The Evil Within

Need to tell that to the Project Cars developers then. They are doing so many optimizations on the console to squeeze every ounce of power that they can and still are having issues meeting their goals as far as visual quality and frame rate.

Once again i don't know what that has to do with anything or what your point is.

Console games are going to continue to be shit as both newgen platforms struggle to even hit 1080p30 and all the unified memory in the world is proving irrelevant.
Once again i don't know what that has to do with anything or what your point is.

Console games are going to continue to be shit as both newgen platforms struggle to even hit 1080p30 and all the unified memory in the world is proving irrelevant.

They are shooting for 1080p60 on the XBOX One and PS4 with most of the visuals from the PC version intact.
They are shooting for 1080p60 on the XBOX One and PS4 with most of the visuals from the PC version intact.

It's a new console, it will take a least two years before the master the hardware. It's not like a PC, they can go to the metal and use all of it... but it takes talent. Rather than only ever being able to use a fraction (ie less than half) of what the hardware can do, and having to go through multiple APIs that do the work for you.
It's a new console, it will take a least two years before the master the hardware. It's not like a PC, they can go to the metal and use all of it... but it takes talent. Rather than only ever being able to use a fraction (ie less than half) of what the hardware can do, and having to go through multiple APIs that do the work for you.

So you're saying that they can't utilize the 8GB of DDR5 in the PS4 because it is new?
So you're saying that they can't utilize the 8GB of DDR5 in the PS4 because it is new?

No... you're new hardware aren't you.

On a PC you can only ever tap a small fraction of what the hardware can do (it's comedicaly small, like small white dick laughable). Because you have to deal with multiple configurations (no optimization of any real worth), lack to the metal coding (DirectX, OGL, and even Mantal or horrible here, and you don't want to the metal on a PC for security concerns), have to go through multiple APIs (though this does make things easier even if it creates overhead bloat and problems), and the box isn't optimized on the OS level for just games.

So on a PC, no matter the hardware, you only can ever use a very small portion of it.

On a console, none of that really applies. You can take advantage of everything, which is why a sub 7800 nvidia based PS3 kept up as well as it did. There is no bloat, no ugly, no disadvantage, and no limitations to a fraction of your hardware. But that comes with a human problem, it's MUCH more complex to work with and takes a lot more talent. So for a while optimization is bad and there is a massive learning curve. But over time, that goes away and developers can extract every last drop from them.

This is why talking about these two items is apples vs avocados, not the same damn thing at all. PC's hold consoles back massively, just in different ways than consoles hold PCs back. In an ideal world it would all be unique games, but we don't live that. Games cost too much to make at the A let alone AAA level that you have to release a multiplatform game, so you suffer through all the fatally crippling issues of all of them.

But that's not what is going on with THIS game. What's going on here is Japanese artistic taste, to which a bunch of western people are confused... and forgetting that while Japan lost #1 game market, it is for this... and the US lost #1 game market as well in the early 2000's, so we have no right to demand what we want either.
No... you're new hardware aren't you.

On a PC you can only ever tap a small fraction of what the hardware can do (it's comedicaly small, like small white dick laughable). Because you have to deal with multiple configurations (no optimization of any real worth), lack to the metal coding (DirectX, OGL, and even Mantal or horrible here, and you don't want to the metal on a PC for security concerns), have to go through multiple APIs (though this does make things easier even if it creates overhead bloat and problems), and the box isn't optimized on the OS level for just games.

So on a PC, no matter the hardware, you only can ever use a very small portion of it.

On a console, none of that really applies. You can take advantage of everything, which is why a sub 7800 nvidia based PS3 kept up as well as it did. There is no bloat, no ugly, no disadvantage, and no limitations to a fraction of your hardware. But that comes with a human problem, it's MUCH more complex to work with and takes a lot more talent. So for a while optimization is bad and there is a massive learning curve. But over time, that goes away and developers can extract every last drop from them.

This is why talking about these two items is apples vs avocados, not the same damn thing at all. PC's hold consoles back massively, just in different ways than consoles hold PCs back. In an ideal world it would all be unique games, but we don't live that. Games cost too much to make at the A let alone AAA level that you have to release a multiplatform game, so you suffer through all the fatally crippling issues of all of them.

