The Evil Within

Nvidia Surround, ie multiple monitors, not sound.:D

Thanks for the clarification. That was about to become a deal breaker. No surround sound would have been a deal breaker for me. The sound can take games like Condemned and Outlast from good to great.
Thanks for the clarification. That was about to become a deal breaker. No surround sound would have been a deal breaker for me. The sound can take games like Condemned and Outlast from good to great.

The sound in this game is excellent.....and fucking creepy.:D
I can't wait to give this game a whirl. Out of town on business until tomorrow afternoon. I've got it all preloaded and ready to go. I'm used to having to tweak tech 5 a little bit, so I doubt I will have any issues getting this going the way I like. Will post back after I get some time on it.
Wow it seems as if TEW on the consoles is really bad off. Apparrently if you have a modest PC that is capable of the 30FPS minimum it is recommend (Duh) over the PS4/Bone which are also running at 1920X768(PS4) and 1600x640p(Bone) resolutions. So it looks as if this game is just a bad port on all systems. link

I am playing now with 1 notch below 4k @ 30 fps and turned OFF triple Buffering (really smoothed out the game) in Nv control panel and the game is relatively smooth playing from 10-15 feet away on the couch with controller.
finally the PC reviews of the game are slowly starting to trickle out from reputable sites...Destructoid posted their review an hour ago...

"But while I did have fun with the majority of the game despite its flaws, it's important to note the problems with the PC build of the game...To be frank, the PC version is going to need a lot of work...Although you can use console commands to make it run at 60 frames per second, it's not consistently operating at that level, and there are some performance issues abound if you go that route

It's clear this was a quick console-port job, right down to the mouse lag in the menus...Having said that, the game is very much playable, and once it was running I had zero crashes in-game...Just don't expect it to be up to par with the majority of PC releases theses days...
Someone made an FOV fix,

I'm already on Ch9 so I'll just finish the game with the standard FOV.


hey YO! black bars!: fuck uuuuu! :D

im @ the beginning when you get the .38 special and shoot your first dude :)

I guess the only issue with changing the FOV is that the game shows information or other things in the black bar area and changing the FOV makes that stuff not show up at all?

Dont know how critical some of that info may be.
Finally, I need an FOV fix. On chapter 6 with 10 hours in 2 days with black bars is not good for my plasma at all.

Kinda feel like this is Edge of Tomorrow. Take 2 shots to bring someone down? Take damage? Then just reload to prior checkpoint until you get it perfect.
How bad is the texture popping in this game? Does it still run like shit on AMD cards or has it gotten better? I'm somewhat interested in this game but according to users this game has a lot of negativity and I refuse to buy it at full price.
Is it possible to run The Evil Within on PC at a locked 1080p60?

just how much computational power is required to double the game's frame-rate and produce a sustained, consistent 60fps experience at 1080p?..It turns out that our PC test rig - fitted with a Core i7 3770K overclocked to 4.3GHz and matched with 16GB of DDR3 - couldn't handle it, not even when outfitted with the GeForce GTX 980, the fastest single-chip graphics card available on the market today...

The Evil Within joins the ranks of a steadily growing number of disappointing PC conversions, where achieving console-style image quality and performance is relatively straightforward on mid-range gaming PCs, but scaling up beyond the 30fps console standard to a locked 60fps proves inordinately difficult...
I guess the only issue with changing the FOV is that the game shows information or other things in the black bar area and changing the FOV makes that stuff not show up at all?

Dont know how critical some of that info may be.
The only "information" I've seen displayed in the black bars is the "Hold 'B' to skip" cutscenes prompt... And I think it shows what chapter you're on. That's it. It might show subtitles, too, if you have captions on, but I never turn those on.
They're literally using my exact setup and are unable to get 1080p/60. Clearly there's something really wrong if a game like this can't do that.

There may be a bottleneck. Try bringing the resolution down and see if there's any drop in fps at some point in the game. The AI, the lighting, the smoke or anything that's going on that affects the fps. The game is poorly optimized that's for sure but not something a patch cannot fix.
Someone made an FOV fix,

I'm already on Ch9 so I'll just finish the game with the standard FOV.


This is great except I don't have a numpad on my keyboard (YAH! tenkeyless) so I can't apply this fix -- Yeah i tried it doesn't work even when using the +/- keys on the numline.

Edit: here is a better one that doesnt need cheat engine:

Works perfectly!


Comparisons: Re-sized from 4k to 1080p.

No black bars, NO FOV fix:

No black bars, FOV fix:
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How did you get the new fix to work? I use it and I can change the fov but still have black bars

Add to Steam launch options: +R_FORCEASPECTRATIO 0 ( You must have a 16x9 monitor to completely get rid of the black bars as of right now)
No black bars, FOV fix:

Weird thats exactly how I meet my doctor too.. Hes also my pharmacist it's super convenient.
This game is really good. It started off kinda meh, but things really get going beginning at chapter 3. The game has some nice gore. I like how when you shoot enemies in the head, chunks of their head gets blown off.
It's not a matter on needing to stay above 60fps but with sli I could stay a minimum of 30fps because every now and then I see it dip below 30fps with all maxed settings and 1440p
You might not stay above 60 fps with your cpu even if SLI worked. This game is stupid cpu heavy.

photo share

The CPUs results are actually really interesting because Haswell is so much further ahead.

