Heartland. *sad trombone* C'mon Ubi, I've been playing Division since launch day of the first game.

Edit: $9 is a steal and you never know, you might be one of the lucky ones that never get crashes.
Still no invite from Ubisoft to try out Division Heartland. *sad trombone* C'mon Ubi, I've been playing Division since launch day of the first game.

Edit: $9 is a steal and you never know, you might be one of the lucky ones that never get crashes.
I just sent you a friend request, I think we have to be on a friends list before I can send you an invite.
I just sent you a friend request, I think we have to be on a friends list before I can send you an invite.

You should have an invite link under you Ubi account log in which you can email to people.

I got 1 invite left I think... maybe 2. I'd have to look
I got my Heartland invite. I have 5 invites I can send. PM me if you want the link.

I bought Div 2 in Steam the other day, apparently I did have the game in Uplay or something cause I didn't buy the DLC for NY yet I have the year 1 edition and NY DLC when launching through Steam (once it registered/synced up with Uplay). I wouldn't have bought it no matter what on Uplay so I must have gotten it for free in a giveaway or something. Oh well I bought it on Steam with card money too so not like that cost me anything either and I still like having crap through full Steam integration for management/playtime/etc.

Is it still crashing like a mofo? I was going to get it for $9 but all the crashing horror stories in the reviews scared me off.
Which is a shame since I really fucking dug the first one.

Hasn't crashed on my yet but my friend says it's crashing constantly for him (granted he's on like a i7 920 I think lol). Dunno if I haven't been bit yet or I can just brute force through it. Before I upgraded to my 5950x and 4070 I had a i5 3570k and 2070 I played Div 2 with for free when it first launched, I was CPU bottlenecked at 45FPS and got crashes all the time.

My character is already level 30 but only DZ 5 - DZ fucking sucks in Div 2 though so not sure I care
I bought Div 2 in Steam the other day, apparently I did have the game in Uplay or something cause I didn't buy the DLC for NY yet I have the year 1 edition and NY DLC when launching through Steam (once it registered/synced up with Uplay). I wouldn't have bought it no matter what on Uplay so I must have gotten it for free in a giveaway or something. Oh well I bought it on Steam with card money too so not like that cost me anything either and I still like having crap through full Steam integration for management/playtime/etc.

Hasn't crashed on my yet but my friend says it's crashing constantly for him (granted he's on like a i7 920 I think lol). Dunno if I haven't been bit yet or I can just brute force through it. Before I upgraded to my 5950x and 4070 I had a i5 3570k and 2070 I played Div 2 with for free when it first launched, I was CPU bottlenecked at 45FPS and got crashes all the time.

My character is already level 30 but only DZ 5 - DZ fucking sucks in Div 2 though so not sure I care
I wanna believe badly that I could get by without 30min on and off disconnects and CTD's like my son claims to get, but he's on a 5700G & a Titan Black now.
I've also been wanting to get all the DLC's with it too, but not at these prices, especially since the DZ is a joke, unless Ubi pulls a killer all fixing patch for it soon.

But it sounds to me like they gave up on supporting it with the new Heartland coming out. I wonder if there are any "unofficial patches" for it?
Being a online Ubi game probably not, but one can hope.
I quit TD2 for the second time recently because of the constant crashing. I don't know why I put up with it for so long. I had a nice stretch of stability before S5 and then it just went straight to hell after the patch. Heartland looks terrible so this IP might be dead to me. Bummer.
Me and my friend beat Warlords of NY - it alone was a better map/environment than all of Div 2 (zoo and museum aside) - at times the 'summer' lighting/environment looked spot on, but overall Div 1 still looked better/realer IMO - you could smell the air in that game it looked so good
Me and a friend played that NSA combat simulation mode - The Descent

That shit is pretty fun not gonna lie. Shotguns (if you can get it) to the face for everyone 👌 Haven't beat it yet keep dying at Lvl 4/the 4th tier lol (you die and start back every time at the beginning no progress saves, git gud)

Descent is a free, 1-to-4 player game mode with semi-infinite and randomized progression, versus an infinite difficulty curve. Warlords of New York ownership is not required to access the mode.

Agents are stripped of all their gear, specializations and perks when starting the game mode. The mode is a playground where you can experiment with builds not feasible in the regular game, challenging them tactically and encouraging deeper understanding of the build meta.

Discover the history of the simulation and Ortiz Robotics' connection to the Division and the Black Tusk each week in your Collectibles menu.
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