But that's not what is going on with THIS game. What's going on here is Japanese artistic taste, to which a bunch of western people are confused... and forgetting that while Japan lost #1 game market, it is for this... and the US lost #1 game market as well in the early 2000's, so we have no right to demand what we want either.

So what does this have to do with the game recommending 4GB of VRAM on the PC? So you're saying that if a console has access to a potential 8GB of VRAM that the texture that is generated over there is a completely different beast from a PC. That since a console is so much more complex than a PC that it might only take 1GB, 2GB, etc to generate it, but a PC requires 4GB to recreate it because it is so far behind the complexity that a console has. That developers can't figure out the consoles for many years because they are mysterious and new.

Dude what kind of stuff are you smoking?
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So what does this have to do with the game recommending 4GB of VRAM on the PC? So you're saying that if a console has access to a potential 8GB of VRAM that the texture that is generated over there is a completely different beast from a PC. That since a console is so much more complex than a PC that it might only take 1GB, 2GB, etc to generate it, but a PC requires 4GB to recreate it because it is so far behind the complexity that a console has. That developers can't figure out the consoles for many years because they are mysterious and new.

Dude what kind of stuff are you smoking?

Yeah that post was so far off its not worth quoting everything and spelling it out.

Consoles so complex? They have one set to run off of for both: DX11 with DX12 support later,. How is that complex??? PC has more variables. Titanfall pc and Xbox 1 came out at the same time, pc CAN DO 1080p and higher. Did he miss the whole, "Titan Fall is maxed out and only able to do 792p". Buddy let me update you on your "Complex Consoles". Xbox 768 shaders, PS4 1152......wait... Do the reading yourself.

Weak ass maxed out Titanfall:

Microsoft starting earlier than usual on new system:
I have never heard of a company going right into developing a new system 7 months after launch. It didn't take them 8 years from the xbox 360 launch to make the junk in Xbox One.

Developers are running into limitation across the board on PS4 too. PC sales are on the incline and with these weak ass consoles out will continue to climb. Consoles aren't hard to develop for, its the lack of hardware to push what THEY WANT TO DO, which can be done on PC. They have to spend time now trying figure what to cut out in development, i.e . textures, game length.....all for these crap consoles.
Regarding the memory of the current consoles there is a misconception regarding them which is being brought up again (likely due to recent trends in multiplatform games along with the "to the metal optimization" thing, but the latter is another topic all together :p).

Although the PS4 (and Xbox One) have 8gb of physical memory on board that amount isn't actually all available for games. I believe the last known figure for both is that 5gb is available for games, this is corroborated from developer comments and available technical details. This 5gb of course is not strictly memory for the GPU, The Killzone demo (since they actually released documentation regarding this) broke down their memory usage in ~1.5+ gb system, ~3+ gb GPU, ~0.1+ gb shared.

In time this amount may change however, both the PS3 and 360 had updates in their lifetime giving developers access to more memory.

Also I wouldn't be to sure that the actual requirements here will be strictly 4gb and it might be another Shadows of Mordor situation regarding qualification. If you look at the released system requirements it actually states a GTX 670 4gb, the GTX 670 comes in either a 2gb or 4gb configuration. It could just be simply that the GTX 670 4gb is what they ended up targeting or testing as an optimal configuration, at this point it shouldn't be a surprise that PC developers (and QA) will not qualify and test for every single hardware permutation, it just isn't practical. Of course we won't know for sure until release.
I'd expect to max out most games on a 780 when running @ 1080p. Even new pc games I can usually crank everything up just fine for the most part.

For example, I recently played through the Vanishing of Ethan Carter, the game ran like butter for me and it has some of the most DETAILED textures of any game I've ever played, it just looks drop dead gorgeous.

Then you have this game, the textures and details are no where near that quality (not to mention it's not nearly as large in terms of environment, the videos are usually all inside/tight quarters) yet the requirements are noticeably higher when it comes to maxing out this game.

It's like they just don't know how to optimize for a pc vs console and they just throw it on there and use what worked for the console instead of optimizing it for pc users with their hardware.

I hear you completely on the 1080P front, and your 780 SHOULD demolish games, no doubt.

They don't really care about the PC market however. Would be nice for sure, but it's not going to happen.
PC's hold consoles back massively, just in different ways than consoles hold PCs back.

No... you're new hardware aren't you.