Does the game make use of AVX2 or something? Or the engine benefits greatly from the larger l1 cahce?

I don't believe Wolfenstein or Rage are known to exhibit the same performance difference either.
The CPUs results are actually really interesting because Haswell is so much further ahead.

Does the game make use of AVX2 or something? Or the engine benefits greatly from the larger l1 cahce?

I don't believe Wolfenstein or Rage are known to exhibit the same performance difference either.

Yes, should I probably forget about AMD processor for DOOM4?
The CPUs results are actually really interesting because Haswell is so much further ahead.

Does the game make use of AVX2 or something? Or the engine benefits greatly from the larger l1 cahce?

I don't believe Wolfenstein or Rage are known to exhibit the same performance difference either.

I was staring at that chart also. The Intel chips are always grouped together in tests. Wonder what the game is using from Haswell to get better frames? It's not better multithread performance because the 8 core would be way ahead and the AMD FX processors would have caught up as usual. It's not processor frequency because everything is at stock and the Intel chips basically have run at the same speed for the last 6 years. Has to be a single core optimization thing.

Maybe it's related to what you said limitedaccess. :)
Hmmm. My 3770K is clocked at 4.6ghz, so I wonder if I can sustain it. I'm close to pulling the trigger on this game.
I know this is the PC subforum but finally got some hands on with this game on my brothers Xbone connected to a 60inch Sony Bravia and the game looks and plays like absolute dogshit. I'm aware there are 3rd party solutions on PC to fix many of the issues that are fundamentally wrong with the game design, but that would involve actually buying/rewarding this developer and thus encouraging more garbage like this in the future. I may be starved for games at the moment but its gonna take an official patch that does everything the Flawless Widescreen solution fix does plus a serious price reduction to get me to even consider purchasing this disgrace.
I may be starved for games at the moment but its gonna take an official patch that does everything the Flawless Widescreen solution fix does plus a serious price reduction to get me to even consider purchasing this disgrace.

the game definitely has technical issues but it's getting surprisingly good scores from reputable sites...but you nailed the price way is the game worth $60...this looks like a $30 or $40 game max but since Bethesda is the publisher they jacked it up to $59.99...looking forward to the first patch to see if they fix the aspect ratio/FOV issues or if it'll always require 3rd party tools (like DSfix for Dark Souls)
New games are usually $59.99. Suck it up or wait for a price drop.

That being said, I'm having fun with the game.
New games are usually $59.99. Suck it up or wait for a price drop.

That being said, I'm having fun with the game.

Lots of pc games are 49 new or less still these days.

It's mainly EA/Ubi/Bethseda that price their pc games at 59.
New games are usually $59.99. Suck it up or wait for a price drop.

PCgamers seem to feel a certain amount of entitlement - thanks in part to Steam sale mentality and the "I'll just wait 'til its 5 dollars" crowd being the worst of them, but these people need to remember its not really about them. The health of the PC gaming ecosystem depends on publishers feeling like they can seek a price that's in line with the other platforms. When they feel they can no longer do that, because too many people are "waiting for it to hit $5", they may decide to skip the PC platform in future productions altogether. People need think a little bigger picture every now and then.

$45 pricepoint from GMG has been available all week so I'm not sure why the complaints about "$60 is too much" for anyone that doesn't want to wait a month or two.
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PCgamers seem to feel a certain amount of entitlement - thanks in part to Steam sale mentality and the "I'll just wait 'til its 5 dollars" crowd being the worst of them, but these people need to remember its not really about them. The health of the PC gaming ecosystem depends on publishers feeling like they can seek a price that's in line with the other platforms. When they feel they can no longer do that, because too many people are "waiting for it to hit $5", they may decide to skip the PC platform in future productions altogether. People need think a little bigger picture every now and then.

$45 pricepoint from GMG has been available all week so I'm not sure why the complaints about "$60" for anyone that doesn't want to wait a month or two.

Console games were $60 because of licensing to Sony/Microsoft. That's where the extra $10 from console games came from. Publishers just decided that if they are charging $60 on consoles they can do the same on PC and randomly upped the price to $60 on PC. Just more profits in this case.
Console games were $60 because of licensing to Sony/Microsoft. That's where the extra $10 from console games came from. Publishers just decided that if they are charging $60 on consoles they can do the same on PC and randomly upped the price to $60 on PC. Just more profits in this case.

I understand where the $60 pricepoint comes from, but the point was publishers feeling confident enough to seek a $50 or $60 pricepoint on a new release is good for the overall health of the PC gaming ecosystem. This needs to be a market in which they can do that. If smarter shoppers want to get it for less with third party key sellers or by waiting for a sale, I'm not suggesting they shouldn't and that's a separate issue.
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This game is really good. It started off kinda meh, but things really get going beginning at chapter 3. The game has some nice gore. I like how when you shoot enemies in the head, chunks of their head gets blown off.
Chapters 1-2 are really the tutorial for this game. It only takes about 10-15 minutes to get through both chapters. If anyone has not played this game past the first few chapters and are judging the game on that content alone you are sorely missing out.

Some things are really starting to get on my nerves now... but I realized they are really only the same complaints I had about RE4 back in the day. Character movement is a little frustrating when you have to get so damn close to traps to disarm them. Sneak detection from enemies seems to be a little wonky sometimes, too.