On a PC you can only ever tap a small fraction of what the hardware can do (it's comedicaly small, like small white dick laughable). Because you have to deal with multiple configurations (no optimization of any real worth), lack to the metal coding (DirectX, OGL, and even Mantal or horrible here, and you don't want to the metal on a PC for security concerns), have to go through multiple APIs (though this does make things easier even if it creates overhead bloat and problems), and the box isn't optimized on the OS level for just games.

So on a PC, no matter the hardware, you only can ever use a very small portion of it.

On a console, none of that really applies. You can take advantage of everything, which is why a sub 7800 nvidia based PS3 kept up as well as it did. There is no bloat, no ugly, no disadvantage, and no limitations to a fraction of your hardware. But that comes with a human problem, it's MUCH more complex to work with and takes a lot more talent. So for a while optimization is bad and there is a massive learning curve. But over time, that goes away and developers can extract every last drop from them.

This is why talking about these two items is apples vs avocados, not the same damn thing at all. PC's hold consoles back massively, just in different ways than consoles hold PCs back. In an ideal world it would all be unique games, but we don't live that. Games cost too much to make at the A let alone AAA level that you have to release a multiplatform game, so you suffer through all the fatally crippling issues of all of them.

But that's not what is going on with THIS game. What's going on here is Japanese artistic taste, to which a bunch of western people are confused... and forgetting that while Japan lost #1 game market, it is for this... and the US lost #1 game market as well in the early 2000's, so we have no right to demand what we want either.

The only thing I find laughable here is your comment itself.
Just got my Greenman key and preloading on Steam now.

Greenman has The Evil Within + Season Pass for $52.79 with code octobe-r20gmg-offerx

Damn I spaced and didn't realize it was already releasing this Tuesday. Somehow I thought it was Oct. 27. This game and the new Borderlands game coming out on the same day, goodbye to free time I guess.

GMG's game+seasonpass combo is actually a very good deal, because it makes the SP only an extra five bucks. Then add a coupon and Game+SP together is less than the price of the base game on Steam. For anyone that's already a GMG customer, check your email because they sent out targeted 25% off codes valid thru Oct. 17, which makes the game+SP = $49.49. Cannot complain about that.
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Damn I spaced and didn't realize it was already releasing this Tuesday. Somehow I thought it was Oct. 27. This game and the new Borderlands game coming out on the same day, goodbye to free time I guess.

GMG's game+seasonpass combo is actually a very good deal, because it makes the SP only an extra five bucks. Then add a coupon and Game+SP together is less than the price of the base game on Steam. For anyone that's already a GMG customer, check your email because they sent out targeted 25% off codes valid thru Oct. 17, which makes the game+SP = $49.49. Cannot complain about that.

This game looks awesome, but I'm just not sold on everything yet. I'd really like to get this, as that's a great price though...who knows, maybe it'll be really enjoyable on the PC.
This game looks awesome, but I'm just not sold on everything yet. I'd really like to get this, as that's a great price though...who knows, maybe it'll be really enjoyable on the PC.

Technical concerns notwitstanding: It's hard for me to imagine this being a bad game given the pedigree of the talent that's behind it if you are a survival horror fan.

I'm on the fence. I need to call up some video links from earlier in this thread and give this another careful look-see.
Technical concerns notwitstanding: It's hard for me to imagine this being a bad game given the pedigree of the talent that's behind it if you are a survival horror fan.

I'm on the fence. I need to call up some video links from earlier in this thread and give this another careful look-see.

Yeah, exactly. We see eye to eye almost all the time. I'll be on the fence for this for the same reasons outlined by you.
another game I'm going to move to the "I'm interested in playing but will wait for a Steam sale" category...along with Alien Isolation this just doesn't seem worth full price...Shadows of Mordor seems worth it and I plan to get Lords of the Fallen on Day 1 (possibly AC: Unity and DA: Inquisition) but not every game deserves a Day 1 buy
Confirmed that there is new game+ with new unlocked weapons and other stuff after you beat the game. It also unlocks 2 higher difficulties.

After completing my long 15 hours campaign, I've unlocked new weapons and others for New Game + and two new difficulties (and I won’t play any of these two, because I’m too scared to do so). So far we know that the game’s DLCs are on their way and will be available when they're ready for release.
Bought the game from GMG, but I'm getting invalid code from steam.

The key I got from GMG was in this format:




Is the key suppose to look like this when I put it into the activation box?

xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyyy zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzz

How many lines are there suppose to be in the cd key? I heard some people say GMG sent them 2 cd keys. 1 was the game and the other was some the fighting chance pack. I don't have the fighting chance pack though. I got the game with the season pass.
Bought the game from GMG, but I'm getting invalid code from steam.

The key I got from GMG was in this format:




Is the key suppose to look like this when I put it into the activation box?

xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyyy zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzz

How many lines are there suppose to be in the cd key? I heard some people say GMG sent them 2 cd keys. 1 was the game and the other was some the fighting chance pack. I don't have the fighting chance pack though. I got the game with the season pass.

last chance was added with pre orders i think, your three are the game, the season pass, and the last chance pack
I wish every game like this had a NG+, so I appreciate that. I'm still very much wanting to buy this early on. Hopefully it isn't a technical mess.
I wish every game like this had a NG+, so I appreciate that. I'm still very much wanting to buy this early on. Hopefully it isn't a technical mess.

I agree. I'm a big fan of NG+ for games.
I agree. I'm a big fan of NG+ for games.

I like the way Dark Souls 2 implemented NG+...not just increased enemy damage/health but also new enemies and certain boss encounters were changed as well...along with new item drops etc...added more replay value
I like the way Dark Souls 2 implemented NG+...not just increased enemy damage/health but also new enemies and certain boss encounters were changed as well...along with new item drops etc...added more replay value

Exactly. Plenty of incentive to keep playing. Smart!
Cept they do now, they had the video taken down, and you can certainly bet that Beth will blacklist them from now on.

It sucks but there isn't much that they can do.

With the recent Shadow of Mordor bullshit (youtubers got the game early and in order to do so they were forced to only talk about positive things and couldn't mention negatives, thus defeating any point in being subjective and critical in their "reviews/impressions") and all of this I have serious doubt in any game reviewer and publisher these days if a review is just gushing an dall positive.
With the recent Shadow of Mordor bullshit (youtubers got the game early and in order to do so they were forced to only talk about positive things and couldn't mention negatives, thus defeating any point in being subjective and critical in their "reviews/impressions") and all of this I have serious doubt in any game reviewer and publisher these days if a review is just gushing an dall positive.

To play devil's advocate, no one really had a gun to their heads, they weren't "forced" to do anything. If they weren't such greedy sellouts and some of them actually said no then the shady "viral marketing" company that handles those dirty deals for the publisher would've had to relent. That's not to say its all on them but they certainly share at least half of the blame -- it takes two.
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what the hell is ThisGenGaming and ReadersGambit?...Google searching for no-name review sites is not the way to go

I think they're like the videogame blog equivalent of a typo domain / generic shopping links page.
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what the hell is ThisGenGaming and ReadersGambit?...Google searching for no-name review sites is not the way to go

We have another 30 hours until the embargo lifts. Just because a site is not big doesn't mean its opinion is worthless.
We have another 30 hours until the embargo lifts. Just because a site is not big doesn't mean its opinion is worthless.

Me no care what some randoms with a free wordpress page think about their pirated xbox360 copy of the game. I'd recommend waiting for a few proper PC reviews. A beautiful game like this doesn't even belong on the consoles.
To play devil's advocate, no one really had a gun to their heads, they weren't "forced" to do anything. If they weren't such greedy sellouts and some of them actually said no then the shady "viral marketing" company that handles those dirty deals for the publisher would've had to relent. That's not to say its all on them but they certainly share at least half of the blame -- it takes two.

A few did, like Totalbiscuit (he's the one that broke the whole news story on it).

Some of them that took it admitted it up front and laid it all out (like boogie) and why he took it (part of his contract was that he could back out at anytime if he wanted to and only post it if he felt that it was a good game).

This kind of deal shouldn't exist, it creates a slippery slope for "honest" journalist tot he point they might not even get a review copy of a game and have to wait until release, meanwhile the ones that tak ethe deals get one and put out their review/gameplay on time and take all of hte views away from the ones that stand their ground.

It's a problem that both sides of the fence need to nip in teh bud before it gets out o fhand.

Watch until it goes down too.

Warning. The guy playing the game is painfully slow at the game.
No wonder he is so slow. He is the worst gamer I have ever seen. My little sister that threw a baseball and almost knocked me out when I was standing behind her is better at games.
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